Development (#17)
* Migrated codebase from rails 4.0 to 4.2, also removed most of the version specifications from the gem dependencies and ran bundle update

* Commented out api test since it is incomplete and references a missing fixture. Also commented out stubbed performance test because that functionality is no longer a part of rails

* renamed config/environment to config/environments which is what rails is looking for. Commented out the DOCX mime type reference because it is already added by rails. Commented out the belongs_to_and has_many line in models/user because it is already defined by rolify gem

* updated ruby version to 2.1.10 for devise gem

* Added line to have tests auto-run db:migrate

* Ran db:migrate to update the schema since there were some pending migrations preventing travis from running rake

* removed schem_migration line from test_helper as it did not seem to help with the schema migration issue in travis

* Added fb:migrate and db:test:prepare commands to travis file

* replaced deprecated ActiveRecord::Migrator call in old db migration file

* Removed rake db tasks from travis file now that the offending migration script has been fixed

* added rake db:test:prepare back to travis file and added call to run default test task

* Updated find_by_all to the newer and more accepted 'where'

* Updated routes.rb to remove unecessary create and edit route definitions

* Fixed stack too deep error by commenting out circular reference to sections in the version model. Changed deprecated '.find(:all, :order => 'field ASC')' format to '.all.order('field')'

* removed redundant bootstrap file. using bootstrap.min.js going forward. updated css to default align all text to left

* Added js preventDefault to modal popup functions to prevent them from appearing and immediately disappering

* Replaced deprecated link_to_function. the call in the helpers/application.rb should eventually be rethought. We shouldn't be using the onclick function of an html element directly, we should use the jquery approach: .click()

* removed deprecated link_to_object function from helpers/application.rb and added client side js script to add new options to a question.

* Upgraded select2 js file

* Removed all accepts_nested_attributes_for for belongs_to associations because they were creating circular calls in ActiveRecord.

* Fixed add/remove option js

* Fixed i18n calls in erb files that were missing an equal sign (e.g. <% t('value'') %> --> <%= t('value') %> so that the value will appear to the user. Also updated i18n calls from admin.js with 'js.' prefix)

* Removed deprecated uniq_by call on ActiveRecord collection

* Updated textbox and textarea sizes on contact_us form. added a route for the 'future plans' page

* Added 'self' prefix to dmptemplate references in models/project.rb because of a scoping issue. tweaks to select2 dropdowns on create project page

* Moved i18n calls out of string content in toolbar.js

* Removed outdated i%() array initializers because they now create arrays of symbols instead of strings

* Fixes to the plan settings page

* Fixed issues with settings hash

* Removed some debug statements

* Added the new rails 4.2 byebug gem

* added rails 4 bin

* added rails 4 bin

* tweaks to env and session_store cookie domain

* Updated routes to make lock/unlock paths use json by default

* updated routes for lock/unlock section on plan form

* fixed issue with lock/unlock using .json extension in ajax call. fixed unknown i18n references in plans.js

* Fixed issue with location of web-console in the Gemfile.

* Updated static page links so that they use localized paths. Added new locized_routes flag to the contact-us initializer and upgraded its gem

* Updated gemfile to specify specific version of contact-us

* Added some bug fixes that were a part of an old 'upgrade-bootstrap' branch but were missed when creating the rails-4-2 pull request. Also replaces the static page urls with localized versions

* removed console.log debug statements

* Organized locale files for dependencies into subdirectories

* Added localization files for the contact-us gem

* Updated load path on locales initializer so that it understands subdirectories. separated en contact-us locale into en-Uk and en-US. updated contact_us page to use gem's built in localization files

* Switched the dmptool to use en-US localization

* updated en-UK and en-US locale files to make sure that they use their respective locale ids instead of en. Added a branding yaml file for org and app names

* Change name of the application's root module from DMPonline4 to DMPRoadmap

* Began removing branding variables from the locales file and placed them in branding.yml

* finished initial branding of static pages

* Created DMPRoadmap logo and swapped out JISC logo for UC3 logo.

* commented out version specification in Gemfile for the contact-us gem

* Capified the application

* configuring capistrano

* Updated the contact_us gem version for localized paths

* capistrano config

* updated contact_us gem version

* changed server connection methodology

* removed Gemfile.lock, contact_us initializer, and /config/environments files from gitignore

* added initializers that were previsouly ignored by gitignore

* Changed DMPonline references to DMPRoadmap

* removed web_console reference in config/environments/development.rb because it is causing issues with capistrano deploy and does not seem to be needed

* removed web_console from gemfile because its causing deployment issues

* trying to remove web_console

* Revert "trying to remove web_console"

This reverts commit 7a1b714.

* Revert "removed web_console from gemfile because its causing deployment issues"

This reverts commit f8f8316.

* removed Gemfile.lock from .gitignore

* Updated to newer rails style

* tweaked deploy script

* added phusion passenger start/stop to deploy.rb

* Added passenger to gemfile

* Added passenger to gemfile

* tweaks to cap deploy.rb

* Changed staging.rb to stage.rb for capistrrano

* commented out line in

* commented out line in

* Removed capistrano deployment files

* Removed capfile

* reran bundle install to build Gemfile.lock
1 parent ae3bb64 commit 30433e7ba46cef03750142f7160e1841f2faf0f7
@Brian Riley Brian Riley authored on 11 Aug 2016
GitHub committed on 11 Aug 2016
Showing 6 changed files