# Ces exemples peuvent être exécutés directement dans VSCode, en utilisant # l'extension REST Client (humao.rest-client) # To test locally, replace with # @baseUrl = http://localhost:31976 # @baseUrl = http://mapping-tools-5.tdmservices.intra.inist.fr @baseUrl = https://mapping-tools.services.istex.fr ### # @name v1RnsrInstitutsCnrs # Trouver l'Institut du CNRS associé à une structure de recherche POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/rnsr/instituts-cnrs/json?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ {"id":1, "value": "200919362L"}, {"id":2, "value": "200112440X"} ] ### # @name v1HalAuthorIdidRef # Trouver l'idRef associé au halAuthorId (format LODEX) POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/halAuthorId/idRef/json?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ { "id":1, "value": "https://data.archives-ouvertes.fr/author/1458607" }, { "id":2, "value": "https://data.archives-ouvertes.fr/author/1358616" }, { "id":3, "value": "https://data.archives-ouvertes.fr/author/11165563" }, { "id":4, "value": "1458607" }, { "id":5, "value": "1358616" }, { "id":6, "value": "11165563" }, { "id":7, "value": 1458607 }, { "id":8, "value": 1358616 }, { "id":9, "value": 11165563 } ] ### # @name v1idRefOrcid # Trouver l'ORCID associé à l'IdRef (format LODEX) POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/idRef/orcid/json?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ { "id":1, "value": "http://www.idref.fr/190260483/id" }, { "id":2, "value": "http://www.idref.fr/165835257/id" }, { "id":3, "value": "http://www.idref.fr/182222918/id" }, { "id":4, "value": "190260483" }, { "id":5, "value": "165835257" }, { "id":6, "value": "182222918" }, { "id":7, "value": 190260483 }, { "id":8, "value": 165835257 }, { "id":9, "value": 182222918 } ] ### # @name v1HomogenizeSource # Homogénéiser la forme d'une source de notice POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/homogenize/source/json?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ { "id":1, "value": "101 secrets de l'ADN" }, { "id":2, "value": "101 secrets de l’ADN." }, { "id":3, "value": "101 secrets de l’ADN. CNRS Éditions, Paris, pp 114-116" }, { "id":4, "value": "« Gilets jaunes » Hypothèses sur un mouvement" }, { "id":5, "value": "Bon sang!" } ] ### # @name v1HomogenizePublisher # Homogénéiser la forme des éditeurs POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/homogenize/publisher/json?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ { "id":1, "value": "Springer" }, { "id":2, "value": "Springer Verlag" }, { "id":3, "value": "John Wiley and Sons" }, { "id":4, "value": "Wiley-Blackwell: No OnlineOpen" }, { "id":5, "value": "Elsevier Science inc" }, { "id":6, "value": "A&M Editions 17" } ] ### # @name v1HomogenizeDocumentType # Homogénéiser les types de documents POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/homogenize/documentType/json?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ { "id":1, "value": "ART" }, { "id":2, "value": "Biography" }, { "id":3, "value": "Congress" }, { "id":4, "value": "News" }, { "id":5, "value": "Technical Report" } ] ### # @name v1Rnsr2022 # Verbaliser des codes RNSR POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/rnsr/2022/json?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ { "id":1, "value": "200816947R" }, { "id":2, "value": "202023588G" }, { "id":3, "value": "201521249L" }, { "id":4, "value": "200816947R" }, { "id":5, "value": "199018578S" }, { "id":6, "value": "202023587F" }, { "id":7, "value": "202024262P" }, { "id":8, "value": "201722766B" }, { "id":9, "value": "201722545L" }, { "id":10, "value": "200711922H" } ] ### # @name v1InspireLabos # Verbalisation Inspire labos POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/inspire-labos/in2p3-labos/json?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ { "id":1, "value": "910133" }, { "id":2, "value": "907607" }, { "id":3, "value": "902989" }, { "id":4, "value": "903453" }, { "id":5, "value": "1608212" }, { "id":6, "value": "903100" }, { "id":7, "value": "907588" }, { "id":8, "value": "903099" }, { "id":9, "value": "1776405" }, { "id":10, "value": "911249" } ] ### # @name v1InspireCategoryMetaCategory # Verbalisation Inspire category POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/inspire-category/meta-category/json?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ { "id":1, "value": "Experiment-HEP" }, { "id":2, "value": "Phenomenology-HEP" }, { "id":3, "value": "Theory-HEP" }, { "id":4, "value": "Math and Math Physics" }, { "id":5, "value": "Gravitation and Cosmology" }, { "id":6, "value": "Astrophysics" }, { "id":7, "value": "Data Analysis and Statistics" }, { "id":8, "value": "Condensed Matter" }, { "id":9, "value": "Other" }, { "id":10, "value": "Theory-Nucl" } ] ### # @name v1RnsrYearInstitutsCnrs # Trouver l'Institut du CNRS associé à une structure de recherche et une année POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/rnsr-year/instituts-cnrs?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ {"id":1, "value": "200919362L|2020"}, {"id":2, "value": "200112440X|2022"} ] ### # @name v1HospitalAffiliations # Trouver un hopital correspondant à une adresse d'affiliation POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/hospital/affiliations?indent=true HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json [ {"id" :"1","value": "Hop La Pitie Salpetriere, AP HP, Serv Med Interne, Ctr Natl Reference Histiocytoses, Paris, France"}, {"id" :"2","value": "UMR CNRS 7021, Illkirch Graffenstaden, France"}, {"id" :"3","value": "Bergonie Inst, Dept Radiat Oncol, Bordeaux, France"}, {"id" :"4","value": "CHU Besancon, Serv Neurol, 2 Blvd Fleming, F-25030 Besancon, France"}, {"id" :"5","value": "CHU St Etienne, Ave Albert Raimond, F-42055 St Etienne, France"} ]