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		<p>B<lb/> eyond the theoretical and engineering<lb/> challenges of building particle
			acceler-<lb/>ators, sheer cost is a concern for physi-<lb/>cists whose work involves
			accelerating<lb/> and smashing subatomic particles together at<lb/> great speed. Many
			particle physicists think<lb/> that if the planned International Linear Col-<lb/>lider —
			a US$7-billion electron–positron<lb/> collider that could begin operation within a<lb/>
			decade — gets the go ahead, it may be the last<lb/> large accelerator to be built for
			many decades<lb/> as governments put a squeeze<lb/> on funding.<lb/></p>

		<p>The cost of accelerators is<lb/> a concern not just for those<lb/> who crave bigger and
			bigger<lb/> machines to probe ever higher<lb/> energy scales. Some oncolo-<lb/>gists
			think that proton beams<lb/> could offer superior results<lb/> to conventional X-ray
			treatment of some<lb/> tumours, yet they say the size and cost of the<lb/> accelerators
			has limited the number of studies<lb/> into their clinical effectiveness.<lb/></p>

		<p>&quot; If we can reduce an accelerator&apos;s size, we can<lb/> reduce the cost of proton
			therapy to something<lb/> very small, &quot; says Charlie Ma, director of
			radia-<lb/>tion physics at the Fox Chase Cancer Center<lb/> in Philadelphia,
			Pennsylvania. Buil ding a<lb/> proton-treatment centre with conventional<lb/> cyclotron
			or synchrotron accelerators costs<lb/> between $100 million and $200 million, which<lb/>
			explains why there are so few of these facilities<lb/> (see &apos;Targeting

		<p>But if accelerator research continues to<lb/> progress at the rapid rate seen in recent
			years,<lb/> the economics could be about to change for<lb/> the better. A handful of
			groups are working on<lb/> a new way to accelerate particles — known as<lb/> wakefield
			acceleration — that<lb/> should not only help push<lb/> physicists towards the next<lb/>
			energy frontier, but also pro-<lb/>vide affordable, table-top accel-<lb/>erators that
			could revolutionize<lb/> cancer treatment.<lb/></p>

		<p>The technique involves<lb/> passing either a laser beam or a<lb/> beam of particles
			through a plasma. The beam<lb/> scatters electrons, causing an uneven distribu-<lb/>tion
			of charge between the scattered particles<lb/> and the plasma ions. To restore an even
			distri-<lb/>bution, the electrons are pulled back towards<lb/> the positive plasma ions
			that have congregated<lb/> towards the rear of the beam pulse. But the<lb/> electrons
			overshoot their original positions,<lb/> creating a wake-like disturbance called a
			wake-<lb/>field oscillation. Within this wake are pockets<lb/> of plasma ions, which
			physicists refer to as<lb/> bubbles, thanks to their spherical shape.<lb/></p>

		<p>The wake of a breaking wave causes turbu-<lb/>lence, and the wake generated in a plasma
			is no<lb/> exception. But as surfers and boat owners know,<lb/> if you hit the wave at
			just the right spot, you can<lb/> be accelerated by its surf. So some electrons can<lb/>
			surf the plasma wakefield, as can other parti-<lb/>cles, such as protons, injected into
			the beam,<lb/> accelerating them to very high energies.<lb/></p>

		<p>When particle beams are used to create the<lb/> wake, it is often simply referred to as
			&apos;plasma<lb/> wakefield acceleration&apos; , and the disturbance<lb/> is created
			through electromagnetic repulsion<lb/> between the beam and plasma electrons. For<lb/>
			laser wakefield acceleration, the radiation<lb/> pressure from the laser beam causes the
			wake<lb/> formation.<lb/></p>

		<head>Bubble effect<lb/></head>

		<p>In the past three years, wakefield acceleration<lb/> has generated its own bubble of
			excitement.<lb/> Swapan Chattopadhyay, director of the<lb/> Cockcroft Institute, a
			collaborative accelera-<lb/>tor-research centre opened last year in War-<lb/>rington,
			UK, says that a wakefield experiment<lb/></p>

		<figure>Particle accelerators that use plasma technology promise to shake up the fields of
			high-energy<lb/> particle physics and cancer treatment. Challenges remain, but smaller,
			cheaper machines are<lb/> within reach. Navroz Patel reports. &quot;</figure>

		<p>Experiments over<lb/> the next few years<lb/> could make or break<lb/> our field.
			&quot;<lb/> — Wim Leemans<lb/></p>

		<p>at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center<lb/> (SLAC) in California this year has opened
			up<lb/> a new chapter in accelerator physics.<lb/></p>

		<p>Using a 400-metre extension of the 3.2-kilo-<lb/>metre main accelerator at SLAC — the
			longest<lb/> linear accelerator in the world — researchers<lb/> have managed to double
			the energy of the<lb/> electron beam over a distance of just 85 cen-<lb/>timetres <ref
				type="biblio">1</ref> . Much of the beam loses energy in<lb/> setting up the plasma
			wakefield, but a few<lb/> (just 0.02%) of the electrons were acceler-<lb/>ated from 42
			gigaelectronvolts to around 85<lb/> gigaelectronvolts. Conventional technol-<lb/>ogy
			would have to accelerate the<lb/> electrons for around three<lb/> kilometres to
			achieve<lb/> this pick-up in energy.<lb/> &quot; This trick of sending<lb/> the
			SLAC&apos;s electron<lb/> beam through a<lb/> pl asma j et to<lb/> double its
			energy<lb/> without having to<lb/> double the size of<lb/> the facility is truly<lb/>
			remarkable, &quot; says<lb/> Chattopadhyay.<lb/></p>

		<p>One of the SLAC<lb/> team, accelerator<lb/> physicist Chandrashek-<lb/>har Joshi based at
			the<lb/> University of California, Los<lb/> Angeles (UCLA), says that tak-<lb/>ing laser
			wakefield accelerator research<lb/> to SLAC was the logical next step for the
			field.<lb/> &quot; Short-pulse lasers are powerful, but beams<lb/> typically contain
			energies of tens of joules, &quot; he<lb/> explains. The energies of particle beams,
			on<lb/> the other hand, are of the order of kilojoules.<lb/> In other words,
			particle-beam technology can<lb/> reach much higher energies than contempo-<lb/>rary
			reliable laser technology.<lb/></p>

		<head>Splitting ions<lb/></head>

		<p>In theory, there is no limit to the energies that<lb/> plasma wakefield accelerators
			could reach. In<lb/> conventional accelerators, particles are accel-<lb/>erated by an
			electric field — the steeper the<lb/> electric gradient, the greater the
			acceleration.<lb/> But the field can only increase so far before<lb/> the surrounding
			cavity material, such as cop-<lb/>per or a superconducting material, starts to<lb/>
			break down as electrons are stripped from its<lb/> atoms. Because plasma, although
			electrically<lb/> neutral overall, is already broken down into<lb/> its atoms and
			electrons, it can support much<lb/> stronger electric fields.<lb/></p>

		<p>The SLAC experiment was a breakthrough<lb/> on several fronts. It showed that the
			technol-<lb/>ogy can work at larger distances — reaching<lb/> almost a metre, rather
			than the couple of centi-<lb/>metres previously achieved with laser technol-<lb/>ogy. It
			also produced enough energy to be of<lb/> interest in high-energy particle physics.
			But<lb/> the energy of the accelerated electrons and the<lb/> distance over which they
			continue to acceler-<lb/>ate are not the only important properties of an<lb/>
			accelerator. Other<lb/> key factors also<lb/> need to be addressed:<lb/> the number of
			particles<lb/> accelerated, or energy<lb/> density, should be as high as<lb/> possible,
			and the particles need to<lb/> have a low energy spread, which means<lb/> that they all
			have similar energies. With an<lb/> energy spread of 100%, the SLAC experiment<lb/>
			still has some way to go.<lb/></p>

		<p>Experiments with laser wakefield accel-<lb/>erators, although operating at lower
			ener-<lb/>gies and over shorter distances than plasma<lb/> accelerators, are making
			progress with these<lb/> key factors. In 2004, three groups used lasers<lb/> to
			accelerate electrons so that they had simi-<lb/>lar energies and reasonable energy
			densities,<lb/> exceeding 10 9 electrons per beam. These<lb/> experiments
			rein-<lb/>vigorated interest in<lb/> wakefield accelera-<lb/>tion, which was first<lb/>
			proposed <ref type="biblio">2</ref> by physi-<lb/>cists Toshiki Tajima<lb/> and John
			Dawson at<lb/> UCLA a quarter of a<lb/> century earlier.<lb/></p>

		<p>But to do particle<lb/> collision experi-<lb/>ments, such as those at SLAC, the beams
			need<lb/> to reach energy densities of 10 34 particles.<lb/> The tiny fraction of
			electrons accelerated at<lb/> SLAC is nowhere near enough for a collision<lb/>

		<p>Late last year, researchers took wakefield<lb/> acceleration a step further. The 2004
			experi-<lb/>ments had accelerated electrons over the 0.1<lb/> gigaelectronvolt range,
			but a collaboration<lb/> between researchers at the Lawrence Berke-<lb/>ley National
			Laboratory in California and a<lb/> team led by the University of Oxford&apos;s
			Simon<lb/> Hooker in Britain has now boosted electrons<lb/> to more than 1
			gigaelectronvolt <ref type="biblio">3</ref> .<lb/></p>

		<head>Small steps<lb/></head>

		<p>This is not yet the high-energy frontier, which<lb/> sits in the region of
			teraelectronvolts and<lb/> beyond, but it is still a respectable gain on ear-<lb/>lier
			experiments. &quot; Our next goal is to go up to<lb/> 10 gigaelectronvolts, for which we
			will need a<lb/> bigger laser — around one terawatt, &quot; says Wim<lb/> Leemans, head
			of the group at Lawrence Ber-<lb/>keley National Laboratory.<lb/></p>

		<p>What&apos;s more, the researchers were able to<lb/> create narrower particle beams with
			tight<lb/> beam spreads — the energy spread divided by<lb/> the peak energy. Tight
			spreads are essential in<lb/> cancer treatment, as the energy determines<lb/> how deeply
			the protons will deposit their max-<lb/>imum energy<lb/> in the body.<lb/> The
			research-<lb/>ers achieved a<lb/> beam spread<lb/> of less than 5%,<lb/> compared
			with<lb/> 10% in 2004<lb/> and 100% just<lb/> a few years ear-<lb/>lier. But
			there&apos;s<lb/> still room for improvement. Karl Krushelnick,<lb/> a wakefield
			accelerator physicist at the Uni-<lb/>versity of Michigan in Ann Arbor says: &quot;
			For<lb/> many processes that we would like to use these<lb/> electron beams for, this
			figure needs to be well<lb/> below 1%. &quot;<lb/></p>

		<p>Also last year, Victor Malka and his team at<lb/> the Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau
			outside<lb/> Paris developed a technique that uses a second<lb/> counterposing laser
			beam to create an elec-<lb/>tron beam that can have its energy changed<lb/></p>

		<figure>Victor Malka uses a counterposing laser (inset) to control the injection<lb/> of
			electrons into plasma fields.<lb/></figure>

		<p>&quot; If we can reduce an<lb/> accelerator&apos;s size, we<lb/> can reduce the cost<lb/>
			of proton therapy<lb/> to something very<lb/> small. &quot; — Charlie Ma<lb/></p>

		<p>on the fly <ref type="biblio">4</ref> . The second laser beam is used to<lb/> control the
			injection of the electrons that surf<lb/> the wakefield. The resulting accelerated
			elec-<lb/>trons had an energy spread of less than 10%,<lb/> and by changing the way that
			the two lasers<lb/> overlap the researchers could tune the energy<lb/> of the beam from
			15 megaelectronvolts to 250<lb/> megaelectronvolts. Importantly, the beam<lb/> was much
			less prone to fail than in previous<lb/> experimental set-ups.<lb/></p>

		<head>Particles to the people<lb/></head>

		<p> &quot; We now have a good understanding and<lb/> much of the science worked out, &quot;
			says Malka.<lb/> &quot; In a sense, what we are left with is the tech-<lb/>nological
			work needed to improve and sta-<lb/>bilize the machines to create a commercial<lb/>
			product. &quot; The commercial application that<lb/> Malka has in mind for his
			group&apos;s research<lb/> is cancer treament. Since 2004, he has been<lb/>
			collaborating with a group led by oncologist<lb/> Uwe Oelfke at the German Cancer
			Research<lb/> Center in Heidelberg to perform rigorous<lb/> simulations comparing proton
			therapy with<lb/> X-ray therapy for targeting tumours <ref type="biblio">5</ref> .
			The<lb/> team hopes to apply its results to patients<lb/> within the next 5

		<p>If wakefield researchers make the advances<lb/> they hope to over the coming years,
			then<lb/> table-top accelerators could become much<lb/> more powerful than they are now.
			Many<lb/> experiments that are currently the preserve<lb/> of relatively few, typically
			large and costly,<lb/> facilities will be carried out in the basements<lb/> of
			universities using compact and cheap<lb/> technology. &quot; Experiments over the next
			few<lb/> years could make or break our field, &quot; says<lb/> Leemans. &quot; Still,
			I&apos;m hopeful that we will be<lb/> able to further address issues such as beam<lb/>
			quality and that wakefield acceleration will<lb/> really prosper. &quot;<lb/></p>

		<p>Even at the high-energy frontier, the next<lb/> generation of very large accelerators
			will<lb/> probably incorporate plasma. According to<lb/> Krushelnick, plasma wakefields
			are the only<lb/> affordable way to achieve the very large accel-<lb/>eration gradients
			needed to get to extremely<lb/> high energies, perhaps even the terascale.<lb/> Plasma
			techniques may initially be used to<lb/> boost existing accelerator technology, as
			with<lb/> the SLAC experiment, or in the staging of<lb/> multiple modules to build a
			plasma wakefield<lb/> accelerator from scratch. The SLAC team is<lb/> already trying to
			work out how numerous<lb/> small plasma accelerators can be combined to<lb/> create a
			reliable machine. And Joshi says that<lb/> he hopes that he and his team can
			address<lb/> all the remaining critical scientific issues and<lb/> propose an
			accelerator that is entirely based<lb/> on plasma within 10 years.<lb/></p>

		<head>■<lb/> Navroz Patel is a writer based in<lb/> New York City.<lb/></head>

		<p>Standard radiotherapy can restrict<lb/> tumour growth in many patients<lb/> with cancer.
			It works by delivering<lb/> high doses of X-rays into the body<lb/> so that enough
			molecules are<lb/> ionized to damage tumour cells.<lb/> But because they are
			difficult<lb/> to target precisely, X-rays often<lb/> damage healthy tissue around
			the<lb/> tumour, so doctors cannot use as<lb/> high doses as they would like.<lb/></p>

		<p>Proponents of proton therapy<lb/> argue that the protons in a<lb/> particle beam should
			be able to<lb/> target tumours more precisely<lb/> than X-rays do. This is because<lb/>
			protons lose most of their energy<lb/> just before coming to a standstill<lb/> when
			travelling through matter.<lb/> Maximum ionization will thus<lb/> occur as the protons
			approach<lb/> their targeted stopping point,<lb/> which depends on the energy of<lb/>
			the beam, leaving healthy tissue<lb/> largely untouched. Computer<lb/> simulations
			performed by<lb/> oncologist Charlie Ma and his<lb/> colleagues at the Fox Chase<lb/>
			Cancer Center in Philadelphia<lb/> support the idea that proton<lb/> beams generated by
			wakefield<lb/> accelerators can target tumours<lb/> much more accurately than<lb/>
			conventional radiotherapy<lb/> techniques (see simulations,<lb/> right).<lb/></p>

		<p>Others argue that the radiation<lb/> biology of proton therapy is poorly<lb/> understood
			and the claimed<lb/> superiority of particle beams<lb/> over conventional
			radiotherapy<lb/> has not been demonstrated<lb/> sufficiently in the clinic.<lb/> &quot;
			Proton beams have favourable<lb/> physical characteristics, but the<lb/> question is:
			will that translate to<lb/> improved clinical outcomes? &quot;<lb/> asks Steve Hahn, a
			radiation<lb/> oncologist at the University of<lb/> Pennsylvania&apos;s School of
			Medicine<lb/> in Philadelphia. &quot; Answering<lb/> that is probably going to take<lb/>
			randomized phase-III trials. &quot;<lb/></p>

		<p>Ma says that he has some<lb/> sympathy for this view but<lb/> argues that costs have
			limited<lb/> the acceptance of proton therapy,<lb/> since it was first proposed in
			the<lb/> 1940s. Existing proton-therapy<lb/> machines use large and expensive<lb/>
			conventional accelerators, and so<lb/> need a lot of space. The radiation<lb/> shielding
			alone can cost around<lb/> US$40 million, according to<lb/> Ma, with the total price tag
			for a<lb/> proton-treatment centre reaching<lb/> $100 million or more.<lb/></p>

		<p>With so few clinical facilities<lb/> in the world, phase-III trials of<lb/> the sort Hahn
			is asking for have<lb/> been few and far between. In one<lb/> of the largest clinical
			studies 6<lb/> reported so far, 1,255 men given<lb/> proton therapy for prostate
			cancer<lb/> had survival rates equal to those<lb/> for conventional radiotherapy<lb/>
			and surgery, but with fewer side<lb/> effects. Ma thinks that affordable<lb/> wakefield
			accelerators offer the<lb/> best way to address concerns over<lb/> clinical outcomes.
			Hahn agrees:<lb/> &quot; Wakefield acceleration promises<lb/> to make the technology
			cheaper<lb/> and widely available and so<lb/> should help resolve the empirical<lb/>
			controversy. &quot;<lb/></p>

		<p>Ma is hopeful that the laser<lb/> wakefield facility his group is<lb/> developing in the
			lab will soon be<lb/> converted into a clinical system.<lb/> If all goes to plan, then
			the Fox<lb/> Chase Cancer Center will start<lb/> treating its first patients in the<lb/>
			next 5–10 years, and become a<lb/> prototype clinical facility for a new<lb/> generation
			of compact proton-<lb/>therapy centres.<lb/></p>

		<p>In Germany, oncologist Uwe<lb/> Oelfke at the Cancer Research<lb/> Center in Heidelberg
			thinks that<lb/> he could start using wakefield<lb/> accelerators on patients with<lb/>
			hard-to-treat eye cancers<lb/> as soon as proton beams of<lb/> 70 megaelectronvolts are
			available<lb/> — some 12 megaelectronvolts<lb/> more than has been achieved so far<lb/>
			with laser wakefield acceleration.<lb/> &quot; If something like this could be<lb/>
			built and operate reliably, it would<lb/> be a huge step, &quot; he says.<lb/>

		<head>Targeting tumours<lb/></head>

		<figure>Particles can surf along giant plasma waves.<lb/></figure>

		<figure>The radiation dose (coloured lines)<lb/> can be distributed more tightly<lb/> around
			a prostate tumour (red)<lb/> with proton therapy (bottom) than<lb/> with conventional