ade-outils-xml / dtd / Wileyml3gv20-rng / Wileyml3g-questions.rng
@niederle niederle on 29 Dec 2015 24 KB 1er commit
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  WileyML 3G
  A model for the content of John Wiley &amp; Sons. 
  This file conforms to ISO/IEC 19757-2:2003 AMENDMENT 1 (RELAX NG Compact Syntax). The
  collection of these files normatively defines the XML grammar for WileyNG instances.
  Copyright (c) 2011 John Wiley & Sons Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
  $Id: Wileyml3g-questions.rnc,v 1.33 2011/07/24  8:48:41 johnp Exp $
  Dec 2015
    1. <exercise>: added optional <source>
  Aug 2011
    1. <exercise>: added optional @onlineAnswerPlace and
                    removed @solutionPlace
    2. <exercise>: replaced @difficulty with @difficultyMarkers
    3. <workedSolution>: added optional @place, @onlinePlace
    4. <hint>: added optional @onlinePlace
    5. <blank>: added optional @width
    6. <match>: added optional @thirdRef and @cms:thirdRef
    7. <matchCandidates>: added optional third <list> to model
  Aug 2010
    1. <exercise>: added new elements exerciseSetup, exerciseBody
    2. <workedSolution>: added optional @xml:id
    3. <exercise>: allowed <workedSolution> to repeat
    4. <exerciseSection>: added @numbered
    5. <exercise>: added @solutionPlace; removed studentSolutionsManual 
                      from values allowed for @answerPlace
    6. <exercise>: put <label> before title(Group)
    7. <exercise>: removed <linkGroup>
    8. <exerciseInstruction>: changed model to (p | figure |...|)+
    9. <exerciseParts>: added figure | tabular | feature | block parallel to p
  Mar 2010
    1. Added studentSolutionsManual to values for exercise/@answerPlace
  Version 1.0.1 (August 2009)
    1. hint: added title | titleGroup; changed text model 
    2. workedSolution: added title | titleGroup; changed text model 
<grammar xmlns:cms="" xmlns:wng="" xmlns:aux="" xmlns="">
  <define name="wng.answer.attlist">
    <ref name=""/>
  <define name="wng.answer">
    <element name="wng:answer">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">An answer to a <xref xmlns="" linkend="wng_question"/>
      <ref name="wng.answer.attlist"/>
          <ref name="wng.p"/>
          <ref name="wng.match"/>
  <define name="wng.blank.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
        <ref name=""/>
        <ref name="pattern.type.attribute"/>
        <attribute name="significantDigits">
          <aux:desc>significant digits</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="tolerance">
        <attribute name="width">
          <aux:desc>width of the line, as a percentage of the page width, given as a number 0 - 100</aux:desc>
  <define name="wng.blank">
    <element name="wng:blank">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">In a fill-in-the-blanks <xref xmlns="" linkend="wng_question"/>
+++, a blank to be filled in.</aux:desc>
      <ref name="wng.blank.attlist"/>
          <ref name="wng.choice"/>
          <ref name="wng.answer"/>
            <ref name="wng.explanation"/>
              <ref name="wng.explanation"/>
  <define name="wng.choice.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
        <ref name=""/>
        <attribute name="isCorrect">
          <aux:desc>whether the choice represents a correct answer</aux:desc>
          <ref name="pattern.boolean.tokens"/>
  <define name="wng.choice">
    <element name="wng:choice">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">A choice in a multiple choice, multiple response, true-false, or fill-in-the-blank question.</aux:desc>
      <ref name="wng.choice.attlist"/>
        <ref name="wng.label"/>
      <ref name="wng.p"/>
        <ref name="wng.explanation"/>
          <ref name="wng.explanation"/>
  <define name="wng.choiceGroup.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
        <attribute name="choiceStyle">
          <aux:desc>style with which to render choices (default value is a)</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="multipleResponse">
          <aux:desc>whether there may be multiple correct answers among the contained choices (default value is no)</aux:desc>
          <ref name="pattern.boolean.tokens"/>
  <define name="wng.choiceGroup">
    <element name="wng:choiceGroup">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">A wrapper for <xref xmlns="" linkend="wng_choice"/>
      <ref name="wng.choiceGroup.attlist"/>
        <ref name="wng.choice"/>
  <define name="wng.exercise.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
        <ref name=""/>
        <ref name="pattern.type.attribute"/>
        <attribute name="wileyPlusType">
          <aux:desc>classification of the question in WileyPLUS</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="altRef">
          <aux:desc>presence of this attribute indicates that the exercise is not accessible and its value points to an alternative that is accessible</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="cms:altRef">
        <attribute name="instructionRef">
          <aux:desc>points to instructions for this exercise</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="cms:instructionRef">
        <attribute name="numbered">
          <aux:desc>whether this item is to be counted in the numbering scheme (default value is yes)</aux:desc>
          <ref name="pattern.boolean.tokens"/>
        <ref name="pattern.autonumber.attribute"/>
        <attribute name="answerPlace">
          <aux:desc>placement hint for answer (not worked solution) and any explanation, in print (default value is here)</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="onlineAnswerPlace">
          <aux:desc>placement hint for answer (not worked solution) and any explanation, in online presentation (default value is here)</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="difficultyMarkers">
          <aux:desc>number of difficulty indicators (default 0)</aux:desc>
  <define name="wng.exercise">
    <element name="wng:exercise">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">An exercise (<xref xmlns="" linkend="wng_question"/>
and optionally <xref linkend="wng_answer"/>
+++, <xref linkend="wng_workedSolution"/>
+++, and <xref linkend="wng_explanation"/>
      <ref name="wng.exercise.attlist"/>
        <ref name="wng.label"/>
        <ref name="pattern.model.fragment.titling"/>
        <ref name="wng.mediaResource"/>
        <ref name="wng.mediaResourceGroup"/>
        <ref name="wng.exerciseParts"/>
          <ref name="wng.question"/>
            <ref name="wng.answer"/>
            <ref name="wng.explanation"/>
            <ref name="wng.workedSolution"/>
            <ref name="wng.exerciseSetup"/>
          <ref name="wng.exerciseBody"/>
        <ref name="wng.source"/>
  <define name="wng.exerciseBody.attlist">
    <ref name=""/>
  <define name="wng.exerciseBody">
    <element name="wng:exerciseBody">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">A titled part of the question description for an exercise.</aux:desc>
      <ref name="wng.exerciseBody.attlist"/>
      <ref name="pattern.model.fragment.titling"/>
          <ref name="wng.question"/>
            <ref name="wng.answer"/>
            <ref name="wng.explanation"/>
            <ref name="wng.workedSolution"/>
        <ref name="wng.exerciseParts"/>
  <define name="wng.exerciseSetup.attlist">
    <ref name=""/>
  <define name="wng.exerciseSetup">
    <element name="wng:exerciseSetup">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">The initial part of the description for an exercise question.</aux:desc>
      <ref name="wng.exerciseSetup.attlist"/>
        <ref name="pattern.model.fragment.titling"/>
          <ref name="wng.p"/>
          <ref name="wng.figure"/>
          <ref name="wng.feature"/>
          <ref name="wng.tabular"/>
          <ref name="wng.block"/>
  <define name="wng.exerciseInstruction.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
      <ref name=""/>
        <ref name="pattern.type.attribute"/>
  <define name="wng.exerciseInstruction">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">An instruction applying to a set of exercises.</aux:desc>
      <ref name="wng.exerciseInstruction.attlist"/>
          <ref name="wng.p"/>
          <ref name="wng.figure"/>
          <ref name="wng.tabular"/>
          <ref name="wng.feature"/>
          <ref name="wng.block"/>
  <define name="wng.exerciseParts.attlist">
    <ref name=""/>
  <define name="wng.exerciseParts">
    <element name="wng:exerciseParts">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">An exercise with parts.</aux:desc>
      <ref name="wng.exerciseParts.attlist"/>
          <ref name="wng.p"/>
          <ref name="wng.figure"/>
          <ref name="wng.tabular"/>
          <ref name="wng.feature"/>
          <ref name="wng.block"/>
        <ref name="wng.exercise"/>
        <ref name="wng.explanation"/>
        <ref name="wng.workedSolution"/>
  <define name="wng.exerciseSection.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
      <ref name=""/>
        <ref name="pattern.type.attribute"/>
        <ref name="pattern.lang.attribute"/>
        <ref name="pattern.autonumber.attribute"/>
        <attribute name="numbered">
          <aux:desc>whether this item is numbered (default value is yes)</aux:desc>
          <ref name="pattern.boolean.tokens"/>
        <attribute name="extraLabel">
          <aux:desc>string to be prepended to the label/number of each &lt;exercise&gt; within this &lt;exerciseSection&gt; </aux:desc>
  <define name="wng.exerciseSection">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">A section of questions or other <xref xmlns="" linkend="wng_exercise"/>
      <ref name="wng.exerciseSection.attlist"/>
        <ref name="wng.label"/>
        <ref name="pattern.model.fragment.titling"/>
        <ref name="wng.p"/>
          <ref name="wng.exerciseInstruction"/>
          <ref name="wng.exercise"/>
        <ref name="wng.exerciseSection"/>
  <define name="wng.explanation.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
        <attribute name="condition">
          <aux:desc>under what condition (user is right or wrong) to display this explanation</aux:desc>
  <define name="wng.explanation">
    <element name="wng:explanation">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">Explanation about an <xref xmlns="" linkend="wng_answer"/>
+++'s correctness.</aux:desc>
      <ref name="wng.explanation.attlist"/>
      <ref name="pattern.para.or.paras"/>
  <define name="wng.hint.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
        <attribute name="place">
          <aux:desc>placement hint for print (default value is here)</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="onlinePlace">
          <aux:desc>placement hint for online presentation (default value is here)</aux:desc>
  <define name="wng.hint">
    <element name="wng:hint">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">A hint about how to answer a <xref xmlns="" linkend="wng_question"/>
      <ref name="wng.hint.attlist"/>
          <ref name="wng.title"/>
          <ref name="wng.titleGroup"/>
          <ref name="wng.p"/>
          <ref name="wng.figure"/>
          <ref name="wng.tabular"/>
          <ref name="wng.feature"/>
          <ref name="wng.block"/>
  <define name="wng.match.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
      <attribute name="firstRef">
        <aux:desc>points to part of a matching pair (or triple)</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="cms:firstRef">
      <attribute name="secondRef">
        <aux:desc>points to part of a matching pair (or triple)</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="cms:secondRef">
        <attribute name="thirdRef">
          <aux:desc>points to part of a matching triple</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="cms:thirdRef">
  <define name="wng.match">
    <element name="wng:match">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">A match between items giving part of the <xref xmlns="" linkend="wng_answer"/>
 in a matching <xref linkend="wng_exercise"/>
      <ref name="wng.match.attlist"/>
        <ref name="wng.explanation"/>
          <ref name="wng.explanation"/>
  <define name="wng.matchCandidates.attlist">
    <ref name=""/>
  <define name="wng.matchCandidates">
    <element name="wng:matchCandidates">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">Lists of potential matches in a matching exercise.</aux:desc>
      <ref name="wng.matchCandidates.attlist"/>
      <ref name="wng.list"/>
      <ref name="wng.list"/>
        <ref name="wng.list"/>
  <define name="wng.question.attlist">
    <ref name=""/>
  <define name="wng.question">
    <element name="wng:question">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">A question.</aux:desc>
      <ref name="wng.question.attlist"/>
          <ref name="wng.p"/>
          <ref name="wng.figure"/>
          <ref name="wng.tabular"/>
          <ref name="wng.feature"/>
          <ref name="wng.block"/>
          <ref name="wng.choiceGroup"/>
          <ref name="wng.matchCandidates"/>
        <ref name="wng.hint"/>
  <define name="wng.workedSolution.attlist">
      <ref name=""/>
        <ref name=""/>
        <attribute name="place">
          <aux:desc>placement hint for worked solution in print (default value is here)</aux:desc>
        <attribute name="onlinePlace">
          <aux:desc>placement hint for worked solution in online presentation (default value is here)</aux:desc>
  <define name="wng.workedSolution">
    <element name="wng:workedSolution">
      <aux:desc aux:cat="quiz">A step-by-step solution for an answer in an <xref xmlns="" linkend="wng_exercise"/>
      <ref name="wng.workedSolution.attlist"/>
          <ref name="wng.title"/>
          <ref name="wng.titleGroup"/>
          <ref name="wng.p"/>
          <ref name="wng.figure"/>
          <ref name="wng.tabular"/>
          <ref name="wng.feature"/>
          <ref name="wng.block"/>