# OpenAPI Documentation - JSON format (dot notation) post.operationId = post-v1-D63-annotate post.responses.default.description = Return all objects with annotate fields post.responses.default.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/JSONStream post.summary = Annotate field of each Object with a SKOS concept post.requestBody.required = true post.requestBody.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/JSONStream post.parameters.0.in = query post.parameters.0.name = path post.parameters.0.schema.type = string post.parameters.0.description = The path in each object to enrcih with a SKOS Cocnept post.parameters.1.in = query post.parameters.1.name = indent post.parameters.1.schema.type = boolean post.parameters.1.description = Indent or not the JSON Result [delegate] file = ./v1/D63.cfg [delegate] file = ./v1/annotate.cfg [delegate] file = ./v1/send.cfg