dmpopidor / lib / data_cleanup /


This module is used to clean database records that have become invalid since data validation rules have changed within the app.

Rake tasks

This module adds two rake tasks, one for finding invalid records, and one for fixing them.


Find invalid records.


This will iterate over every record on your database. It could easily take over an hour to run.

$ rake data_cleanup:find_invalid_records

Find invalid records for a given list of models.

$ rake data_cleanup:find_invalid_records INCLUDE=Note,User


$ rake data_cleanup:find_invalid_records EXCLUDE=Annotation

Fix invalid records based on the rules defined in lib/data_cleanup/rules.


This will update the records on your database, often using update_all. Make sure you:

  • have a backup of your database
  • you are comfortable you understand what each of these rules are doing to your data
$ rake data_cleanup:clean_invalid_records

Or to clean a given table...

$ rake data_cleanup:clean_invalid_records INCLUDE=Question

To avoid a given table...

$ rake data_cleanup:clean_invalid_records EXAMPLE=Plan


Each type of data error is fixed separately.

These are defined in lib/data_cleanup/rules.

Creating a new rule

You can create a new rule by running the following genrator:

$ rails g data_cleanup_rule user/fix_missing_emails

This will create a file lib/data_cleanup/rules/user/fix_missing_emails.rb which contains the rules for updating users with missing emails.

Feel free to add your own rules where neccesary to fix your own data.

Logging output

Output from the Rake tasks will be logged to log/validations.log.