dmpopidor / app / javascript / views / plans / new.js
import debounce from '../../utils/debounce';
import initAutoComplete from '../../utils/autoComplete';
import getConstant from '../../constants';
import { isObject, isArray, isString } from '../../utils/isType';
import { isValidText } from '../../utils/isValidInputType';
import { renderAlert, hideNotifications } from '../../utils/notificationHelper';

$(() => {
  const toggleSubmit = () => {
    const tmplt = $('#plan_template_id').find(':selected').val();
    if (isString(tmplt)) {
      $('#new_plan button[type="submit"]').removeAttr('disabled')
    } else {
      $('#new_plan button[type="submit"]').attr('disabled', true)
        .attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip').attr('title', getConstant('NEW_PLAN_DISABLED_TOOLTIP'));

  // AJAX error function for available template search
  const error = () => {

  // AJAX success function for available template search
  const success = (data) => {
    if (isObject(data)
        && isArray(data.templates)) {
      // Display the available_templates section
      if (data.templates.length > 0) {
        data.templates.forEach((t) => {
          $('#plan_template_id').append(`<option value="${}">${t.title}</option>`);
        // If there is only one template, set the input field value and submit the form
        // otherwise show the dropdown list and the 'Multiple templates found message'
        if (data.templates.length === 1) {
          const templateTitle = data.templates[0].title;
          $('#plan_template_id option').attr('selected', 'true');
          if ($('#plan_org_id').val() !== '-1') {
            if ($('#single-template .single-template-name').length) {
              $('#single-template .single-template-name').html($('#single-template .single-template-name').html().replace('__template_title__', templateTitle));
          } else if ($('#plan_funder_id').val() !== '-1') {
            if ($('#single-template .single-template-name').length) {
              $('#single-template .single-template-name').html($('#single-template .single-template-name').html().replace('__template_title__', templateTitle));
        } else {
          $('#single-template, #default-template').hide();
      } else {

  // When one of the autocomplete fields changes, fetch the available templates
  const handleComboboxChange = debounce(() => {
    const validOrg = (isValidText($('#plan_org_id').val()) || $('#plan_no_org').prop('checked'));
    const validFunder = (isValidText($('#plan_funder_id').val()) || $('#plan_no_funder').prop('checked'));

    if (!validOrg || !validFunder) {
    } else {
      // Clear out the old template dropdown contents
      $('#plan_template_id option').remove();

      // Fetch the available templates based on the funder and research org selected
      const qryStr = `?plan[org_id]=${$('#plan_org_id').val()}&plan[funder_id]=${$('#plan_funder_id').val()}`;
        url: `${$('#template-option-target').val()}${qryStr}`,
  }, 150);

  // When one of the checkboxes is clicked, disable the autocomplete input and clear its contents
  const handleCheckboxClick = (name, checked) => {
    $(`#plan_${name}_name`).prop('disabled', checked);

    if (checked) {
    } else {

  const defaultVisibility = $('#plan_visibility').val();

  // When the user checks the 'mock project' box we need to set the
  // visibility to 'is_test'
  $('#new_plan #is_test').click((e) => {
    $('#plan_visibility').val(($(e.currentTarget)[0].checked ? 'is_test' : defaultVisibility));

  // Make sure the checkbox is unchecked if we're entering text
  $('#new_plan #plan_org_id, #new_plan #plan_funder_id').change((e) => {
    const [, whichOne] = $(e.currentTarget).prop('id').split('_');
    $(`#plan_no_${whichOne}`).prop('checked', false);

  // If the user clicks the no Org/Funder checkbox disable the dropdown
  // and hide clear button
  $('#new_plan #plan_no_org, #new_plan #plan_no_funder').click((e) => {
    const [, , whichOne] = $(e.currentTarget).prop('id').split('_');
    handleCheckboxClick(whichOne, e.currentTarget.checked);

  // Initialize the form
  $('#new_plan #available-templates').hide();

  if ($('#plan_no_org').prop('checked')) {
    handleCheckboxClick('org', $('#plan_no_org').prop('checked'));
  if ($('#plan_no_funder').prop('checked')) {
    handleCheckboxClick('funder', $('#plan_no_funder').prop('checked'));

  // For form v2

  // Clicking on the 'Next' button activates the next tabs
  $('#next-btn').click((e) => {
    const nextTabId = $('.form-tabs').next().children().attr('href');
    if (nextTabId) $(`.nav-tabs a[href="${nextTabId}"]`).tab('show');

  // Watch for tab change for dynamic buttons ('Next' and 'Default Template')
  $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', () => {
    const activeTab = $('.form-tabs a').attr('href');
    const lastTab = $('.form-tabs li a').last().attr('href');
    if (activeTab === lastTab) {
    } else {

  // First and second tab are equivalent to checking the "No funder" checkbox
  $('a[href="#own_org"], a[href="#other_org"]').on('', () => {
    handleCheckboxClick('org', false);
    handleCheckboxClick('funder', true);
    $('#plan_no_org').prop('checked', false).change();
    $('#plan_no_funder').prop('checked', true).change();

  // Empty combobox on second tab activation
  const emptyTab = () => {
    // $('#plan_org_id').val('-1');
    $('#single-template, #default-template, #no-template').hide();

  // Empty combobox on second & third tab activation
  $('a[href="#other_org"], a[href="#funder"]').on('', emptyTab);
  $('a[href="#other_org"], a[href="#funder"]').on('', emptyTab);

  // Restore default organisation when activating first tab
  $('a[href="#own_org"]').on('', () => {

  //  Last tab is equivalent to checking the "No org" checkbox
  $('a[href="#funder"]').on('', () => {
    handleCheckboxClick('org', true);
    handleCheckboxClick('funder', false);
    $('#plan_no_org').prop('checked', true).change();
    $('#plan_no_funder').prop('checked', false).change();

  $('#new_plan #plan_title').on('change', (e) => {
    const planTitle = encodeURI(;
    const regex = /plan%5Btitle%5D=([^&]+)/;
    const defaultBtn = $('#new_plan #end-default-btn');
    if (!defaultBtn.attr('href').match(regex)) {
      defaultBtn.attr('href', `${defaultBtn.attr('href')}&plan%5Btitle%5D=${planTitle}`);
    } else {
      defaultBtn.attr('href', defaultBtn.attr('href').replace(regex, `plan%5Btitle%5D=${planTitle}`));
      defaultBtn.attr('href').replace(regex, `plan%5Btitle%5D=${planTitle}`);