web-services / affiliations-tools / index.js
// const pool = require('./pool');

 * Send all received {Object} to a host command
 * Script:
 * ```ini
 * [fasttext]
 * ```
 * @name exec
 * @param {String} [command] host command
 * @param {String} [args] argument for command
 * @param {Number} [concurrency = auto] Number of processes to launch concurrency
 * @returns {Object}
// async function fasttext(data, feed, ctx) {
//   const command = []
//     .concat(ctx.getParam('command'))
//     .filter(Boolean)
//     .shift();
//   const args = []
//     .concat(ctx.getParam('args'))
//     .filter(Boolean);
//   const concurrency = Number([]
//     .concat(ctx.getParam('concurrency', ctx.settings.concurrency))
//     .filter(Boolean)
//     .shift());

//   let handle;
//   try {
//     handle = await pool.startup(concurrency, command, args);
//     if (!this.resource) {
//       this.input = ctx.createStream(ctx.objectMode());
//       this.resource = await handle.acquire();
//       this.input.pipe(ctx('pack')).pipe(this.resource.stdin);
//       const output = this.resource.stdout.pipe(ctx('unpack'));
//       this.resource.once('error', (err) => feed.stop(err));
//       this.resource.once('exit', (exitCode) => {
//         if (exitCode !== 0) {
//           handle.destroy(this.resource);
//           return feed.stop(new Error(`${command} exit with code ${exitCode}`));
//         }
//         return output.end();
//       });
//       this.whenFinish = feed.flow(output);
//     }
//     if (ctx.isLast()) {
//       this.whenFinish
//         .then(() => {
//           handle.destroy(this.resource);
//           feed.close();
//         })
//         .catch((e) => feed.stop(e));
//       return this.input.end();
//     }
//     return ctx.writeTo(this.input, data, () => feed.end());
//   } catch (e) {
//     /* istanbul ignore next */
//     if (this.resource) { // node  version < 14.17
//       handle.destroy(this.resource);
//     }
//     handle.close();
//     return feed.stop(e);
//   }
// }

// exports.default = {
//   fasttext,
// };

const fasttext = (data, feed, ctx) => {
  if (ctx.isLast()) {
    return feed.close();
  const curval = data;
  return feed.send({ value: curval });

exports.default = {