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		<front>© 2005 Nature Publishing Group <lb/>A putative stimulatory role for activator
			turnover in <lb/>gene expression <lb/>J. Russell Lipford 1 , Geoffrey T. Smith 1 , Yong
			Chi 1 † &amp; Raymond J. Deshaies 1 <lb/>
			The ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) promotes the destruc-<lb/>tion of target
			proteins by attaching to them a ubiquitin chain that <lb/>is recognized by the 26S
			proteasome 1 . The UPS influences most <lb/>cellular processes, and its targets include
			transcriptional activa-<lb/>tors that are primary determinants of gene expression.
			Emerging <lb/>evidence indicates that non-proteolytic functions of the UPS <lb/>might
			stimulate transcriptional activity 2,3 . Here we show that <lb/>the proteolysis of some
			transcriptional activators by the UPS <lb/>can stimulate their function. We focused on
			the role of UPS-<lb/>dependent proteolysis in the function of inducible transcriptional
			<lb/>activators in yeast, and found that inhibition of the proteasome 4 <lb/>reduced
			transcription of the targets of the activators Gcn4, Gal4 <lb/>and Ino2/4. In addition,
			mutations in SCF Cdc4 , the ubiquitin <lb/>ligase for Gcn4 (ref. 5), or mutations in
			ubiquitin that prevent <lb/>degradation 6 , also impaired the transcription of Gcn4
			targets. <lb/>These transcriptional defects were manifested despite the <lb/>enhanced
			abundance of Gcn4 on cognate promoters. Proteasome <lb/>inhibition also decreased the
			association of RNA polymerase II <lb/>with Gcn4, Gal4 and Ino2/4 targets, as did
			mutations in SCF Cdc4 <lb/>for Gcn4 targets. Expression of a stable phospho-site mutant
			of <lb/>Gcn4 (ref. 7) or disruption of the kinases that target Gcn4 for <lb/>turnover
			5,7 alleviated the sensitivity of Gcn4 activity to defects in <lb/>the UPS. <lb/></front>
		<body>The UPS
			is a fundamental component of normal cell growth and <lb/>proliferation. The UPS is also
			important for cancer cell growth, as <lb/>highlighted by the recent approval of the
			proteasome inhibitor, <lb/>Velcade, for the treatment of relapsed multiple myeloma 8 .
			Recent <lb/>studies have investigated the mechanism of Velcade action by <lb/>examining
			the transcriptional response to the drug in human and <lb/>yeast cells 9,10 . These
			studies indicate that proteasome inhibition does <lb/>not substantially alter bulk
			transcription of the genome in myeloma <lb/>cells or in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
			However, a group of genes are <lb/>repressed by Velcade, including human growth and
			survival genes <lb/>and yeast genes involved in the biosynthesis of amino acids 9,10 .
			These <lb/>yeast genes are regulated by the b-ZIP transcriptional activator Gcn4,
			<lb/>which promotes the expression of more than 500 genes 11 . Gcn4 is a <lb/>target for
			UPS-mediated degradation 12 through the E3-ubiquitin <lb/>ligase SCF Cdc4 . Ligases
			comprise the final, substrate recognition step <lb/>of the ubiquitination cascade. SCF
			Cdc4 ubiquitinates and targets for <lb/>proteolysis Gcn4 molecules that have been
			phosphorylated by the <lb/>cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) Srb10 and Pho85 (refs 5, 7).
			We <lb/>have attempted to explain the role of the UPS in the function of Gcn4 <lb/>and
			other activators. <lb/>To assess the impact of proteolysis on Gcn4 function, we treated
			a <lb/>yeast strain (pdr5D) that is sensitive to proteasome inhibitors 10 with <lb/>the
			Velcade analogue MG132 (ref. 4). Reverse transcriptase-mediated <lb/>polymerase chain
			reaction (RT–PCR) analyses confirmed that, as <lb/>for Velcade 10 , treatment with MG132
			substantially reduced the <lb/>transcription of several Gcn4 targets, including HIS4 and
			CPA2, in <lb/>minimal medium, in comparison with dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) <lb/>alone
			(Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. S1a). Similar results were <lb/>obtained when Gcn4 was
			highly induced by amino acid starvation <lb/>(Fig. 1a, 2Leu; see Supplementary
			Information for discussion of <lb/>media). These effects were largely dependent on Gcn4,
			because we <lb/>observed similar decreases in the transcription of a reporter driven
			<lb/>exclusively by six Gcn4-binding sites 13 (Fig. 1a, GCRE6–LacZ). <lb/></body>
		<front>LETTERS <lb/></front>
		<body>Figure 1 | UPS-dependent proteolysis positively regulates inducible
			<lb/>transcriptional activators. a, Indicated strains were grown in minimal or
			<lb/>starvation (2Leu) medium, treated with MG132 (50 mM) or DMSO, and <lb/>processed
			for RT–PCR of the indicated transcripts. pdr5D enables the uptake <lb/>of MG132 into
			yeast. b, A pdr5D strain was induced with galactose, treated <lb/>with MG132 and
			prepared for RT–PCR of GAL1 and ACT1. c, wild-type <lb/>(WT) and pre1-1, pre4-1 strains
			were grown in minimal medium at 27 8C <lb/>and processed for RT–PCR of HIS4 and ACT1. d,
			Conditionally expressed <lb/>ubiquitin was depleted from strains while expression from a
			complementing <lb/>plasmid encoding either WT ubiquitin, no ubiquitin (D) or
			K48R-ubiquitin <lb/>was induced (see Supplementary Information). Samples were prepared
			for <lb/>RT–PCR as above. e, WT (white bars), cdc34-2 (grey bars) and gcn4D (black
			<lb/>bars) strains expressing LacZ from the HIS3 or GCRE6 promoter were <lb/>grown in
			minimal or starvation medium (3-AT) at 30 8C and then processed <lb/>to test
			b-galactosidase (b-gal) activity. Standard deviations are from three <lb/>replicates.
			n.d., not detectable. f, WT, cdc34-2 and cdc4-1 strains were grown <lb/>at 27 8C or
			shifted to 30 8C for 1 h. RT–PCR was performed for HIS4, ARG1 <lb/>and ACT1.

		<front>1 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Division of Biology, MC 156-29,
			California Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California Boulevard, Pasadena, California
			91125, USA. <lb/> †Present address: Institute for Systems Biology, 1441 North 34th
			Street, Seattle, Washington 98103, USA. <lb/>
			Vol 438|3 November 2005|doi:10.1038/nature04098 <lb/>
			113 <lb/></front>
		<note place="footnote">© 2005 Nature Publishing Group <lb/></note>

		<body>We also tested the proteasome dependence of two regulons (GAL <lb/>and INO) that might
			have eluded the Velcade microarray analysis <lb/>because they were not expressed under
			the growth conditions that <lb/>were employed. MG132 substantially decreased induction
			of the Gal4 <lb/>target, GAL1, on the addition of galactose (Fig. 1b). Similarly, on the
			<lb/>removal of inositol, transcription of INO1, a target of the activators <lb/>Ino2
			and Ino4, was largely abrogated by MG132 (Supplementary <lb/>Fig. S1b). In all cases
			treatment with MG132 did not affect the <lb/>constitutive transcription of ACT1.
			<lb/>These findings indicate that the 26S proteasome might promote <lb/>the function of
			some inducible transcriptional activators. Focusing <lb/>on Gcn4, we tested additional
			components of the UPS for their <lb/>impact on transcription. A strain (pre1-1 and
			pre4-1) mutated for the <lb/>peptidase activity of the proteasome showed reduced
			transcription of <lb/>HIS4 in comparison with a wild-type (WT) strain (Fig. 1c) 14 . We
			also <lb/>tested transcription of HIS4 in strains that conditionally express
			<lb/>alternative versions of ubiquitin 6 . When endogenous ubiquitin was <lb/>depleted
			in the presence of a vector plasmid (UbD) or depleted in a <lb/>cell expressing K48R
			ubiquitin, HIS4 messenger RNA levels were <lb/>sharply decreased in comparison with a
			depleted strain that <lb/>expressed WT ubiquitin (Fig. 1d). Again, the ACT1 mRNA
			remained <lb/>constant. These findings confirm that ubiquitination and proteolysis
			<lb/>are important for Gcn4 function. Importantly, because the <lb/>K48R mutant cannot
			form chains that target substrates to the <lb/>proteasome, these findings also indicate
			that, in contrast to <lb/>the regulation proposed for Gal4–VP16 (ref. 15) and c-Myc
			16,17 , <lb/>mono-ubiquitination might not be able to sustain Gcn4 activity. <lb/>We
			next examined the impact of Cdc34–SCF Cdc4 , the specific <lb/>E2–E3 ubiquitin ligase
			for Gcn4 (refs 5, 7), on activator function. <lb/>Gcn4-dependent expression of
			b-galactosidase was evaluated in WT, <lb/>temperature-sensitive cdc34-2, and gcn4D
			strains. After growth at the <lb/>semi-permissive temperature of 30 8C, the cdc34-2
			strain exhibited a <lb/>fourfold decrease (relative to WT) in reporter expressed from
			the <lb/>HIS3 promoter (HIS3P) in minimal medium and a roughly 15-fold <lb/>reduction on
			starvation by 3-aminotriazole (3-AT, ref. 11) (Fig. 1e). <lb/>Expression from GCRE6–LacZ
			was also compromised about 10-fold <lb/>in cdc34-2 (Fig. 1e). In addition, expression
			from both promoters was <lb/>extinguished in gcn4D cells under all conditions (Fig. 1e).
			RT–PCR <lb/>analysis was then used to assess effects on endogenous targets.
			<lb/>Gcn4-dependent transcription of HIS4 and ARG1 was defective in <lb/>both cdc34-2
			and cdc4-1 (a thermosensitive allele of the SCF F-box <lb/>protein Cdc4) strains at 30
			8C (Fig. 1f). In contrast, ACT1 transcript <lb/>levels in all strains were similar.
			These results point to a stimulatory <lb/>role for Cdc34–SCF Cdc4 in Gcn4-mediated
			transcription. <lb/>To explore the molecular basis of the stimulation of Gcn4 function
			<lb/>by the UPS, we examined the effect that proteasome inhibition has on <lb/>the
			abundance and ubiquitination of Gcn4. Western blotting showed <lb/>that MG132 increased
			the abundance of chromosomally encoded <lb/>Gcn4–Myc9 and led to the appearance of a
			high-molecular-mass <lb/>ladder (Fig. 2a, lanes 1 and 2). Immunoprecipitation and
			western <lb/>analysis with anti-ubiquitin antibodies confirmed that this ladder <lb/>was
			ubiquitinated Gcn4 (Fig. 2a, lanes 5, 6, 9 and 10). Because <lb/>transcription mediated
			by Gcn4 was strongly repressed by MG132 <lb/>(Fig. 1), ubiquitination was presumably
			insufficient to sustain Gcn4 <lb/>activity. To confirm the specificity of Gcn4
			ubiquitination, we <lb/>repeated the analysis with a gcn4–3T2S strain. Gcn4–3T2S lacks
			<lb/>five phosphorylation sites, is no longer phosphorylated by Srb10 or <lb/>Pho85 nor
			ubiquitinated by SCF Cdc4 in vitro, and is stabilized 7 . As <lb/>predicted, the 3T2S
			strain had much lower levels of ubiquitinated <lb/>Gcn4 (Fig. 2a, lanes 3, 4, 7, 8, 11
			and 12). <lb/>We next investigated promoter occupancy by Gcn4 and Gal4 and
			<lb/>recruitment of RNA polymerase II (polII) to target genes. Chromatin
			<lb/>immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays 18 revealed a substantial increase <lb/>in the
			association of Gcn4–Myc9 with the HIS4 promoter in cells <lb/>treated with MG132 (Fig.
			2b, 9E10). Similar experiments showed <lb/>little change in levels of TAP-tagged Gal4 at
			the GAL1 promoter on <lb/>treatment with MG132 (Fig. 2c, IgG). The galactose-dependent
			<lb/>decrease in promoter-bound Gal80–TAP was also unaffected by <lb/>MG132
			(Supplementary Fig. S3). When the ChIP was performed <lb/>with polII, MG132 reduced the
			signal for the promoter, open reading <lb/>frame (ORF) and terminator regions of the
			Gcn4 target HIS4, <lb/>whereas the signal for the ACT1 ORF was unaffected (Fig. 2b,
			<lb/>polII). MG132 also decreased the polII ChIP signal for the GAL1 <lb/>promoter and
			ORF (Fig. 2c, polII) and the INO1 promoter (data not <lb/>shown). <lb/>The ChIP analysis
			was extended to cdc34-2 and cdc4-1 strains. At <lb/>30 8C, more Gcn4–Myc9 (Fig. 2d,
			9E10) but less polII was associated <lb/>with the HIS4 promoter in the SCF mutants than
			in the WT. <lb/>Recruitment of polII to ACT1 was unaffected in the SCF mutants.
			<lb/>Results from all the ChIP analyses closely parallel the transcription <lb/>results
			and imply that the UPS is important for sustaining the <lb/>interaction of RNA
			polymerase II with the targets of some activators <lb/>despite the increased
			accumulation of activator (for Gcn4) at the <lb/>promoter. <lb/>Figure 2 | Defects in
			the UPS lead to the accumulation of ubiquitinated <lb/>Gcn4 and impair the association
			of RNA polymerase II with Gcn4 and Gal4 <lb/>targets. a, pdr5D strains expressing
			Gcn4–Myc9 (WT) or Gcn4–3T2S– <lb/>Myc9 (3T2S) were grown in minimal medium and treated
			with MG132 or <lb/>DMSO. Immunoprecipitations (IPs) were performed with 9E10 antibodies
			<lb/>recognizing Myc9, and subsequent western blots of the input (lanes 1–4) or
			<lb/>immunoprecipitation (IP; lanes 5–12) samples were probed with 9E10 (lanes <lb/>1–8)
			or anti-Ub antibodies (lanes 9–12). b, A WT strain, as above, was <lb/>processed for
			ChIP analysis with 9E10 and anti-polII antibodies. PCR was <lb/>performed to amplify the
			promoter, ORF and terminator regions of HIS4 <lb/>and the ORF of ACT1. c, ChIP analysis
			of Gal4–TAP and polII was <lb/>performed with galactose-induced strains treated with
			MG132 or DMSO. <lb/>The promoter and ORF regions of GAL1 were amplified. IgG was used to
			<lb/>retrieve Gal4–TAP. d, ChIP analysis of Gcn4–Myc9 and polII was performed, <lb/>as
			in b, with WT, cdc34-2 and cdc4-1 strains that were grown at 27 8C, then <lb/>shifted to
			30 8C for 1 h. kb, kilobases; n.d., not done. <lb/></body>
		<note place="headnote">LETTERS <lb/>NATURE|Vol 438|3 November 2005 <lb/></note>

		<page>114 <lb/></page>

		<note place="footnote">© 2005 Nature Publishing Group <lb/></note>

		<body>To test whether turnover of the activator itself can promote <lb/>function, we
			evaluated the stabilized Gcn4–3T2S (ref. 7). In minimal <lb/>medium the levels of total
			protein (Fig. 3a) and promoter-associated <lb/>Gcn4–Myc9 (Fig. 3b) were about twofold to
			threefold higher in the <lb/>gcn4–3T2S strain. Despite such increases, gcn4–3T2S did not
			alter the <lb/>expression of Gcn4 targets in minimal (Fig. 3c, SM þ ; Fig. 3e,
			<lb/>CDC34) or starvation medium (Fig. 3c, 2Leu), indicating a <lb/>possible decrease in
			specific activity. Most importantly, gcn4–3T2S <lb/>partly alleviated the deleterious
			effects of an impaired UPS on <lb/>Gcn4-dependent transcription. For example, MG132
			inhibited <lb/>HIS4 transcription in gcn4–3T2S much less than in GCN4 (Fig. 3d). <lb/>In
			addition, cdc34-2 diminished HIS3P–LacZ expression only about <lb/>1.2-fold in
			gcn4–3T2S, in comparison with more than 2.5-fold in <lb/>GCN4 (Fig. 3e). The cdc34-2
			mutation had no impact on gcn4D <lb/>(Fig. 3e). A similar epistatic relationship was
			seen on deletion of <lb/>SRB10 and PHO85, which stabilizes Gcn4 to a similar extent to
			the <lb/>gcn4–3T2S mutation 7 . Deletion of both CDKs (DD) slightly increased <lb/>LacZ
			expression (1.2-fold) and, as with gcn4–3T2S, cdc34-2 only <lb/>mildly affected
			expression (1.2-fold) in the DD strain (Fig. 3f). The <lb/>suppression of cdc34-2
			required the deletion of both kinases, because <lb/>srb10D and pho85D single mutants
			remained relatively sensitive to <lb/>cdc34-2 (Fig. 3f). We note that gcn4–3T2S is not
			completely refrac-<lb/>tory to UPS inhibition, indicating that, in addition to Gcn4, the
			UPS <lb/>might also promote transcription through other factors. Neverthe-<lb/>less,
			these findings indicate that proteolysis of CDK-phosphorylated <lb/>Gcn4 by means of the
			UPS might be important in sustaining <lb/>maximal expression of Gcn4 targets and that,
			in the absence of <lb/>phosphorylation, Gcn4 activity is less dependent on its turnover.
			<lb/>Components of the UPS have been posited to activate transcrip-<lb/>tion by multiple
			mechanisms 2,3 . In numerous examples, including <lb/>the activation of Gcn4 in response
			to ultraviolet radiation 19 and <lb/>transcription of NF-kB (ref. 2) and oestrogen
			receptor targets 20 , the <lb/>UPS seems to mediate signalling upstream of the
			activator. As <lb/>discussed in Supplementary Fig. S3, this mechanism probably does
			<lb/>not account for our findings. Meanwhile, subunits of the 19S cap of <lb/>the
			proteasome have been suggested to have a positive role in <lb/>transcription that is
			independent of their proteolytic function 21,22 . <lb/>In addition, it has been proposed
			that the ubiquitination of <lb/>Gal4–VP16 and c-Myc transiently increases the activity
			of these <lb/>factors before proteolysis 15–17 . Our results differ substantively from
			<lb/>these examples, in that neither the 19S cap (whose activity is not <lb/>known to be
			affected by inhibition of the 20S proteases 23 ) nor <lb/>ubiquitination was sufficient
			to achieve maximal transcription of <lb/>Gcn4 targets (Figs 1d and 2a). Instead, we
			found that inhibition of <lb/>the proteasome and genetic manipulations of the UPS, the
			CDKs for <lb/>Gcn4, and Gcn4 itself all provided evidence that turnover of Gcn4
			<lb/>normally enhances its function. <lb/>Proteasome activity also seems to sustain
			inducible transcription <lb/>mediated by Gal4 and Ino2/4. Interestingly, activation of
			promoter-<lb/>associated Gal4 in galactose medium requires Srb10-dependent
			<lb/>phosphorylation 24,25 , and this activated form has a short half-life 24 .
			<lb/>This indicates that Gal4 might be regulated by degradation in a <lb/>manner similar
			to that of Gcn4. We previously proposed a model <lb/>consistent with these current
			findings in which proteolysis is required <lb/>to remove &apos;spent&apos; activators
			and to reset the promoter 3 . The initial <lb/>&apos;pioneer round(s)&apos; of
			transcription would not involve the UPS, but <lb/>subsequent rounds would be stimulated
			by turnover of the spent, <lb/>promoter-bound activator to allow binding of a fresh
			molecule. This <lb/>mechanism places Gcn4, Gal4 and Ino2/4 into a class of regulatory
			<lb/>factors—including securin, p21 and p27—whose activity is required <lb/>early in a
			process but whose subsequent turnover or removal <lb/>promotes completion of the process
			or subsequent reaction cycles. <lb/>We call this phenomenon &apos;activation by
			destruction&apos; and believe that, <lb/>given the diversity of the examples listed in
			Supplementary Table S2, <lb/>it might represent a regulatory mechanism for a large class
			of factors <lb/>and might be an important determinant of infection and disease.
			<lb/>METHODS <lb/>Yeast strains, growth conditions and extract preparation. A complete
			list of <lb/>yeast strains used in this study is provided in Supplementary Table S1. All
			strains <lb/>were derived from the S288C background, except RJD 2505 and RJD 3137–3141,
			<lb/>which were derived from the W303 background. Strains were constructed and
			<lb/>grown in accordance with standard protocols 26 . A description of the various
			<lb/>media used in the study is given in Supplementary Information. MG132 <lb/>(American
			Peptide) was added to cultures of pdr5D strains to a final concen-<lb/>tration of 50 mM.
			All extracts were prepared by lysis with glass beads (Sigma) in a <lb/>Fast Prep (Bio
			101) device. Ubiquitin derivative analysis (Fig. 1d) is described in <lb/>the
			Supplementary Methods. <lb/>RT–PCR analysis. mRNA was prepared using RNeasy kits
			(Qiagen). Total <lb/>mRNA (200 ng) and 10 pmol of oligo(dT) were used to
			reverse-transcribe <lb/>complementary DNA (Stratagene). One-tenth of the cDNA reaction
			was then <lb/>used for 20–22 cycles of PCR and products were resolved on 2% agarose
			gels. <lb/>Primer sequences are available from the authors on request.
			<lb/>b-Galactosidase assays. The HIS3P–LacZ, HIS4P–LacZ and GCRE–LacZ repor-<lb/>ter
			constructs and the protocol to measure b-galactosidase activity were as <lb/>described
			previously 27 . Reported activity was normalized to total extract protein <lb/>as
			measured by bicinchoninic acid assay (Pierce). Relative activities are reported
			<lb/>with average WT activity set to 1. <lb/>Western blots. Except as noted, extracts
			were prepared by immediate boiling of <lb/>cell pellets in 2 £ Laemmli SDS sample buffer
			followed by lysis with glass beads. <lb/>Equal amounts of total protein (as judged by
			Coomassie staining) were resolved <lb/>by SDS–PAGE. Blots were probed with 9E10
			antibodies to recognize Gcn4–Myc9 <lb/>or FK1 antibodies (Affiniti) to recognize
			ubiquitin. Horseradish peroxidase-<lb/>coupled goat anti-mouse secondary antibodies
			(Bio-Rad) were used for <lb/>detection. <lb/>Figure 3 | The UPS has little effect on the
			activity of stable, <lb/>non-phosphorylated versions of Gcn4. a, GCN4 (WT), gcn4–3T2S or
			<lb/>gcn4D strains were grown in minimal medium and processed for western <lb/>blotting
			with 9E10 antibodies. Protein half-life data (t 1/2 ) were reported <lb/>previously 7 .
			n.a., not applicable. b, ChIP analysis of the above strains was <lb/>performed for the
			HIS4 promoter. c, RT–PCR of the indicated transcripts <lb/>were performed with WTand
			gcn4–3T2S strains grown in minimal (Min) or <lb/>starvation (2Leu) medium. d, RT–PCR
			analysis of HIS4 and ACT1 was <lb/>performed with WTand 3T2S strains in the presence and
			absence of MG132. <lb/>e, CDC34 (open bars) and cdc34-2 (filled bars) strains with the
			HIS3P-LacZ <lb/>reporter and expressing either WT, 3T2S or null (gcn4D) versions of
			<lb/>GCN4 were grown in minimal medium and processed for b-galactosidase <lb/>(b-gal)
			activity. Standard deviations were calculated from three replicates. <lb/>f, WTand
			cdc34-2 strains with a HIS4P-LacZ reporter and harbouring WTor <lb/>deleted versions of
			SRB10 and/or PHO85 were treated as in e. <lb/></body>
		<note place="headnote">NATURE|Vol 438|3 November 2005 <lb/>LETTERS <lb/></note>

		<page>115 <lb/></page>

		<note place="footnote">© 2005 Nature Publishing Group <lb/></note>

		<body>Immunoprecipitations and detection of ubiquitinated Gcn4. DMSO-treated <lb/>or
			MG132-treated cultures were treated with formaldehyde (final concentration <lb/>1%) for
			20 min to trap ubiquitinated intermediates. Crosslinking was quenched <lb/>and extracts
			were made in ChIP buffer 18 . A 10% sample of the extract (whole cell <lb/>extract) was
			removed and boiled in SDS sample buffer. The remainder of <lb/>the extract was incubated
			at 4 8C with 9E10 antibodies coupled to Protein A– <lb/>Sepharose (Sigma) beads.
			Proteins were eluted and crosslinks were reversed by <lb/>being boiled in SDS sample
			buffer. Proteins samples were then processed for <lb/>western blotting. For FK1
			(anti-ubiquitin) western blots, the nitrocellulose was <lb/>boiled before incubation
			with the antibody. <lb/>ChIP assays. ChIP assays were performed as described 18 ; 9E10
			antibodies were <lb/>used to immunoprecipitate chromatin fragments associated with
			Gcn4–Myc9 and <lb/>antibodies against the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit
			of RNA <lb/>polymerase II (anti-polII; Covance) were used to immunoprecipitate fragments
			<lb/>associated with polII. Protein G–Sepharose beads (Amersham Biosciences) <lb/>were
			used to precipitate antibody–antigen complexes. Rabbit immunoglobulin <lb/>(Ig)
			G–agarose (Sigma) was used to immunoprecipitate Gal4-associated <lb/>fragments. Primer
			sequences are available from the authors on request. <lb/></body>

		<front>Received 2 June; accepted 3
			August 2005. <lb/></front>

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		<div type="annex" subtype="supplementary information">Supplementary Information is
			linked to the online version of the paper at <lb/><lb/></div>

		<div type="acknowledgement">Acknowledgements We thank D. Finley, D. H. Wolf, R. Young, A.
			Hinnebusch, <lb/>J. Shaw, B. Westermann, J. Nunnari and G. Braus for gifts of strains
			and <lb/>reagents; B. Tansey for communicating results before publication; and J. Shaw,
			<lb/>B. Westermann, J. Nunnari, S. Sadis, A. Ansari and the members of the Deshaies
			<lb/>laboratory for comments and criticism. This work was supported in part by an
			<lb/>NIH Research Project Grant to R.J.D. R.J.D. is an Investigator of the Howard
			<lb/>Hughes Medical Institute. J.R.L. was supported by an NIH National Research
			<lb/>Service Award and a Caltech-Amgen Postdoctoral Fellowship. <lb/></div>
		<div type="annex">Author Information
			Reprints and permissions information is available at
			<lb/> The authors declare no competing
			<lb/>financial interests. Correspondence and requests for materials should be
			<lb/>addressed to R.J.D. ( <lb/></div>
		<note place="headnote">LETTERS <lb/>NATURE|Vol 438|3 November 2005 <lb/></note>

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