web-services / loterre-resolver / v1 / combine.ini
@Nicolas Thouvenin Nicolas Thouvenin on 22 Jul 2021 1 KB import loterre resolver
# Context input/output
append = dump?indent=true

# OpenAPI Documentation - JSON format (dot notation)
post.responses.default.description = Return all objects from XML/SKOS file
post.responses.default.content.application/json.schema.type = array
post.responses.default.content.application/json.schema.items.type = object
post.responses.default.content.application/ = string
post.responses.default.content.application/$ref = #/components/schemas/anyValue
post.summary = Transform XML/SKOS file to array of JSON Objects
post.requestBody.required = true
post.requestBody.content.text/xml.schema.type = string
post.requestBody.content.text/xml.schema.format = binary

# Necessary plugins
plugin = basics
plugin = loterre
plugin = analytics

# Flow configuration
unzip = true

separator = /rdf:RDF/skos:Concept

safe = true

path = concept
value = self()

# select all keys and remove duplicates to avoid ambiguities
path = keys
value = fix(_.get(self, 'skos$prefLabel'), _.get(self, 'skos$altLabel'), _.get(self, 'skos$hiddenLabel')). \
		filter(o => _.has(o, '$t')).\
		map(o =>_.lowerCase(_.trim((o.$t)))).\
		reduce((accumulator, value, key, collection) => (_.indexOf(collection, value) >= 0 ? accumulator.concat(value) : accumulator), [])

id = concept
value = keys

; invert id & value because of [exploding] which works only by value (not by id)
path = id
value = get('value')

path = value
value = get('id')