ez-indexation / app / node_modules / chai / lib / chai / utils / hasProperty.js
@kieffer kieffer on 7 Mar 2017 1 KB v0.0.0
 * Chai - hasProperty utility
 * Copyright(c) 2012-2014 Jake Luer <>
 * MIT Licensed

var type = require('type-detect');

 * ### .hasProperty(object, name)
 * This allows checking whether an object has
 * named property or numeric array index.
 * Basically does the same thing as the `in`
 * operator but works properly with natives
 * and null/undefined values.
 *     var obj = {
 *         arr: ['a', 'b', 'c']
 *       , str: 'Hello'
 *     }
 * The following would be the results.
 *     hasProperty('str', obj);  // true
 *     hasProperty('constructor', obj);  // true
 *     hasProperty('bar', obj);  // false
 *     hasProperty('length', obj.str); // true
 *     hasProperty(1, obj.str);  // true
 *     hasProperty(5, obj.str);  // false
 *     hasProperty('length', obj.arr);  // true
 *     hasProperty(2, obj.arr);  // true
 *     hasProperty(3, obj.arr);  // false
 * @param {Objuect} object
 * @param {String|Number} name
 * @returns {Boolean} whether it exists
 * @namespace Utils
 * @name getPathInfo
 * @api public

var literals = {
    'number': Number
  , 'string': String

module.exports = function hasProperty(name, obj) {
  var ot = type(obj);

  // Bad Object, obviously no props at all
  if(ot === 'null' || ot === 'undefined')
    return false;

  // The `in` operator does not work with certain literals
  // box these before the check
  if(literals[ot] && typeof obj !== 'object')
    obj = new literals[ot](obj);

  return name in obj;