dmpopidor / app / javascript / views / devise / registrations / edit.js
import { initOrgSelection, validateOrgSelection } from '../../shared/my_org';
import { isString } from '../../../utils/isType';
import { isValidPassword } from '../../../utils/isValidInputType';
import { addMatchingPasswordValidator, togglisePasswords } from '../../../utils/passwordHelper';

$(() => {
  addMatchingPasswordValidator({ selector: '#password_details_registration_form' });
  togglisePasswords({ selector: '#password_details_registration_form' });
  initOrgSelection({ selector: '#org-controls' });

  $('#personal_details_registration_form').on('submit', (e) => {
    // Additional validation to force the user to choose an org or type something for other
    if (!validateOrgSelection({ selector: '#personal_details_registration_form' })) {

  const sensitiveInfoCheck = (event) => {
    const originalEmail = $('#original_email').val();
    const originalOrg = $('#original_org').val();
    const email = $('#personal_details_registration_form [name="user[email]"]').val();
    const org = $('#personal_details_registration_form .selected-org').val();
    const pwd = $('#password-confirmation input[name="user[current_password]"]').val();
    const orgConfirm = $('#confirm_org_change').is(':checked');
    let display = false;

    // If the Email has changed show the Password confirmation
    if (isString(originalEmail) && isString(email)) {
      if (originalEmail.toLowerCase() !== email.toLowerCase() && !isValidPassword(pwd)) {
        display = true;
    // If the orginalOrg is present and the selected Org has changed, show the confirmation box
    console.log(originalOrg, org);
    if (isString(originalOrg) && isString(org)) {
      if (originalOrg !== org && !orgConfirm) {
        display = true;
    if (display) {

  // If the user has changed their email address display the password
  // confirmation modal on form submission
  $('#personal_details_registration_form').submit((e) => {

  // Devise seems to require both the password and current_password so sync them
  // when the user enters their password in the modal
  $('#password-confirmation input[name="user[current_password]"]').change((e) => {
    $('#password-confirmation input[name="user[password]"]')

  // Submit the form when the user clicks the confirmation button on the modal
  $('#pwd-confirmation').click((e) => {