dmpopidor / lib / assets / javascripts / constants.js
export const PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 8;
export const PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH = 128;

// Maximum number of URLs allowed on the Org details page. These links appear at the
// top of the screen in the lower navigation row next to the Org Logo
export const MAX_NUMBER_ORG_URLS = 3;

export const VALIDATION_MESSAGE_DEFAULT = 'Please enter a valid value.';
export const VALIDATION_MESSAGE_EMAIL = 'You must enter a valid email address.';
export const VALIDATION_MESSAGE_NUMBER = 'Please enter a valid number.';
export const VALIDATION_MESSAGE_PASSWORD = 'The password must be between 8 and 128 characters.';
export const VALIDATION_MESSAGE_PASSWORDS_MATCH = 'The passwords must match.';
export const VALIDATION_MESSAGE_RADIO = 'Please choose one of the options.';
export const VALIDATION_MESSAGE_CHECKBOX = 'Please check the box to continue.';
export const VALIDATION_MESSAGE_SELECT = 'Please select a value from the list.';
export const VALIDATION_MESSAGE_TEXT = 'This field is required.';

export const SHOW_PASSWORD_MESSAGE = 'Show password';
export const SHOW_SELECT_ORG_MESSAGE = 'Select an organisation from the list.';
export const SHOW_OTHER_ORG_MESSAGE = 'My organisation isn\'t listed';

export const PLAN_VISIBILITY_WHEN_NOT_TEST = 'Private';
export const PLAN_VISIBILITY_WHEN_NOT_TEST_TOOLTIP = 'Private: restricted to me and people I invite.';

export const DISABLE_ORG_COMBO_MESSAGE = 'You must unlink your account before changing your organisation.';
export const OTHER_ORG_HIDE_COMBO_MESSAGE = 'My organisation isn\'t listed.';
export const OTHER_ORG_SHOW_COMBO_MESSAGE = 'Select the organisation from a list.';

export const SHIBBOLETH_DISCOVERY_SERVICE_SHOW_LIST = 'See the full list of partner institutions.';