dmpopidor / app / views / user_mailer / new_comment.html.erb
  tool_name = Rails.configuration.branding[:application][:name]
  commenter_name =
  plan_title = @plan.title
  user_name =
  research_output = @answer.research_output
  research_output_name = @answer.research_output.fullname
  question = @answer.question
  question_number = question.number
  section_title = question.section.title
  phase_id =
  phase_link = url_for(action: 'edit', controller: 'plans', id:, phase_id: phase_id)
  comment_number = @answer.notes.size
  <%= _('Hello %{user_name}') %{ :user_name => user_name } %>
  <%= _('%{commenter_name} has commented on your plan "%{plan_title}". To view the comments, '\
  'follow the link to the DMP below, or navigate to the plan via My Dashboard page in %{tool_name}.') \
  %{ :commenter_name => commenter_name, :plan_title => plan_title, :tool_name => tool_name } %>
  <%=  _('Below the question, research output and section where the comment is located.') %>
  <%= _('You can see the comments in the right-hand panel, '\
    'adjacent to the guidance for each question.') %>
  <%= _('DMP: %{phase_link}') %{ :phase_link => phase_link }  %>
  <%= _('Section name: %{section_title}') %{ :section_title => section_title } %>
  <%= research_output.is_default == false ? 
      d_('dmpopidor', 'Research output name: %{research_output_name}') %{ :research_output_name => research_output_name } :
  <%= _('Question: %{question_number}') %{ :question_number => question_number } %>

<%= render partial: 'email_signature' %>