ccjcorea / themes / seasons / javascripts / custom.js
@Omeka Omeka on 26 Jul 2019 1 KB Travail de J. Hoarau
if (!Seasons) {
    var Seasons = {};

(function ($) {
    Seasons.mobileSelectNav = function () {
		$("<div id=\"maDiv\"><div id=\"titre1\"><h1>Corpus & Ressources Archéologiques </h1></div></div>").insertBefore("");
		$("<div id=\"titre2\"><h1>Du centre Camille Jullian </h1></div>").appendTo("#maDiv");
        // Create the dropdown base
        $("<select class=\"mobile\" />").appendTo("");
        // Create default option "Go to..."
        $("<option />", {
           "selected": "selected",
           "value"   : "",
           "text"    : "Go to..."
        }).appendTo("nav select");
        // Populate dropdown with menu items
        $(" a").each(function() {
            var el = $(this);
            if (el.parents('ul ul').length) {
                var parentCount = el.parents("ul").length;
                var dashes = new Array(parentCount).join('- ');
                $("<option />", {
                    "value": el.attr("href"),
                    "text":  dashes + el.text()
                }).appendTo("nav select");
            } else {
                $("<option />", {
                    "value": el.attr("href"),
                    "text": el.text()
                }).appendTo(" select");
            $(" select").change(function() {
              window.location = $(this).find("option:selected").val();


// (function($) { 
	// var windowHeight= $(window).height();
	// if(windowHeight < 600){
				// $("#site-title a img").setAttribute('src','');

	// }
// })(jQuery);