web-services / affiliations-tools / v1 / rnsr / json.ini
# OpenAPI Documentation - JSON format (dot notation)
mimeType = application/json

post.operationId = post-v1-rnsr-json
post.description = Traitement qui renvoie prend un objet JSON content un `id` et une `value` (contenant une année de publication, `year`, et une adresse `address`) et renvoie un `id` et une `value` (un tableau d identifiants RNSR).
post.tags.0 = affiliations
post.tags.1 = rnsr
post.responses.default.description = Return a JSON, composed of `id`, `value`, where value is found `RNSR`(s)
post.responses.default.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/IdRNSRs
post.summary = Find RNSR to address given in `value`, when possible
post.requestBody.required = true
post.requestBody.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/IdYearAddresses

plugin = basics
plugin = conditor


path = value.year
value = update("value.year", (field) => typeof field === "string" ? field.split("-")[0] : field).get("value.year")


indent = env('indent', true)