dmpopidor / app / views / branded / shared / export / _export_by_dataset.erb
<%# locals: { datasets, questions, section  } %>
<% datasets.each do |dataset| %>
  <% section_has_common_answers = dataset.get_main().has_common_answers?(section[:id]) %>
  <% if !section_has_common_answers %>
  <div class="dataset">
    <h3><%= dataset[:name] %></h3>
  <% end %>
  <% questions.each do |question| %>
    <% answer = section_has_common_answers ? 
          @plan.answer(question[:id], false, dataset.get_main().id) : 
          @plan.answer(question[:id], false, dataset[:id]) %>
    <% blank = answer.present? ? answer.is_blank? : true %>
    <% options = answer.present? ? answer.question_options : [] %>

    <%  unless @show_unanswered == false && blank  %>
      <div class="question">
        <% if !@public_plan && @show_sections_questions%>
          <h4><%= sanitize question[:text].to_s, scrubber: %></h4>
        <% end %>
        <%# case where question has not been answered sufficiently to display%>
        <% if @show_unanswered && (answer.blank? || (options.blank? && blank))%>
        <p><%= _('Question not answered.') -%></p>
        <br />
        <% else %>

        <%# case where Question has options %>
        <% if options.any? %>
          <% options.each do |opt| %>
            <li><%= opt.text %></li>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
        <%# case for RDA answer display %>
        <% if question[:format].rda_metadata? && !blank %>
          <% ah = answer.answer_hash %>
          <% if ah['standards'].present? %>
            <% ah['standards'].each do |id, title| %>
            <li><%= title %></li>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
          <p><%= sanitize ah['text'] %></p>
        <%# case for displaying comments OR text %>
        <% elsif !blank %>
          <p><%= sanitize answer.text %></p>
        <% end %>
        <br />
        <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %> <!-- questions.each -->

  <% if !section_has_common_answers %>
  </div> <!-- .dataset -->
  <% end %>
  <% if section_has_common_answers %>
  <% break %> <!-- break if is dataset has common answers, only display the first -->
  <% end %>
<% end %><!-- datasets.each -->