History for dmpopidor / .travis.yml
Swap rake assets compilation with bin/setup task
Bodacious committed on 8 Aug 2018
Fix rake task in Travis CI by using bundler
Bodacious committed on 8 Aug 2018
Updated Capybara chrome driver to avoid sandboxing
Bodacious committed on 8 Aug 2018
Update Travis Config to use chrome stable
Bodacious committed on 8 Aug 2018
Update Travis CI with assets precompile task
Bodacious committed on 8 Aug 2018
Remove duplicate chrome requirement in TravisCI
Bodacious committed on 8 Aug 2018
Update TravisCI GoogleChrome load settings
Bodacious committed on 3 Aug 2018
@Brian Riley
Merge branch 'development' into refactor/rspec-specs
Brian Riley authored on 2 Aug 2018 GitHub committed on 2 Aug 2018
Fix how bundle --no-watch arg is set
Bodacious committed on 2 Aug 2018
Add --no-watch flag to Webpack build ...
Bodacious committed on 2 Aug 2018
Update TravisCI with alternate chrome config
Bodacious committed on 2 Aug 2018
Add Google chrome to Travis CI config
Bodacious committed on 2 Aug 2018
Add Google Chrome to TravisCI config
Bodacious committed on 2 Aug 2018
Refactor TravisCI config to run separate jobs ...
Bodacious committed on 1 Aug 2018
Remove Rake test from Travis CI config
Bodacious committed on 27 Jul 2018
Add RSpec check to Travis CI
Bodacious committed on 25 Jul 2018
Add RSpec check to Travis CI
Bodacious committed on 24 Jul 2018
Ruby Upgrade v2.4.4 ...
bhavi authored on 1 May 2018 briley committed on 23 May 2018
updated to node 8.x from 6.x because node install started failing on travis
briley committed on 18 Oct 2017
@Jose Lloret
is module and travis configuration tweaked. DMPRoadmap/roadmap#601 ...
Jose Lloret committed on 23 Aug 2017
@Jose Lloret
Resolve merge conflicts. DMPRoadmap/roadmap#587
Jose Lloret committed on 22 Aug 2017
@Jose Lloret
front-end dependencies handled through npm. DMPRoadmap/roadmap#551
Jose Lloret committed on 7 Aug 2017
switched all Perm::CONSTANT to Perm.scope calls. Travis could not handle CONSTANT definitions likely due to rails/ruby evironment. Its better to use scope for queries anyway
briley committed on 30 Mar 2017
switched travis file to isolate tests against a single controller
briley committed on 30 Mar 2017
added branding.yml copy to travis file
briley committed on 28 Mar 2017
Updated travis file to recreate the test DB and then load it from the schema.rb file rather than running db:migrate due to issues with the dmponline upgrade scripts
briley committed on 7 Mar 2017
reverted travis file back to db:migrate
briley committed on 3 Nov 2016
remove db:test:prepare and replaced with specific drop, create and migrate
briley committed on 3 Nov 2016
remove db:test:prepare and replaced with specific drop, create and migrate
briley committed on 3 Nov 2016
switch travis to use db:test:prepare instead of db:migrate
briley committed on 3 Nov 2016