dmpopidor / app / views / branded / user_mailer / sharing_notification.html.erb
  tool_name = Rails.configuration.branding[:application][:name]
  sender_name =
  user_email =
  link = url_for(action: 'show', controller: 'plans', id:
  user_name = User.find_by(email: user_email).nil? ?  user_email : User.find_by(email: user_email).name(false)
<% FastGettext.with_locale FastGettext.default_locale do %>
    <%= _('Hello %{user_name}') %{ :user_name => user_name } %>
    <%= d_('dmpopidor', '%{sender_name} has invited you to contribute to their Data Management Plan in %{tool_name}') % { 
      :sender_name => sender_name,
      :tool_name => tool_name
       } %>
    <%= sanitize(_('%{click_here} to accept the invitation, (or copy %{link} into your browser). If you don\'t want to accept the invitation, please ignore this email.') % { click_here: link_to(_('Click here'), link), link: link }) %>
  <%= render partial: 'email_signature' %>
<% end %>