dmpopidor / config / locale / en_GB / app.po
# This file is distributed under the same license as the app package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: app 1.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-24 09:09:53 +0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Brian Riley\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: en_GB\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"

msgid " (DCC-UK) and "
msgstr ""

msgid " (e.g. School/ Department) "
msgstr ""

msgid " Customised By: "
msgstr ""

msgid " Plan"
msgstr ""

msgid " The above plan creator(s) have agreed that others may use as much of the text of this plan as they would like in their own plans, and customise it as necessary. You do not need to credit the creator(s) as the source of the language used, but using any of the plan's text does not imply that the creator(s) endorse, or have any relationship to, your project or proposal"
msgstr ""

msgid " by %{user_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid " has been removed by "
msgstr ""

msgid " in the project. You can also report bugs and request new features via "
msgstr ""

msgid "#{sp.localized_name(session[:locale])}"
msgstr ""

msgid "#{text}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{affiliation}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{application_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{application_name} is provided by the %{organisation_name}.<br /> You can find out more about us on our <a href=\"%{organisation_url}\" class=\"has-new-window-popup-info\" target=\"_blank\">website <em class=\"sr-only\">(new window)</em><span class=\"new-window-popup-info\">%{open_in_new_window_text}</span></a>. If you would like to contact us about %{application_name}, please fill out the form below."
msgstr "%{application_name} is provided by the %{organisation_name}.<br /> You can find out more about us on our <a href=\"%{organisation_url}\" class=\"has-new-window-popup-info\" target=\"_blank\">website <em class=\"sr-only\">(new window)</em><span class=\"new-window-popup-info\">%{open_in_new_window_text}</span></a>. If you would like to contact us about %{application_name}, please fill out the form below."

#msgid "%{application_name} is provided by the %{organisation_name}.<br /> You can find out more about us on our <a href=\"%{organisation_url}\" target=\"_blank\">website</a>. If you would like to contact us about %{application_name}, please fill out the form below."
#msgstr ""

msgid "%{application_name}: %{user_name} requested feedback on a plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{application_name}: Expert feedback has been provided for %{plan_title}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{application_name}: Your plan has been submitted for feedback"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{authors}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{click_here} to accept the invitation, (or copy %{link} into your browser). If you don't want to accept the invitation, please ignore this email."
msgstr ""

#msgid "%{commenter_name} has commented on the plan %{plan_title}. To view the comments, please visit the My Dashboard page in %{tool_name} and open your plan."
#msgstr ""

msgid "%{commenter_name} has commented on your plan %{plan_title}. To view the comments, follow the link to the DMP below, or navigate to the plan via My Dashboard page in %{tool_name}."
msgstr ""

msgid "%{commenter} has finished providing feedback on the plan  \"%{link_html}\". Comments can be found in the 'Write plan' tab on the right side of the page (Guidance/Comments)."
msgstr ""

msgid "%{date}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{description}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{funder}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{grant_number}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{org_name} Plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{org_name} Templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{org_title} Plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{org} Example Answer"
msgstr ""

#msgid "%{org} Guidance"
#msgstr ""

msgid "%{phase_title} (%{sections_size} %{sections}, %{questions_size} %{questions})"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{plan_owner} has been notified that you have finished providing feedback"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{requestor} has requested feedback on a plan %{link_html}. To add comments, please visit the 'Plans' page under the Admin menu in %{application_name} and open the plan."
msgstr "%{requestor} has requested feedback on a plan %{link_html}. To add comments, please visit the 'Plans' page under the Admin menu in %{application_name} and open the plan."

msgid "Alternatively, you can click the link below:"
msgstr "Alternatively, you can click the link below:"

msgid "%{template}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{tool_name} will help you to develop your Data Management Plan. If you have any queries or feedback as you use the tool, please contact us at %{helpdesk_email} or visit %{contact_us}"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{tool_name}: A new comment was added to %{plan_title}"
msgstr ""

#msgid "%{username}'s profile"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "%{value} is not a valid format"
#msgstr ""

msgid "'Download' allows you to download your plan in various formats. This may be useful if you need to submit your plan as part of a grant application."
msgstr ""

msgid "'Plan Overview' tells you what template and guidance your plan is based on and gives you an overview to the questions that you will be asked."
msgstr ""

msgid "'Project Details' includes basic administrative details."
msgstr ""

msgid "'Share' allows you to invite others to read or contribute to your plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "(CDL) are consortia supported by the University of Edinburgh and the University of California, respectively. Our primary constituency is the research community. We provide services to the UK, US and international higher education sector. "
msgstr ""

msgid "(CDL-US) are now established in our national contexts as the resource for researchers seeking guidance in creating DMPs. We have worked together from the outset to share experiences, but with the explosion of interest in both of our tools across the globe we formalized our partnership to co-develop and maintain a single open-source platform for DMPs. By working together we can extend our reach, keep costs down, and move best practices forward, allowing us to participate in a truly global open science ecosystem."
msgstr ""

msgid "(if available)"
msgstr ""

msgid "(new window)"
msgstr ""

msgid "+ Add New Notification"
msgstr ""

msgid "+ Add New Theme"
msgstr ""

msgid "+ Add an additional URL"
msgstr ""

msgid "-"
msgstr ""

msgid "..."
msgstr ""

msgid "... (continued)"
msgstr ""

msgid "<p>%{application_name} has been developed by the <strong>%{organisation_name}</strong> to help you write data management plans.</p>"
msgstr ""

#msgid "<p>A data librarian from %{org_name} will respond to your request within 48"
#msgstr ""

msgid "<p>A data librarian from %{org_name} will respond to your request within 48"
"       hours. If you have questions pertaining to this action please contact us"
"       at %{organisation_email}.</p>"
msgstr ""

msgid "<p>Hello %{user_name}.</p>\"\"
"      \"<p>Your plan \"%{plan_name}\" has been submitted for feedback from an"
"      administrator at your organisation. \"\"
"      \"If you have questions pertaining to this action, please contact us"
"      at %{organisation_email}.</p>"
msgstr ""

#msgid "<p>Hello %{user_name}.</p><p>Your plan \"%{plan_name}\" has been submitted for feedback from an administrator at your organisation. If you have questions pertaining to this action, please contact us at %{organisation_email}.</p>"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "<p>Hello %{user_name}.</p>\"\"
#msgstr ""

msgid "<strong>Info:</strong> Simple information message, displayed in blue.<br/><strong>Warning:</strong> warning message, for signaling something unusual, displayed in orange.<br/><strong>Danger:</strong> error message, for anything critical, displayed in red"
msgstr ""

msgid "A Data Management Plan created using "
msgstr ""

msgid "A Data Management Plan created using %{application_name}"
msgstr ""

#msgid "A Data Management Plan in %{application_name} has been shared with you"
#msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "A Data Management Plan in %{tool_name} has been shared \"\
"                   \"with you"
msgstr ""

#msgid "A Data Management Plan in %{tool_name} has been shared with you"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "A colleague has invited you to contribute to their Data Management Plan in %{tool_name}"
#msgstr ""

msgid "A hash is expected for links"
msgstr ""

msgid "A historical template cannot be retrieved for being modified"
msgstr ""

msgid "A key %{key} is expected for links hash"
msgstr ""

msgid "A key \"org\" is expected for links hash"
msgstr ""

msgid "A new comment has been added to my DMP"
msgstr ""

msgid "A pertinent ID as determined by the funder and/or organisation."
msgstr ""

msgid "A plan has been shared with me"
msgstr ""

msgid "A required setting has not been provided"
msgstr ""

msgid "API Information"
msgstr ""

msgid "API rights"
msgstr ""

msgid "API token"
msgstr ""

msgid "About"
msgstr ""

msgid "About %{application_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Access removed"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Accessibility"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""

msgid "Active"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add Comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add Organisations"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add Question"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add Standard"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add a new section"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add an appropriate name for your guidance group. This name will be used to tell the end user where the guidance has come from. It will be appended to text identifying the theme e.g. \"[guidance group name]: guidance on data sharing\" so we suggest you just use the organisation or department name."
msgstr ""

msgid "Add an appropriate name for your guidance group. This name will tell the end user where the guidance has come from. We suggest you use the organisation or department name e.g. \"OU\" or \"Maths & Stats\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Add comments to share with collaborators"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add links to funder websites that provide additional information about the requirements for this template"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add links to sample plans if provided by the funder."
msgstr ""

msgid "Add new phase"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add option"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add organisations"
msgstr ""

msgid "Additional Information"
msgstr ""

msgid "Additional comment area will be displayed."
msgstr ""

msgid "Admin"
msgstr ""

msgid "Admin privileges granted to me"
msgstr ""

msgid "Administrator"
msgstr ""

msgid "Administrator Email"
msgstr ""

msgid "Administrator contact"
msgstr ""

msgid "Administrator privileges granted in %{tool_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Affiliation: "
msgstr ""

msgid "All (%{count})"
msgstr ""

msgid "All Templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "All the best"
msgstr ""

msgid "All the best,"
msgstr ""

msgid "Allows the user to amend the organisation details (name, URL etc) and add basic branding such as the logo"
msgstr ""

msgid "Allows the user to assign permissions to other users within the same organisation. Users can only assign permissions they own themselves"
msgstr ""

msgid "Allows the user to create and edit guidance"
msgstr ""

msgid "Allows the user to create new organisational templates, edit existing ones and customise funder templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "Allows the user to create new organisations"
msgstr ""

msgid "Allows the user to grant API access to organisations."
msgstr ""

msgid "Allows the user to manage organisation affiliation"
msgstr ""

msgid "An error has occurred while saving/resetting your export settings."
msgstr ""

msgid "An error occurred when requesting feedback for this plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "Annotations"
msgstr ""

msgid "Answer"
msgstr ""

msgid "Answer format"
msgstr ""

msgid "Answered"
msgstr ""

msgid "Answered at"
msgstr ""

msgid "Answered by"
msgstr ""

msgid "Anything you enter here will display in the answer box. If you want an answer in a certain format (e.g. tables), you can enter that style here."
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to change your organisational affiliation? Doing so will remove your administrative privileges."
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the Static Page \"%{name}\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the notification \"%{title}\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the theme \"%{title}\"?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to disconnect your ORCID ID?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to remove \"%{template_title}\"? Any published versions will become unavailable to users."
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this comment?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to remove your customization of \"%{template_title}\"? Any published versions will become unavailable to users."
msgstr "Are you sure you want to remove your customisation of \"%{template_title}\"? Any published versions will become unavailable to users."

msgid "Are you sure you want to unlink #{scheme.description} ID?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to unlink your institutional credentials?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you wish to remove this plan? Any collaborators will still be able to access it."
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you wish to remove this public plan? This will remove it from the Public DMPs page but any collaborators will still be able to access it."
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Back to customise phase"
msgstr ""

msgid "Back to edit phase"
msgstr ""

msgid "Back to phase"
msgstr ""

msgid "Bad Credentials"
msgstr ""

msgid "Bad Parameters"
msgstr ""

msgid "Banner text"
msgstr ""

msgid "Before you get started, we need some information about your research project to set you up with the best DMP template for your needs."
msgstr ""

msgid "Begin typing to see a filtered list"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Below is a list of users registered for your organisation. You can"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Below is a list of users registered for your organisation. You can"
"        sort the data by each field."
msgstr ""

msgid "Below is a list of users registered for your organisation. You can sort the data by each field."
msgstr ""

msgid "Below the question, research output and section where the comment is located."
msgstr ""

msgid "Beta"
msgstr ""

msgid "Body"
msgstr ""

msgid "Bottom"
msgstr ""

msgid "Briefly summarise your research project to help others understand the purposes for which the data are being collected or created."
msgstr ""

msgid "Browse Standards"
msgstr ""

msgid "By default all new and test plans will be set to ‘Private’ visibility. ‘Public’ and ‘Organisational’ visibility are intended for finished plans. You must answer at least 50% of the questions to enable these options."
msgstr ""

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""

msgid "Cannot share plan with %{email} since that email matches with the owner of the plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "Captcha verification failed, please retry."
msgstr ""

msgid "Change affiliation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Change my password"
msgstr ""

msgid "Change your password"
msgstr ""

msgid "Changed permissions on a Data Management Plan in %{tool_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Changing your organisation will result in the loss of your administrative privileges."
msgstr ""

msgid "Check this box when you are ready for guidance associated with this group to appear on user's plans."
msgstr ""

msgid "Check this box when you are ready for this guidance to appear on user's plans."
msgstr ""

msgid "Checking this box prevents the template from appearing in the public list of templates."
msgstr ""

msgid "Clear search results"
msgstr ""

msgid "Click below to give data management staff at %{org_name}, the Plan Owner's org, access to read and comment on your plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "Click here"
msgstr ""

msgid "Click here to confirm your account"
msgstr ""

msgid "Click the 'Create plan' button below to begin."
msgstr ""

msgid "Click the link below to unlock your account"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Click the links below to view organisational guidance"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Click the links below to view organisational guidance"
"                        related to the themes associated with this question."
msgstr ""

msgid "Co-owner"
msgstr ""

msgid "Co-owner: can edit project details, change visibility, and add collaborators"
msgstr ""

msgid "Co-owner: Has admin-rights to the plan (can invite other users, view the plan, answer questions, or comment). Editor: Has edit-rights to the plan (can view the plan, answer questions, or comment). Read Only: Has read-rights to the plan (can view the plan or comment)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""

msgid "Complete"
msgstr ""

msgid "Contact Us"
msgstr ""

msgid "Contact email"
msgstr ""

msgid "Contact email was successfully sent."
msgstr ""

msgid "Contact us"
msgstr ""

msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""

msgid "Copy link"
msgstr ""

msgid "Copy of %{template}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Copyright information:"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Could not create your %{o}."
#msgstr ""

#msgid "Could not delete the %{o}."
#msgstr ""

#msgid "Could not update your %{o}."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Create Organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create a guidance group"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create a new plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create a plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create a template"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create account"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create an account to view the plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create an account with any email address"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create guidance"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create or connect your ORCID iD"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "Created at"
msgstr ""

msgid "Created date"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Created using the %{application_name} service. Last modified %{date}"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Created using the %{application_name}. Last modified %{date}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Creator:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Creators:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Creators: "
msgstr ""

msgid "Current Privileges"
msgstr ""

msgid "Current password"
msgstr ""

msgid "Customisable Templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "Customisations are published"
msgstr ""

msgid "Customisations are unpublished"
msgstr ""

msgid "Customise"
msgstr ""

msgid "Customise phase"
msgstr ""

msgid "Customising for your Organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Customizable Templates"
msgstr "Customisable Templates"

#msgid "Customizations are published"
#msgstr "Customisations are published"

#msgid "Customizations are unpublished"
#msgstr "Customisations are unpublished"

#msgid "Customize phase"
#msgstr "Customise phase"

msgid "DMP Background"
msgstr ""

msgid "DMP Templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "DMP Visibility Changed: %{plan_title}"
msgstr ""

msgid "DMP: %{phase_link}"
msgstr ""

msgid "DMPRoadmap"
msgstr ""

msgid "DMPRoadmap ('the tool', 'the system"
msgstr ""

#msgid "DOCX"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "DOCX <em class=\"sr-only\">(new window)</em>"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Data Contact Person"
msgstr ""

msgid "Data contact person"
msgstr ""

msgid "Default"
msgstr ""

msgid "Default answer"
msgstr ""

msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""

msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

msgid "Delete phase"
msgstr ""

msgid "Description"
msgstr ""

msgid "Deselect all"
msgstr ""

msgid "Details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Didn't receive confirmation instructions?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Didn't receive unlock instructions?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Disconnect your account from ORCID. You can reconnect at any time."
msgstr ""

msgid "Dismissable"
msgstr ""

msgid "Display additional comment area."
msgstr ""

msgid "Do you have a %{application_name} account?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Don't forget to save your changes after making your selections."
msgstr ""

msgid "Download"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download Plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download Plan <em class=\"sr-only\">(new window)</em>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download Plan <em class=\"sr-only\">(new window)</em><span class=\"new-window-popup-info\">%{open_in_new_window_text}</span>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download all"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download global usage"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download plans <em class=\"sr-only\">(new window)</span>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download settings"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download users"
msgstr ""

msgid "Draft"
msgstr ""

msgid "Drag arrows to rearrange sections."
msgstr ""

msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""

msgid "Edit Profile"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Edit Theme"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Edit User Privileges"
msgstr ""

msgid "Edit comment to share with collaborators"
msgstr ""

msgid "Edit customisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Edit customizations"
msgstr "Edit customisations"

msgid "Edit phase"
msgstr ""

msgid "Edit profile"
msgstr ""

msgid "Edited"
msgstr ""

msgid "Edited Date"
msgstr ""

msgid "Editing Notification"
msgstr ""

msgid "Editing privileges for %{username}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Editing profile for %{username}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Editor"
msgstr ""

msgid "Editor: can comment and make changes"
msgstr ""

msgid "Email"
msgstr ""

msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""

msgid "End date"
msgstr ""

msgid "Enter a basic description. This could be a summary of what is covered in the section or instructions on how to answer. This text will be displayed in the coloured banner once a section is opened to edit."
msgstr ""

msgid "Enter a basic description. This will be presented to users on the 'Admin Plan' tab, above the summary of the sections and questions which they will be asked to answer."
msgstr ""

msgid "Enter a description that helps you to differentiate between templates e.g. if you have ones for different audiences"
msgstr ""

msgid "Enter a title for the phase e.g. intial DMP, full DMP... This is what users will see in the tabs when completing a plan. If you only have one phase, call it something generic e.g. Glasgow DMP"
msgstr ""

msgid "Enter a title for the section"
msgstr ""

msgid "Enter specific guidance to accompany this question. If you have guidance by themes too, this will be pulled in based on your selections below so it's best not to duplicate too much text."
msgstr ""

msgid "Enter your guidance here. You can include links where needed."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Error parsing links for a #{template_type(template)}"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Error parsing links for a %{template}"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Error processing registration. Please check that you have entered a valid email address and that your chosen password is at least 8 characters long."
#msgstr ""

#msgid "Error raised while saving the visibility for plan id %{plan_id}"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Error:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Example Answer"
msgstr ""

msgid "Example:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Example:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Expiration"
msgstr ""

msgid "Export settings updated successfully."
msgstr ""

msgid "Face"
msgstr ""

msgid "Feedback has been provided for my DMP"
msgstr ""

msgid "Feedback has been requested for my DMP"
msgstr ""

msgid "Feedback has been requested."
msgstr ""

msgid "Feedback requested"
msgstr ""

msgid "Filter plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "Find guidance from additional organisations below"
msgstr ""

msgid "Find your organisation to sign in"
msgstr ""

msgid "First"
msgstr ""

msgid "First Name"
msgstr ""

msgid "First create a guidance group. This could be organisation wide or a subset e.g. a particular College / School, Institute or department. When you create guidance you'll be asked to assign it to a guidance group."
msgstr ""

msgid "First name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Font"
msgstr ""

msgid "For network and information security purposes."
msgstr ""

msgid "Forgot password?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Format"
msgstr ""

msgid "From here you can download your plan in various formats. This may be useful if you need to submit your plan as part of a grant application. Choose what format you would like to view/download your plan in and click to download. You can also adjust the formatting (font type, size and margins) for PDF files, which may be helpful if working to page limits.</p>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Funder"
msgstr ""

msgid "Funder Links"
msgstr ""

msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr ""

msgid "Getting started:"
msgstr ""

msgid "GitHub Issues"
msgstr ""

msgid "Github"
msgstr ""

msgid "Go"
msgstr ""

msgid "Grant API access"
msgstr ""

msgid "Grant API to organisations"
msgstr ""

msgid "Grant Number"
msgstr ""

msgid "Grant number"
msgstr ""

msgid "Grant number: "
msgstr ""

msgid "Grant reference number if applicable [POST-AWARD DMPs ONLY]"
msgstr ""

msgid "Guidance"
msgstr ""

msgid "Guidance group"
msgstr ""

msgid "Guidance group list"
msgstr ""

msgid "Guidance is displayed in the right-hand panel. If you need more guidance or find there is too much, you can make adjustments on the ‘Project Details’ tab."
msgstr ""

msgid "Guidance list"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hello"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hello "
msgstr ""

msgid "Hello %{recipient_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hello %{user_email}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hello %{user_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hello %{user_name},"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hello %{username}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Help"
msgstr ""

msgid "Helpline"
msgstr ""

msgid "Here you can view previously published versions of your template.  These can no longer be modified."
msgstr ""

msgid "Hide list."
msgstr ""

msgid "History"
msgstr ""

msgid "Home"
msgstr ""

msgid "How to use the API"
msgstr ""

msgid "I accept the"
msgstr ""

msgid "ID"
msgstr ""

msgid "If applying for funding, state the name exactly as in the grant proposal."
msgstr ""

msgid "If applying for funding, state the project title exactly as in the proposal."
msgstr ""

msgid "If the guidance is only meant for a subset of users e.g. those in a specific college or institute, check this box.  Users will be able to select to display this subset guidance when answering questions in the 'create plan' wizard."
msgstr ""

msgid "If you didn't request this, please ignore this email."
msgstr ""

msgid "If you do have a need to provide guidance for specific funders that would not be useful to a wider audience (e.g. if you have specific instructions for applicants to BBSRC for example), you can do so by adding guidance to a specific question when you edit your template."
msgstr ""

msgid "If you do not have a %{application_name} account, click on"
msgstr ""

msgid "If you have an account please sign in and start creating or editing your DMP."
msgstr ""

msgid "If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at %{helpdesk_email} or visit %{contact_us_url}"
msgstr ""

msgid "If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at %{helpdesk_email} or visit %{contact_us}"
msgstr ""

msgid "If you have any questions, please contact the %{application_name} team at: <a href='mailto:%{helpdesk_email}'>%{helpdesk_email}</a>"
msgstr ""

msgid "If you wish to add an organisational template for a Data Management Plan, use the 'create template' button. You can create more than one template if desired e.g. one for researchers and one for PhD students. Your template will be presented to users within your organisation when no funder templates apply. If you want to add questions to funder templates use the 'customise template' options below."
msgstr ""

msgid "If you would like to change your password please complete the following fields."
msgstr ""

msgid "If you would like to modify one of the templates below, you must first change your organisation affiliation."
msgstr ""

msgid "Information about you: how we use it and with whom we share it"
msgstr ""

msgid "Insert the email address of any collaborators you would like to invite to read or edit your plan. Set the level of permissions you would like to grant them via the radio buttons and click to 'Add collaborator.' Adjust permissions or remove collaborators at any time via the drop-down options."
msgstr ""

msgid "Institution"
msgstr ""

msgid "Institutional credentials"
msgstr ""

msgid "Instructions"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invalid font face"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invalid font size"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invalid maximum pages"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invitation to %{email} issued successfully."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Invitation to %{email} issued successfully. \n"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Invite collaborators"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invite specific people to read, edit, or administer your plan. Invitees will receive an email notification that they have access to this plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "Language"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last 12 months"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last 3 months"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last 6 months"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last 9 months"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last Name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last Updated"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last activity"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last modified: "
msgstr ""

msgid "Last month"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last updated"
msgstr ""

msgid "Left"
msgstr ""

msgid "Level"
msgstr ""

msgid "Link text"
msgstr ""

msgid "Link your institutional credentials"
msgstr ""

msgid "Link your institutional credentials to access your account with them."
msgstr ""

msgid "Links"
msgstr ""

msgid "Links will be displayed next to your organisation's logo"
msgstr ""

msgid "Loading ..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Logout"
msgstr ""

msgid "Look up your organisation here"
msgstr ""

msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copy"

msgid "Manage collaborators"
msgstr ""

msgid "Manage guidance"
msgstr ""

msgid "Manage organisation affiliation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Manage organisation details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Manage templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "Manage user privileges"
msgstr ""

msgid "Margin (mm)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Margin cannot be negative"
msgstr ""

msgid "Margin value is invalid"
msgstr ""

msgid "Maximum 3 lines (about 250 characters)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Message"
msgstr ""

msgid "Month"
msgstr ""

msgid "More information about administering the %{tool_name} are available on %{help_url}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Move the mouse pointer over the bars of a chart to see numbers."
msgstr ""

msgid "My DMP's visibility has changed"
msgstr ""

msgid "My Dashboard"
msgstr ""

msgid "My Plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "My organisation isn't listed"
msgstr ""

msgid "My organisation isn't listed."
msgstr ""

msgid "My privileges"
msgstr ""

msgid "N/A"
msgstr ""

msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

msgid "New Notification"
msgstr ""

msgid "New Question"
msgstr ""

msgid "New Template"
msgstr ""

#msgid "New Theme"
#msgstr ""

msgid "New notification"
msgstr ""

msgid "New organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "New password"
msgstr ""

msgid "New plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "New question:"
msgstr ""

msgid "New theme"
msgstr ""

msgid "New users"
msgstr ""

msgid "Next"
msgstr ""

msgid "No"
msgstr ""

msgid "No %{application_name} account?"
msgstr ""

msgid "No additional comment area will be displayed."
msgstr ""

msgid "No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed"
msgstr ""

msgid "No items available."
msgstr ""

msgid "No organisations are currently registered."
msgstr ""

msgid "No research organisation associated with this plan or my research organisation is not listed"
msgstr ""

msgid "No themes have been defined. Please contact your administrator for assistance."
msgstr ""

msgid "No themes selected"
msgstr ""

msgid "No. Completed Plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "No. Plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "No. Users joined"
msgstr ""

msgid "No. plans by template"
msgstr ""

msgid "No. plans during last year"
msgstr ""

msgid "No. users joined during last year"
msgstr ""

msgid "None provided"
msgstr ""

msgid "Not Answered"
msgstr ""

msgid "Not Applicable"
msgstr ""

msgid "Not answered yet"
msgstr ""

msgid "Not customised (%{count})"
msgstr ""

msgid "Not customized"
msgstr "Not customised"

#msgid "Note: New plans will automatically display this guidance."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Note: New plans will automatically display this guidance."
"            Users then have the ability to hide/display the guidance when editing their plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "Notice:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Notification Preferences"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Notification created successfully"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "Notification updated successfully"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Notifications"
msgstr ""

msgid "Notify the plan owner that I have finished providing feedback"
msgstr ""

msgid "ORCID iD"
msgstr ""

msgid "ORCID iD: "
msgstr ""

msgid "ORCID logo"
msgstr ""

msgid "ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers. Learn more at"
msgstr ""

msgid "Off"
msgstr ""

msgid "On"
msgstr ""

msgid "Optional Subset"
msgstr ""

msgid "Optional Subset (e.g. School/Department)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Optional plan components"
msgstr ""

msgid "Optional subset"
msgstr ""

msgid "Order"
msgstr ""

msgid "Order of display"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation Name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation Type(s)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation Types"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation URLs"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation abbreviated name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation full name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation not in the list?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation type(s)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation: anyone at my organisation can view"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisation: anyone at my organisation can view."
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisational Admin"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisational Configuration Information"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisational: anyone at your organisation can view your plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisations"
msgstr ""

msgid "Organisations can customise the tool to highlight local requirements, resources, and services. Organisational templates can be added to address local DMP requirements, and additional sections and questions can be included in funder templates. Users from participating organisations that configure the tool for single sign-on can log in with their own organisational accounts."
msgstr ""

msgid "Organization logo"
msgstr "Organisation logo"

msgid "Original funder template has changed!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Own Templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""

msgid "Owner email"
msgstr ""

msgid "Owner name"
msgstr ""

#msgid "PDF"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "PDF <em class=\"sr-only\">(new window)</em>"
#msgstr ""

msgid "PDF formatting"
msgstr ""

msgid "Password"
msgstr ""

msgid "Password and comfirmation must match"
msgstr ""

msgid "Password confirmation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""

msgid "Permissions removed on a DMP in %{tool_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Personal Details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Phase"
msgstr ""

msgid "Phase details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Phone"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan Data Contact"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan Description"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan Guidance Configuration"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan ID"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan Name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan is already shared with %{email}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan overview"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan removed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plan shared with %{email}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Plans"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Please check the box to continue."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Please choose an organisation"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Please choose one of the options."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Please do not reply to this email."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Please enter a First name."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter a First name. "
msgstr ""

#msgid "Please enter a Last name."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter a Last name. "
msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter a password confirmation"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Please enter a valid number."
#msgstr ""

#msgid "Please enter a valid value."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter an email address"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Please enter an email address."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter an email address. "
msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter the name of your organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter your current password"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter your email below and we will send you instructions on how to reset your password."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter your password to change email address."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please make a choice below. After linking your details to a %{application_name} account, you will be able to sign in directly with your institutional credentials."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please note that your email address is used as your username. If you change this, remember to use your new email address on sign in."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select a research organisation and funder to continue."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select a sub-subject"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select a subject"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select a template"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select a valid funding organisation from the list."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select a valid research organisation from the list."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Please select a value from the list."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Please select an item from the list."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select an organisation from the list"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select an organisation from the list, or click the \"My organisation isn't listed\" link and enter your organisation's name."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select an organisation from the list, or enter your organisation's name."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please select one"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please visit the"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please wait, Standards are loading"
msgstr ""

msgid "Preview"
msgstr ""

msgid "Previous"
msgstr ""

msgid "Principal Investigator"
msgstr ""

msgid "Principal Investigator / Researcher"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Principal investigator"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Privacy statement"
msgstr ""

msgid "Private"
msgstr ""

msgid "Private: restricted to me and my collaborators"
msgstr ""

msgid "Private: restricted to me and people I invite."
msgstr ""

msgid "Private: restricted to you and your collaborators."
msgstr ""

msgid "Private: visible to me, specified collaborators and administrators at my organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Privileges"
msgstr ""

msgid "Profile information"
msgstr ""

msgid "Project Abstract"
msgstr ""

msgid "Project Details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Project Title"
msgstr ""

msgid "Project abstract"
msgstr ""

msgid "Project abstract: "
msgstr ""

msgid "Project title"
msgstr ""

msgid "Provides the user with an API token and grants rights to harvest information from the tool"
msgstr ""

msgid "Public"
msgstr ""

msgid "Public DMPs"
msgstr ""

msgid "Public DMPs are plans created using the %{application_name} service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines."
msgstr ""

msgid "Public or organisational visibility is intended for finished plans. You must answer at least %{percentage}%% of the questions to enable these options. Note: test plans are set to private visibility by default."
msgstr ""

msgid "Public: anyone can view"
msgstr ""

msgid "Public: anyone can view on the web"
msgstr ""

msgid "Public: anyone can view your plan in the Public DMPs list."
msgstr ""

msgid "Public: anyone can view."
msgstr ""

msgid "Publish"
msgstr ""

msgid "Publish changes"
msgstr ""

msgid "Published"
msgstr ""

msgid "Published (%{count})"
msgstr ""

msgid "Published?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Query or feedback related to %{tool_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Question"
msgstr ""

msgid "Question %{number}:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Question Number"
msgstr ""

msgid "Question not answered."
msgstr ""

msgid "Question number"
msgstr ""

msgid "Question options"
msgstr ""

msgid "Question text"
msgstr ""

msgid "Question: %{question_number}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Questions"
msgstr ""

msgid "Re-order sections"
msgstr ""

msgid "Read only"
msgstr ""

msgid "Read only: can view and comment, but not make changes"
msgstr ""

msgid "Reference"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remember email"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remember me"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove logo"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove the filter"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove this link"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Request Expert Feedback - Automated Email:"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Request Expert Feedback - Message Displayed on Share Plan Tab:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Request Feedback"
msgstr ""

msgid "Request expert feedback"
msgstr ""

msgid "Request feedback"
msgstr ""

msgid "Requestor"
msgstr ""

msgid "Restricted access to View All the records"
msgstr ""

msgid "Right"
msgstr ""

msgid "Role"
msgstr ""

msgid "Run your own filter"
msgstr ""

#msgid "SAMPLE MESSAGE: A data librarian from %{org_name} will respond to your request within 48"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Same as Principal Investigator"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sample Message"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sample Plan Links"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sample Plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sample plans are provided by a funder, an organisation or a trusted party."
msgstr ""

msgid "Save"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Save Unsuccessful."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Save Unsuccessful. "
msgstr ""

msgid "Save unsuccessful. That email address is already registered. You must enter a unique email address."
msgstr ""

msgid "Saving..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Scholarly researchers today are increasingly required to engage in a range of data management activities to comply with organisational policies, or as a precondition for publication or grant funding. To aid researchers in creating effective Data Management Plans (DMPs), we have worked closely with funders and universities to develop an online application: DMPRoadmap. The tool provides detailed guidance and links to general and organisational resources and walks a researcher through the process of generating a comprehensive plan tailored to specific DMP requirements."
msgstr ""

msgid "Search"
msgstr ""

msgid "Section"
msgstr ""

msgid "Section details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Section name: %{section_title}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sections"
msgstr ""

msgid "Security check"
msgstr ""

msgid "See the full list"
msgstr ""

msgid "See the full list of participating institutions"
msgstr ""

#msgid "See the full list of participating organisations"
#msgstr ""

msgid "See the full list of partner institutions."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select 'Transfer customisation' in the Actions menu to review your customisation(s) and make any necessary changes. When you are done, you must return to the Actions menu and publish your customisation(s)."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select Guidance"
msgstr ""

msgid "Select all"
msgstr ""

msgid "Select an organisation from the list."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select one or more themes that are relevant to this guidance. This will display your generic organisation-level guidance, or any Schools/Departments for which you create guidance groups, across all templates that have questions with the corresponding theme tags."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select one or more themes that are relevant to this question. This will allow similarly themed organisation-level guidance to appear alongside your question."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Select one theme that is relevant to this guidance. This will display your generic organisation-level guidance, or any Schools/Departments for which you create guidance groups, across all templates that have questions with the corresponding theme tags."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Select phase to download"
msgstr ""

msgid "Select the primary funding organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Select the primary research organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Select up to 6 organisations to see their guidance."
msgstr ""

msgid "Select which group this guidance relates to."
msgstr ""

msgid "Selected option(s)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Send"
msgstr ""

msgid "Set plan visibility"
msgstr ""

msgid "Share"
msgstr ""

msgid "Share plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "Shared"
msgstr ""

msgid "Shibboleth Domain"
msgstr ""

msgid "Shibboleth Entity Id"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Should be after start date"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "Should be before expiration date"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "Should be today or later"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "Should be tomorrow or later"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "Show"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Show password"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show passwords"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show phase"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sign in"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sign in with your institutional credentials"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sign up"
msgstr ""

msgid "Size"
msgstr ""

msgid "Skip to main content"
msgstr ""

msgid "Someone has requested a link to change your %{tool_name} password. You can do this through the link below."
msgstr ""

msgid "Sort by %{sort_field}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Start"
msgstr ""

msgid "Start date"
msgstr ""

msgid "Static Page created successfully"
msgstr ""

msgid "Static Page updated successfully"
msgstr ""

msgid "Status"
msgstr ""

msgid "Subject"
msgstr ""

msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""

msgid "Successfully %{action} %{username}'s account."
msgstr ""

msgid "Successfully %{action} the %{object}."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Successfully %{action} your %{object}."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Successfully changed the permissions for %{email}. They have been notified via email."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Successfully deleted your theme"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Successfully destroyed your Static Page"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Successfully destroyed your notification"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Successfully signed in"
msgstr ""

msgid "Successfully unlinked your account from %{is}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Successfully unpublished your #{template_type(template)}"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Successfully updated %{username}"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Suffix only (e.g. for /about page, type \"about\")"
msgstr ""

msgid "Super Admin"
msgstr ""

msgid "Surname"
msgstr ""

msgid "Template"
msgstr ""

msgid "Template Customisation History"
msgstr ""

msgid "Template History"
msgstr ""

msgid "Template Name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Template Overview"
msgstr ""

msgid "Template created using the %{application_name} service. Last modified %{date}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Template details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Template: "
msgstr ""

msgid "Templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "Templates are provided by a funder, an organisation, or a trusted party."
msgstr ""

msgid "Terms of use"
msgstr ""

msgid "Test"
msgstr ""

msgid "Text"
msgstr ""

msgid "Text area"
msgstr ""

msgid "Text field"
msgstr ""

msgid "Thank you for registering. Please confirm your email address"
msgstr ""

msgid "That email address is already registered."
msgstr ""

msgid "That template is no longer customizable."
msgstr "That template is no longer customisable."

msgid "That template is not customizable."
msgstr "That template is not customisable"

msgid "The %{org_name} processes the personal data of %{application_name} users in order to deliver and improve the %{application_name} service in a customised manner and to ensure each user receives relevant information."
msgstr ""

msgid "The %{tool_name} team"
msgstr ""

msgid "The Digital Curation Centre and UC3 team at the California Digital Library have developed and delivered tools for data management planning since the advent of open data policies in 2011. "
msgstr ""

msgid "The Static Page with id %{id} could not be destroyed"
msgstr ""

#msgid "The above plan creator(s) have agreed that others may use as"
#msgstr ""

msgid "The above plan creator(s) have agreed that others may use as"
"             much of the text of this plan as they would like in their own plans,"
"             and customise it as necessary. You do not need to credit the creator(s)"
"             as the source of the language used, but using any of the plan's text"
"             does not imply that the creator(s) endorse, or have any relationship to,"
"             your project or proposal"
msgstr ""

msgid "The current #{scheme.description} iD has been already linked to a user with email #{}"
msgstr ""

msgid "The email address you entered is not registered."
msgstr ""

msgid "The following answer cannot be saved"
msgstr ""

msgid "The following tab(s) present the questions to answer. There may be more than one tab if your funder or university asks different sets of questions at different stages e.g. at grant application and post-award."
msgstr ""

msgid "The information you provide will be used by the %{org_name} to offer you access to and personalisation of the %{application_name} service."
msgstr ""

msgid "The key %{key} does not have a valid set of object links"
msgstr ""

msgid "The new platform will be separate from the services each of our teams runs on top of it. Our shared goal: provide a combined DMPRoadmap platform as a core infrastructure for DMPs. Future enhancements will focus on making DMPs machine actionable so please continue sharing your use cases."
msgstr ""

#msgid "The password must be between 8 and 128 characters."
#msgstr ""

#msgid "The passwords must match."
#msgstr ""

msgid "The plan %{plan_title} had its visibility changed to %{plan_visibility}."
msgstr ""

msgid "The processing of your personal data by the %{org_name} is necessary for pursuing the following legitimate interests:"
msgstr ""

msgid "The search space does not have elements associated"
msgstr ""

msgid "The search_space does not respond to each"
msgstr ""

msgid "The tabbed interface allows you to navigate through different functions when editing your plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "The table below lists the plans that users at your organisation have created and shared within your organisation. This allows you to download a PDF and view their plans as samples or to discover new research data."
msgstr ""

msgid "The table below lists the plans that you have created, and that have been shared with you by others. You can edit, share, download, make a copy, or remove these plans at any time."
msgstr ""

#msgid "The theme with id %{id} could not be destroyed"
#msgstr ""

msgid "The ‘Share’ tab is also where you can set your plan visibility."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Theme created successfully"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Theme not found"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Theme updated successfully"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Themed Guidance"
msgstr ""

msgid "Themes"
msgstr ""

msgid "There are currently no public DMPs."
msgstr ""

msgid "There are currently no public Templates."
msgstr ""

msgid "There are no records associated"
msgstr ""

msgid "There is no additional guidance for this template."
msgstr ""

msgid "There is no data available for plans yet."
msgstr ""

msgid "There is no data available for users joined yet."
msgstr ""

msgid "There is no notification associated with id  %{id}"
msgstr ""

msgid "There is no organisational guidance related to the themes associated with this question."
msgstr ""

msgid "There is no plan associated with id %{id}"
msgstr ""

msgid "There is no plan with id %{id} for which to create or update an answer"
msgstr ""

msgid "There is no question with id %{question_id} associated to plan id %{plan_id} for which to create or update an answer"
msgstr ""

#msgid "There is no theme associated with id %{id}"
#msgstr ""

msgid "There may also be an option to request feedback on your plan. This is available when research support staff at your organisation have enabled this service. Click to ‘Request feedback’ and your local administrators will be alerted to your request. Their comments will be visible in the ‘Comments’ field adjacent to each question. You will be notified by email when an administrator provides feedback."
msgstr ""

msgid "There seems to be a problem with your logo. Please upload it again."
msgstr ""

#msgid "This allows you to order sections."
#msgstr ""

msgid "This allows you to order the phases of your template."
msgstr ""

msgid "This field is required."
msgstr ""

msgid "This information can only be changed by a system administrator. Contact the Help Desk if you have questions or to request changes."
msgstr ""

msgid "This is a"
msgstr ""

msgid "This plan is based on the"
msgstr ""

msgid "This plan is based on the \"%{template_title}\" template provided by %{org_name}."
msgstr ""

msgid "This plan is based on the default template."
msgstr ""

msgid "This statement was last revised on %{revdate} and may be revised at any time with prior notice."
msgstr ""

msgid "This template is new and does not yet have any publication history."
msgstr ""

msgid "This template is published changes but has unpublished changes!"
msgstr ""

msgid "This will create an account and link it to your credentials."
msgstr ""

msgid "This will link your existing account to your credentials."
msgstr ""

msgid "This will remove your organisation's logo"
msgstr ""

msgid "Time period"
msgstr ""

msgid "Title"
msgstr ""

msgid "To create a plan, click the 'Create plan' button from the 'My Dashboard' page or the top menu. Select options from the menus and tickboxes to determine what questions and guidance you should be presented with. Confirm your selection by clicking 'Create plan.'"
msgstr ""

msgid "To help you write your plan, %{application_name} can show you guidance from a variety of organisations."
msgstr ""

msgid "To help you write your plan, %{application_name} can show you guidance from a variety of organisations. Please choose up to 6 organisations of the following organisations who offer guidance relevant to your plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "To keep you up to date with news about %{application_name} such as new features or improvements, or changes to our Privacy Policy."
msgstr ""

msgid "To provide access to the %{application_name} service and personalisation of your user experience e.g. provision of relevant templates and guidance for your organisation."
msgstr ""

msgid "Top"
msgstr ""

msgid "Topic"
msgstr ""

msgid "Total"
msgstr ""

msgid "Total "
msgstr ""

msgid "Total plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "Total users"
msgstr ""

msgid "Transfer customisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Type"
msgstr ""

msgid "URL"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to %{action} %{username}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to %{action} the %{object}.%{errors}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to change the plan's status since it is needed at least %{percentage} percentage responded"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to change the plan's test status"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to change your organisation affiliation at this time."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Unable to create a new section because the phase you specified does not exist."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to create a new section. The phase you specified does not exist."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to create a new version of this template."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to create your account.#{errors_for_display(resource)}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to customize that template."
msgstr "Unable to customise that template"

msgid "Unable to download the DMP Template at this time."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to find a suitable template for the research organisation and funder you selected."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to find plan id %{plan_id}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to identify a suitable template for your plan."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to link your account to %{scheme}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to load the question's content at this time."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to load the section's content at this time."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to notify user that you have finished providing feedback."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to publish your #{template_type(template)}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to remove the plan"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Unable to save since notification parameter is missing"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to save since static_page parameter is missing"
msgstr ""

#msgid "Unable to save since theme parameter is missing"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to submit your request"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to submit your request for feedback at this time."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Unable to transfer your customizations."
#msgstr "Unable to transfer your customisations."

msgid "Unable to unlink your account from %{is}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unable to unpublish your #{template_type(template)}."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Unable to update %{username}"
#msgstr ""

msgid "Unknown"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unknown column name."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unknown formatting setting"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unknown margin. Can only be 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right'"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unknown organisation."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unlink your account from #{scheme.description}. You can link again at any time."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unlink your account from your organisation. You can link again at any time."
msgstr ""

msgid "Unlock my account"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unpublish"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unpublished (%{count})"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unpublished changes"
msgstr ""

msgid "Up to "
msgstr ""

msgid "Update"
msgstr ""

msgid "Updated"
msgstr ""

msgid "Usage"
msgstr ""

msgid "Usage statistics"
msgstr ""

msgid "There is no data available for plans created yet."
msgstr ""

msgid "Statistics on your Templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "No. plans created based off your templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "csv download field separator"
msgstr ""

msgid "Download Monthly Usage"
msgstr ""

msgid "Statistics on your Users"
msgstr ""

msgid "The graphs display new users and plans for your organisation over the past year. You can download a CSV report for each graph."
msgstr ""

msgid "Move the mouse pointer over the bars of a chart to see numbers."
msgstr ""

msgid "Use API"
msgstr ""

msgid "Use the filters to run organisational usage statistics for a custom date range."
msgstr ""

msgid "User accounts"
msgstr ""

#msgid "User not found."
#msgstr ""

msgid "Users"
msgstr ""

msgid "Version"
msgstr ""

msgid "View"
msgstr ""

msgid "View all"
msgstr ""

msgid "View all guidance"
msgstr ""

msgid "View all notifications"
msgstr ""

msgid "View all organisations"
msgstr ""

msgid "View all search results"
msgstr ""

msgid "View all templates"
msgstr ""

msgid "View all themes"
msgstr ""

msgid "View all users"
msgstr ""

msgid "View customizations"
msgstr "View customisations"

msgid "View less"
msgstr ""

msgid "View less search results"
msgstr ""

msgid "Visibility"
msgstr ""

msgid "Visibility definitions:"
msgstr ""

msgid "We found multiple DMP templates corresponding to your funder."
msgstr ""

msgid "We invite you to peruse the DMPRoadmap GitHub wiki to learn how to "
msgstr ""

#msgid "We were unable to verify your account. Please use the following form to create a new account. You will be able to link your new account afterward."
#msgstr ""

msgid "We will hold the personal data you provided us for as long as you continue using the %{application_name} service. Your personal data can be removed from this service upon request to the %{application_name} team within a period of 30 days."
msgstr ""

msgid "Welcome"
msgstr ""

msgid "Welcome to #{Rails.configuration.branding[:application][:name]}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Welcome to %{application_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Welcome to %{tool_name}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Welcome to %{tool_name}, %{username}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Welcome! You have signed up successfully with your institutional credentials. You will now be able to access your account with them."
msgstr ""

msgid "What research project are you planning?"
msgstr ""

msgid "When viewing any of the question tabs, you will see the different sections of your plan displayed. Click into these in turn to answer the questions. You can format your responses using the text editing buttons."
msgstr ""

msgid "When you create a new phase for your template, a version will automatically be created. Once you complete the form below you will be provided with options to create sections and questions."
msgstr ""

msgid "When you log in to DMPRoadmap you will be directed to the 'My Dashboard' page. From here you can edit, share, download, copy or remove any of your plans. You will also see plans that have been shared with you by others."
msgstr ""

msgid "Which DMP template would you like to use?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Write Plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Write plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Write your plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""

msgid "Yes, I understand that I will lose my administrative privileges"
msgstr ""

msgid "You are about to delete '%{guidance_group_name}'. This will affect guidance. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""

msgid "You are about to delete '%{guidance_summary}'. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""

msgid "You are about to delete '%{org_name}'. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""

msgid "You are about to delete '%{section_title}'. This will affect questions linked to this section. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""

msgid "You are about to delete question #%{question_number}. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""

msgid "You are about to delete the '%{phase_title}' phase. This will remove all of the sections and questions listed below. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""

msgid "You are already signed in as another user. Please log out to activate your invitation."
msgstr ""

msgid "You are not authorized to perform this action."
msgstr ""

msgid "You are now ready to create your first DMP."
msgstr ""

msgid "You are viewing a historical version of this template. You will not be able to make changes."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can add an example answer to help users respond. These will be presented above the answer box and can be copied/ pasted."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can also grant rights to other collaborators."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can choose from:<ul><li>- text area (large box for paragraphs);</li> <li>- text field (for a short answer);</li> <li>- checkboxes where options are presented in a list and multiple values can be selected;</li> <li>- radio buttons where options are presented in a list but only one can be selected;</li> <li>- dropdown like this box - only one option can be selected;</li> <li>- multiple select box allows users to select several options from a scrollable list, using the CTRL key;</li></ul>"
msgstr ""

msgid "You can continue to edit and download the plan in the interim."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can edit any of the details below."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can not publish a historical version of this #{template_type(template)}."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can see the comments in the right-hand panel, adjacent to the guidance for each question."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can write pieces of guidance to be displayed by theme (e.g. generic guidance on storage and backup that should present across the board). Writing generic guidance by theme saves you time and effort as your advice will be automatically displayed across all templates rather than having to write guidance to accompany each."
msgstr ""

msgid "You cannot be assigned to other organisation since that option does not exist in the system. Please contact your system administrators."
msgstr ""

msgid "You cannot delete a #{template_type(template)} that has been used to create plans."
msgstr ""

msgid "You canot add a phase to a historical version of a template."
msgstr ""

msgid "You don't have access to use the API. An api token is needed to generate usage statistics."
msgstr ""

msgid "You have been granted administrator privileges in %{tool_name}:"
msgstr ""

msgid "You have been granted permission by your organisation to use our API. Your API token and instructions for using the API endpoints can be found at: %{link}"
msgstr ""

msgid "You have been revoked administrator privileges in %{tool_name}."
msgstr ""

msgid "You have unpublished changes! Select \"Publish changes\" in the Actions menu when you are ready to make them available to users."
msgstr ""

msgid "You may change your notification preferences on your profile page."
msgstr ""

msgid "You may change your notification preferences on your profile page. "
msgstr ""

msgid "You may place them before or after the main template sections."
msgstr ""

msgid "You must accept the terms and conditions to register."
msgstr ""

msgid "You must agree to the term and conditions."
msgstr ""

#msgid "You must enter a valid URL (e.g."
#msgstr ""

#msgid "You must enter a valid email address."
#msgstr ""

msgid "You must have at least one option with accompanying text."
msgstr ""

msgid "You must provide a valid email address and select a permission level."
msgstr ""

msgid "You must select a funder from the list or click the checkbox."
msgstr ""

msgid "You must select a funding organisation from the list."
msgstr ""

msgid "You must select a research organisation from the list or click the checkbox."
msgstr ""

msgid "You must select a research organisation from the list."
msgstr ""

msgid "You must select at least one organisation type"
msgstr ""

msgid "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."
msgstr ""

msgid "You will need to create an account in order to accept your invitation to view the data management plan (DMP)."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your #{template_type(template)} has been published and is now available to users."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your ORCID"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your Selected Standards:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your access to "
msgstr ""

msgid "Your account has been linked to #{scheme.description}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your account has been linked to your organisation. You can now login with that method."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your account has been successfully linked to %{scheme}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your account has been successfully linked to your institutional credentials. You will now be able to sign in with them."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your colleague %{inviter_name} has invited you to contribute to their Data Management Plan in %{tool_name}"
msgstr "Your colleague %{inviter_name} has invited you to contribute to their Data Management Plan in %{tool_name}"

msgid "Your email address is also your login id and therefore an important part of your account information. For your safety we require you to confirm your password to make this change."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your guidance group has been published and is now available to users."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your guidance group is no longer published and will not be available to users."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your guidance has been published and is now available to users."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your guidance is no longer published and will not be available to users."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your organisation affiliation has been changed. You may now edit templates for %{org_name}."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your organisation does not seem to be properly configured."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your permissions relating to \"%{plan_title}\" have changed. You now have %{type} access. This means you can %{placeholder1} %{placeholder2}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your project is no longer a test."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your project is now a test."
msgstr ""

#msgid "Your request for feedback has been submitted."
#msgstr ""

#msgid "_( %></td>"
#msgstr ""

msgid "_( %></td>"
"          <td><%= raw template.description %></td>"
"          <td><%= l(template.updated_at.to_date, formats: :short) %></td>"
"          <td class=\"text-center\">"
"            <%= link_to template_export_path(template.family_id, format: :docx), target: '_blank' do %>"
"               <i class=\"fa fa-file-word-o\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>"
"               <em class=\"sr-only\"><%= _('(new window)"
msgstr ""

msgid "account has been locked due to an excessive number of unsuccessful sign in attempts."
msgstr ""

msgid "activate"
msgstr ""

msgid "activated"
msgstr ""

msgid "activerecord.errors.messages.record_invalid"
msgstr ""

msgid "activerecord.errors.models.user.attributes.current_password.invalid"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

msgid "activerecord.errors.models.user.attributes.password.blank"
msgstr ""

msgid "activerecord.errors.models.user.attributes.password_confirmation.confirmation"
msgstr ""

msgid "answered"
msgstr ""

msgid "are not authorized to view that plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "available to the public"
msgstr ""

msgid "can't be blank"
msgstr ""

msgid "can't be larger than 500KB"
msgstr ""

msgid "can't be less than zero"
msgstr ""

#msgid "changed"
#msgstr ""

msgid "co-owner"
msgstr ""

msgid "collapse all"
msgstr ""

msgid "comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "completed_plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "copied"
msgstr ""

msgid "copy"
msgstr ""

msgid "create"
msgstr ""

msgid "created"
msgstr ""

msgid "customisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "customize! requires a template from a funder"
msgstr ""

msgid "customize! requires an organisation target"
msgstr ""

msgid "deactivate"
msgstr ""

msgid "deactivated"
msgstr ""

msgid "delete"
msgstr ""

msgid "deleted"
msgstr ""

msgid "archived"
msgstr ""

msgid "editor"
msgstr ""

msgid "example answer"
msgstr ""

msgid "expand all"
msgstr ""

msgid "for 'Question text' can't be blank."
msgstr ""

msgid "for internal %{org_name} use only"
msgstr ""

msgid "generate_copy! requires an organisation target"
msgstr ""

msgid "generate_version! requires a published template"
msgstr ""

msgid "get involved<em class=\"sr-only\"> (new window)</em>"
msgstr ""

#msgid "guidance"
#msgstr ""

msgid "guidance group"
msgstr ""

msgid "guidance on"
msgstr ""

msgid "into your browser"
msgstr ""

msgid "isn't a valid value"
msgstr ""

msgid "locals should be a Hash object"
msgstr ""

msgid "logo"
msgstr ""

msgid "mock project for testing, practice, or educational purposes"
msgstr ""

msgid "must be after %{date}"
msgstr ""

msgid "must be logged in"
msgstr ""

msgid "must be one of the following formats: \" +"
"                                \"jpeg, jpg, png, gif, bmp"
msgstr ""

#msgid "must be one of the following formats: \" +"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "must be one of the following formats: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, bmp"
#msgstr ""

msgid "must be unique"
msgstr ""

msgid "must have access to guidances api"
msgstr ""

msgid "must have access to plans api"
msgstr ""

msgid "must have access to theme api"
msgstr ""

#msgid "note"
#msgstr ""

msgid "obj should be a Phase, Section, Question, or Annotation"
msgstr ""

msgid "obj should be a Template, Phase, Section, Question, or Annotation"
msgstr ""

msgid "on the homepage."
msgstr ""

msgid "or"
msgstr ""

msgid "or copy"
msgstr ""

msgid "organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "organisational"
msgstr ""

msgid "page for guidance."
msgstr ""

#msgid "password"
#msgstr ""

msgid "path_params should be a Hash object"
msgstr ""

msgid "permission"
msgstr ""

#msgid "permissions"
#msgstr ""

#msgid "phase"
#msgstr ""

msgid "plan"
msgstr ""

#msgid "plan's visibility"
#msgstr ""

msgid "plans"
msgstr ""

msgid "preferences"
msgstr ""

msgid "private"
msgstr ""

msgid "profile"
msgstr ""

msgid "profile for %{username}"
msgstr ""

msgid "project details coversheet"
msgstr ""

msgid "public"
msgstr ""

msgid "publish"
msgstr ""

msgid "query_params should be a Hash object"
msgstr ""

msgid "question"
msgstr ""

msgid "question text and section headings"
msgstr ""

msgid "questions"
msgstr ""

msgid "read the plan and leave comments."
msgstr ""

msgid "read the plan and provide feedback."
msgstr ""

msgid "read-only"
msgstr ""

msgid "remove"
msgstr ""

msgid "removed"
msgstr ""

msgid "reviewer"
msgstr ""

#msgid "role"
#msgstr ""

msgid "save"
msgstr ""

msgid "saved"
msgstr ""

msgid "scope should be an ActiveRecord::Relation object"
msgstr ""

msgid "section"
msgstr ""

msgid "sections"
msgstr ""

msgid "since %{name} saved the answer below while you were editing. Please, combine your changes and then save the answer again."
msgstr ""

msgid "supplementary section(s) not requested by funding organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "template"
msgstr ""

msgid "template with customisations by the"
msgstr ""

msgid "terms and conditions"
msgstr ""

msgid "test"
msgstr ""

msgid "test plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "unanswered questions"
msgstr ""

msgid "unpublish"
msgstr ""

msgid "update"
msgstr ""

msgid "updated"
msgstr ""

msgid "upgrade cannot be carried out since there is no published template of its current funder"
msgstr ""

#msgid "upgrade_customization! cannot be carried out since there is no published template of its current funder"
#msgstr ""

msgid "upgrade_customization! requires a customised template"
msgstr ""

msgid "user"
msgstr ""

msgid "user must be in your organisation"
msgstr ""

msgid "users_joined"
msgstr ""

msgid "write and edit the plan in a collaborative manner."
msgstr ""

msgid "help for administrators page"
msgstr ""

msgid "If you have questions pertaining to this action, please visit the My Dashboard page in %{tool_name}"
msgstr "If you have questions pertaining to this action, please visit the My Dashboard page in %{tool_name}"

msgid "Schools/Departments"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create school/department"
msgstr ""

msgid "School or Department"
msgstr ""

msgid "Abbreviated Name or Code"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create a School/Department"
msgstr ""

msgid "Edit the School/Department"
msgstr ""

msgid "View all departments"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add the name of a school/department."
msgstr ""

msgid "Add the abbreviated name or code for the school/department."
msgstr ""

msgid "department"
msgstr ""

msgid "Feedback email message"
msgstr "Feedback email message"

msgid "You can not publish a published template.  "
msgstr "You can not publish a published template.  "

msgid "You can not publish a historical version of this template.  "
msgstr "You can not publish a historical version of this template.  "

msgid "You can not publish a template without phases.  "
msgstr "You can not publish a template without phases.  "

msgid "You can not publish a template without sections in a phase.  "
msgstr "You can not publish a template without sections in a phase.  "

msgid "You can not publish a template without questions in a section.  "
msgstr "You can not publish a template without questions in a section.  "

msgid "Template version %{template_version}, published on %{published_date}"
msgstr "Template version %{template_version}, published on %{published_date}"

msgid "Enter the email address of your collaborator: If they are already using %{tool_name}, they will see this plan on their dashboard, and recieve an email. If they are not currently using %{tool_name}, they will recieve an email inviting them to the tool so they can collaborate on your plan."
msgstr "Enter the email address of your collaborator: If they are already using %{tool_name}, they will see this plan on their dashboard, and recieve an email. If they are not currently using %{tool_name}, they will recieve an email inviting them to the tool so they can collaborate on your plan."

msgid "Review plans"
msgstr "Review plans"

msgid "Opens in new window"
msgstr "Opens in new window"

msgid "merged"
msgstr ""

msgid "Archive"
msgstr ""

msgid "You are about to archive %{user_name}.  This will remove their personal information, but retain their plans, answers, and comments.  They will be unable to sign-in. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Merge Accounts"
msgstr ""

msgid "First, search for a user by email, then select them from the list."
msgstr ""

msgid "<br>The selected user's content will be merged into the account for %{user_email}. <br> The selected account will then be removed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Merge"
msgstr ""

msgid "Type here to search in the table"
msgstr "Type here to search in the table"

msgid "Is it a test plan ?"
msgstr "Is it a test plan ?"

msgid "Sign in or Create account"
msgstr "Sign in or Create account"