web-services / affiliations-tools / v1 / addresses / parse.ini
@Nicolas Thouvenin Nicolas Thouvenin on 3 Jan 2022 1 KB one directory for all nodejs ws for affliations
# OpenAPI Documentation - JSON format (dot notation)
mimeType = application/json

post.operationId = post-v1-addresses-parse
post.description = Traitement qui analyse une adresse postal dans une chaine de caractère et qui renvoit un objet contenant les champs trouvés dans l'adresse
post.summary = Analyse and parse address given in `value`, when possible
post.tags.0 = affiliations
post.requestBody.content.application/ = 1
post.requestBody.content.application/json.example.0.value = University of Bordeaux, IMS, CNRS UMR5218, Talence, F-33405, France
post.requestBody.content.application/ = 2
post.requestBody.content.application/json.example.1.value = Inist-CNRS 2, rue Jean Zay CS 10310 F‑54519 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy France
post.requestBody.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/JSONStream
post.requestBody.required = true
post.responses.default.content.application/ = 1
post.responses.default.content.application/json.example.0.value = { ... }
post.responses.default.content.application/ = 2
post.responses.default.content.application/json.example.0.value = { ... }
post.responses.default.content.application/json.schema.$ref =  #/components/schemas/JSONStream
post.responses.default.description = Les adresses sous forme d'un objet contenant les champs trouvés
post.parameters.0.description = Indenter le JSON résultant = query = indent
post.parameters.0.schema.type = boolean

plugin = @ezs/local
plugin = @ezs/basics

separator = *

path = value

indent = env('indent', false)