dmpopidor / lib / assets / javascripts / views / answers / status.js
import {
  isString } from '../../utils/isType';
import { Tinymce } from '../../utils/tinymce';
import debounce from '../../utils/debounce';
import TimeagoFactory from '../../utils/timeagoFactory';

$(() => {
   * Shows the closest saving-message HTML element within a question-form
   * @param { Strin } selector - A valid CSS selector to look for
   * @return { jQuery }
  const showSavingMessage = selector => $(selector).closest('.question-form').find('.saving-message').show();
   * Retrieves the question id for the closest form-answer
   * @param { String } selector - A valid CSS selector to look for
   * @return { String } representing the question id for a given answer, otherwise undefined
  const questionId = selector => $(selector).closest('.form-answer').attr('data-autosave');
   * A map of debounced functions, one for each input, textarea or select change at any 
   * form with class form-answer. The key represents a question id and the value holds 
   * the debounced function for a given input, textarea or select. Note, this map is 
   * populated on demand, i.e. the first time a change is made at a given input, textarea
   * or select within the form, a new key-value should be created. Succesive times, the 
   * debounced function should be retrieved instead.
  const debounceMap = {};
  const autoSaving = (selector) => {
    if ($(selector).closest('.question-form').find('.answer-locking').html().length === 0) {
  // Initialises tinymce for any target element with class tinymce_answer
  Tinymce.init({ selector: '.tinymce_answer' });
  // Listeners for change, blur and focus at any target element with class tinymce_answer
  Tinymce.findEditorsByClassName('tinymce_answer').forEach((editor) => {
    editor.on('Blur', () => {
      const id = questionId(`#${}`);
      $(`#${}`).val(editor.getContent()); // Updates target element of editor with its content
      if (!debounceMap[id]) {
        debounceMap[id] = debounce(autoSaving);
    editor.on('Focus', () => {
      const id = questionId(`#${}`);
      if (debounceMap[id]) {
        /* Cancels the delayed execution of autoSaving, either because user
         * transitioned from an option_based question to the comment or 
         * because the target element triggered blur and focus before 
         * the delayed execution of autoSaving.
  // Listener for input or select field
  $('.form-answer').on('change', 'input, select', (e) => {
    const id = questionId(;
    if (!debounceMap[id]) {
      debounceMap[id] = debounce(autoSaving);
  // Listener for submit button
  $('.form-answer').on('submit', (e) => {
    const id = questionId(;
    if (debounceMap[id]) {
      // Cancels the delated execution of autoSaving
      // (e.g. user clicks the button before the delay is met)
    const formElements = $('.form-answer').serializeArray();
    const answerId = formElements.find(el => === 'answer[id]');
    if (answerId) {
      // TODO centralise AJAX calls
        method: 'PUT',
        url: `/answers/${answerId}`,
        data: formElements,
      }).done((data) => {
        // Validation for the data object received
        if (isObject(data)) {
          if (isObject(data.question)) { // Object related to question within data received
            if (isNumber( {
              if (isString(data.question.answer_status)) {
                $(`#answer-status-${}`).html(data.question.answer_status); // TODO check partial render of this view on the server
              if (isString(data.question.locking)) {
              if (isNumber(data.question.answer_lock_version)) {
          if (isObject(data.plan)) { // Object related to plan within data received
            if (isString(data.plan.progress)) {
          if (isObject(data.section)) { // Object related to section within data received
            if (isNumber( {
              if (isString(data.section.progress)) {
      }, () => {
        // TODO adequate error handling for network error 