ccjcorea / themes / default / css / custom.css
@Omeka Omeka on 17 Apr 2020 33 KB Modifications pour la vref 1.1.7
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textarea, select, input[type='date'], input[type='datetime'], input[type='datetime-local'], input[type='email'], input[type='month'], input[type='number'], input[type='password'], input[type='search'], input[type='tel'], input[type='text'], input[type='time'], input[type='url'], input[type='week']{
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h1, .h1, h2, .h2, .hasH2{
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#search-container #search-form #query::placeholder, #content #advanced-search-form input::placeholder, #search_block #search-keywords #keyword-search::placeholder{
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body a:visited{
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ul.navigation a, footer .links a{
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header .header-icons i:hover{
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header #shareMenu{
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header #shareMenu h4{
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header #shareMenu a{
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header #shareMenu h5{
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header .shareMenu img{
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#search-container input#query{
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#search-container input#query::placeholder{
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#search-container button{
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#search-container button::after{
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#search-form >{
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#bandeauTitre h1{
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#bandeauTitre #titre1 h1{
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#bandeauTitre #titre2 h1{
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#primary-nav ul.navigation.nav-menu li.nav-item:not(:last-of-type) a{
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#primary-nav ul.navigation > li a:before{
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#home #wrap{
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#home #content{
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#content h1{
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#content .items-nav.navigation.secondary-nav{
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#content .items-nav.navigation.secondary-nav .navigation a{
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#content .pagination-nav{
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#content .pagination-nav .pagination{
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#content #sort-links .sort-label, #content #sort-links #sort-links-list{
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#content #sort-links{
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#home #content{
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#home #primary{
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.slider div img{
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.slider div{
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#primary .imgune img{
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	width: 100%;

#primary p{
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#home .collections{
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	flex-basis: 95%;
	margin: 0;

#home .collections h2{
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#home .collections a{
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#home .collections a span{
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	color: white;
	width: 100%;

#home #secondary{
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#home #content #secondary #featured-collection, #home #content #secondary #featured-exhibit, #home #content #secondary #featured-item, #home #content #secondary #recent-items{
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	padding: 0;

#home #content #secondary #featured-collection .collection.record, #home #content #secondary #featured-exhibit .exhibit.record, #home #secondary #featured-item .item.record, #home #secondary #recent-items .item.record{
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	margin: 1em auto;
	padding: 1em;
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	min-height: 20em;
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#home #content #secondary #featured-collection .collection.record p, #home #content #secondary #featured-exhibit .exhibit.record p, #home #secondary #featured-item .item.record p, #home #secondary #recent-items .item.record p{
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	text-align: justify;

#home #content #secondary #featured-collection h2, #home #content #secondary #featured-exhibit h2, #home #secondary #featured-item h2, #home #secondary #recent-items h2{
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	margin-top: 0;
	width: 80%;
	border-bottom: 1px solid var(--mainColor);

#home #content #secondary #featured-collection h3, #home #content #secondary #featured-exhibit h3, #home #content #secondary #featured-item h3, #home #content #secondary #recent-items h3{
	align-self: stretch;
	margin-bottom: 2em;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: 1em;

#home #content #secondary #featured-collection h3:hover, #home #content #secondary #featured-exhibit h3:hover, #home #content #secondary #featured-item h3:hover, #home #content #secondary #recent-items h3:hover{
	text-decoration: underline;

#home #content #secondary #featured-collection h3 a, #home #content #secondary #featured-exhibit h3 a, #home #content #secondary #featured-item h3 a, #home #content #secondary #recent-items h3 a{
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	text-decoration: none;

#home #content #secondary #featured-collection .image, #home #content #secondary #featured-exhibit .image, #home #content #secondary #featured-item .image, #home #content #secondary #recent-items .image{
	text-align: center;
	margin: 0;
	width: 80%;
	height: auto;
	box-shadow: none;

#home #content #secondary #featured-collection img, #home #content #secondary #featured-exhibit img, #home #content #secondary #featured-item img, #home #content #secondary #recent-items img{
	width: 80%;
	height: auto;
	border-radius: 5px;
	box-shadow: 0 6px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

#home #secondary #recent-items .item.record{
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	flex-direction: row;
	min-height: 0;

#home #secondary #recent-items .item.record > *{
	flex: 1;

#home #secondary #recent-items .item.record a{
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	max-height: 100px;

#home #content #secondary #recent-items .item.record h3{
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#recent-items .view-items-link{
	min-width: 17.5em;
	margin: 1em auto;

#content .exhibit.even{
	padding: 1em;

#content .exhibit.even .description p{
	text-align: justify;

/* page item */ #wrap{
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} #wrap #content{
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} .element h3::after, .element h2::after{
	content: "\0000a0:\0000a0";
} #collection .element-text p{
	margin: 0;
} #dublin-core-creator .element-text a{
	text-decoration: none;
} #wrap #content h1{
	text-align: left;
} #titre-pactols{
	font-weight: bold;
} #wrap #content h2:first-of-type, #item-citation{
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} nav{
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} #item-images{
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} #item-images > div{
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} #item-images > div a{
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} #item-images > div a:last-child{
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	background-color: var(--buttongray);
} #item-images > div a img{
	width: 7em;
	margin: 0.5em 0.5em 0;
} #item-images > div a img:hover{
	cursor: pointer;
} #itemfiles h3 > div{
	margin-top: 0.5em;

	width: 80%;
	padding-top: 1em;

	display: flex;
	flex-flow: row wrap;
	width: 100%;

#pactols-item-type-metadata-pactols-sujets .element-text{
	width: 33%;

#pactols-item-type-metadata-pactols-sujets h3{
	flex-basis: 100%;

.element-set .element h3, .element-set .element-text{
	display: inline-flex;
	margin: 0;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;

#dublin-core-format .element-text{
	margin-left: 31%;
} h3, h2{
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	line-height: 20px;
	height: max-content;
	margin: 0;

	width: 100%;
} .element-set > div > .element-text > *:after{
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} .element-set > div > .element-text:last-of-type > *:after{
	content: "";
.element-text a:hover{
	font-weight: bold;
	color: var(--darkMainColor);

body.items.tags #wrap #content p{
	width: 100%;
	text-align: center;

#dublin-core-subject :not(:first-child):not(:last-child)::after{
	content: ";";

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	justify-content: center;
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	flex-basis: 40%;
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#rightDiv ol{
	margin: 0.5em auto;
	padding: 0 2em;
	text-align: left;
	word-break: break-all;

#rightDiv #transcribe, #rightDiv #item-relations-display-item-relations, #scripto-transcription{
	width: 80%;
	border-top: dotted lightgray;
	border-top-width: 0.25em;
	padding: 2em 0;

#item-relations-display-item-relations h2{
	margin-bottom: 1em;

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	flex-flow: row wrap;
	text-align: justify;

#content .element-set:nth-of-type(n+2) .element .element-text a:first-of-type{
	padding-left: 1em;
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#dublin-core-creator .element-text a{
	margin-left: 5px;

#content .element-set:nth-of-type(2) .element-set > div, #content .element-set:nth-of-type(2) .element-set .element-text{
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	flex-direction: row;
	flex: 1;
} #geolocation, #geolocation-browse{
	width: 100%;
	padding: 0.5em;
	align-self: center;
	margin: 1em 0;
} #geolocation h2{
	margin-bottom: 1em;

/* formats de sortie*/
	width: 100%;

#outputs .outputs-label::after{
	content: ":";

#item-output-formats li{
	display: inline-block;

	text-align: center;
	padding-top: 1em;
	border-top: 1px dotted lightgray;
	border-top-width: 0.3em;

	margin-top: 0;
	padding-left: 0;

#item-output-formats li:after{
	content: ", ";
#item-output-formats li:last-of-type:after{
	content: "";

select, textarea, input{
	max-width: 100%;

/* recherche avancée & carte */
.items.advanced-search #advanced-search-form, .map.browse #search{
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	flex-flow: column;
	margin: 0 auto;

.inputs #keyword-search::placeholder{
	text-indent: 1em;
	color: var(--darkgray);

#content #search-narrow-by-fields .search-entry{
	display: flex;
	justify-content: flex-end;
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	background-color: var(--lightbeige);

.inputs .search-entry *{
	height: 30px;

#search-narrow-by-fields .search-entry select, #search-narrow-by-fields .advanced-search-terms{
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#advanced-search-form #search-narrow-by-fields .advanced-search-element, #advanced-search-form #search-narrow-by-fields .advanced-search-type, #advanced-search-form #search-narrow-by-fields .advanced-search-terms, #search #search-narrow-by-fields .advanced-search-element, #search #search-narrow-by-fields .advanced-search-type, #search #search-narrow-by-fields .advanced-search-terms{
	width: 30%;

	display: none;

.add_search, #submit_search_advanced{
	width: max-content;
	align-self: center;

.add_search, .remove_search{
	background-color: var(--buttongray);

	background-color: var(--mainColor);

.field label, .field .label{
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	width: 100%;
	margin-bottom: 1.5em;

#advanced-search-form #search-narrow-by-fields .advanced-search-joiner, #search #search-narrow-by-fields .search-entry select.advanced-search-joiner{
	width: 8%;
	background-color: lightgray;
	margin-right: 2em;
	font-size: 0.95em;
	min-width: max-content;

#advanced-search-form #search-narrow-by-fields .search-entry:first-child .advanced-search-joiner, #search #search-narrow-by-fields .search-entry:first-child .advanced-search-joiner{
	display: block;
	visibility: hidden;

/* carte */
#map-links ul li{
	margin-bottom: 0;
	line-height: 20px;

.gm-style-iw img{
	max-width: 100% !important;
	max-height: 150px !important;

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#search input, #search select{
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#search .field{
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	padding: 1.5em 0;
	margin-bottom: 0em;

#search .field .inputs{
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#search input[type="submit"], #search button{
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/* scripto */
.pageScripto #primary{
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	align-items: stretch;

.pageScripto #primary .scripto > p{
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	text-align: center;
} img{
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