sisyphe-go / xml_test.go
@Nacim Nacim on 12 Mar 2022 3 KB run script for index corpus
package main

import (


var xmlData = GeneralInfo{
	corpusName: "test",
	name:       "test-default.xml",
	startAt:    1456693426,
	extension:  ".xml",
	path:       "./example/xml/test-default.xml",
	mimetype:   "text/xml",
	size:       7123,
var contextLogger = logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
	"test": "only for xml test",

func TestValidXML(t *testing.T) {
	result, _ := CheckIfXmlIsWellFormed(xmlData.path, contextLogger)
	assert.Equal(t, result.doctype.Sysid, "note.dtd", "Doctype is valid")
	assert.Equal(t, result.isWellFormed, true, "XML is well formed")
	assert.Equal(t, result.wellFormedErrors, ErrorXML{}, "Return empty if xml is not well formed")

func TestInvalidXML(t *testing.T) {
	xmlData.path = "./example/xml/test-not-wellformed.xml"
	result, _ := CheckIfXmlIsWellFormed(xmlData.path, contextLogger)
	assert.Equal(t, result.doctype.Sysid, "", "Not get sysid doctype if xml is invalid")
	assert.Equal(t, result.isWellFormed, false, "XML is not well formed")
	assert.Equal(t, result.wellFormedErrors, ErrorXML{Message: "Opening and ending tag mismatch: from line 4 and Ffrom<from>Jani</Ffrom>", Line: "4", File: ""}, "Return empty if xml is not well formed")

func TestValidDTD(t *testing.T) {
	xmlData.path = "./example/xml/test-default.xml"
	configDetailledAnalyze.XML.ListDTD = []string{"note.dtd"}
	result, _ := CheckXMLValidation(xmlData.path, XMLInfo{doctype: DoctypeXML{Sysid: "note.dtd"}}, contextLogger)
	assert.Equal(t, result.isValidAgainstDTD, true, "XML must be valid according to the DTD")
	assert.Equal(t, result.validationDTDInfos, "note.dtd", "Should match with dtd")
	assert.Equal(t, len(result.validationsErrors), 0, "Return empty if dtd is valid")

func TestInvalidDTD(t *testing.T) {
	xmlData.path = "./example/xml/test-default.xml"
	configDetailledAnalyze.XML.ListDTD = []string{"bad-dtd.dtd"}
	result, _ := CheckXMLValidation(xmlData.path, XMLInfo{doctype: DoctypeXML{Sysid: "bad-dtd.dtd"}}, contextLogger)
	assert.Equal(t, result.isValidAgainstDTD, false, "XML must not be valid according to the DTD")
	assert.Equal(t, result.validationDTDInfos, "", "Should be empty if dtd is not valid")
	assert.Equal(t, result.validationsErrors, []ErrorXML{
		{Message: "No declaration for element note", Line: "3", File: "bad-dtd.dtd"},
		{Message: "No declaration for element to", Line: "4", File: "bad-dtd.dtd"},
		{Message: "No declaration for element from", Line: "5", File: "bad-dtd.dtd"},
		{Message: "No declaration for element heading", Line: "6", File: "bad-dtd.dtd"},
		{Message: "No declaration for element body", Line: "7", File: "bad-dtd.dtd"},
	}, "Return error if dtd is not valid")

func TestValidSchema(t *testing.T) {
	xmlData.path = "./example/xml/test-default.xml"
	configDetailledAnalyze.XML.ListDTD = []string{}
	configDetailledAnalyze.XML.ListXSD = []string{"note.xsd"}
	result, _ := CheckXMLValidation(xmlData.path, XMLInfo{doctype: DoctypeXML{Sysid: "note.xsd"}}, contextLogger)
	assert.Equal(t, result.isValidAgainstSchema, true, "XML must be valid according to the Schema")

func TestInValidSchema(t *testing.T) {
	xmlData.path = "./example/xml/test-default.xml"
	configDetailledAnalyze.XML.ListDTD = []string{}
	configDetailledAnalyze.XML.ListXSD = []string{"bad-xsd.xsd"}
	result, _ := CheckXMLValidation(xmlData.path, XMLInfo{}, contextLogger)
	assert.Equal(t, result.isValidAgainstSchema, false, "XML must not be valid according to the Schema")
	assert.Equal(t, result.validationSchemaErrors, []ErrorXML{{Message: "Schemas validity error : Element 'note': No matching global declaration available for the validation root.", Line: "3", File: "bad-xsd.xsd"}}, "Return error if xsd is not valid")