# OpenAPI Documentation - JSON format (dot notation) post.responses.default.description = Return all objects with enrich fields post.responses.default.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/JSONStream post.summary = Structure one field of each Object as raw affiliation post.requestBody.required = true post.requestBody.content.application/json.schema.$ref = #/components/schemas/JSONStream post.parameters.0.in = query post.parameters.0.name = indent post.parameters.0.schema.type = boolean post.parameters.0.description = Indent or not the JSON Result # Necessary plugins [use] plugin = basics plugin = analytics # Flow configuration [JSONParse] separator = * # --------- Découpage du champ avec libpostal (decoupage en champs) [expand] path = value size = 10 cacheName = libpostal [expand/URLConnect] url = https://affiliations-libpostal.services.inist.fr/v1/parse timeout = 5000 # --------- Enrichissement du resultat libpostal [expand] path = value # size = 1 est obligatoire pour traiter séparement chaque élement du tableau size = 1 [expand/assign] path = value.value.id value = get('value.id') [expand/assign] path = value value = get('value.value') [expand/assign] path = value.country value = get('value.country').replace(/\W/g, ' ').trim() # --------- Enrichissement du champ country avec le vocabulaire 9SD de Loterre [expand/expand] path = value.country size = 10 cacheName = loterre [expand/expand/URLConnect] url = https://loterre-resolvers.services.inist.fr/v1/9SD/identify timeout = 5000 [dump] indent = env('indent', false)