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		<p>Suspension feeding bivalves often occur in<lb/> shallow coastal waters and estuaries, an
			environ-<lb/>ment characterized by large variations in the concen-<lb/>tration of
			suspended particulate matter. A major part<lb/> of the suspended matter consists of
			inorganic silt or<lb/> refractory organic matter, leading to a &apos;dilution&apos; of
			the<lb/> food particles in the seston (e.g. <ref type="biblio">W~ODOWS etaL, 1979;<lb/>
				BERG and NEWELL, 1986; SMAAL et aL, 1986</ref>).<lb/></p>

		<p>Most species of suspension feeding bivalves<lb/> produce high amounts of pseudofaeces
			when parti-<lb/>culate matter concentrations are above a threshold<lb/> level <ref
				type="biblio">(FOSTER-SMITH, 1975a)</ref>. A number of authors<lb/>
			<ref type="biblio">(J~RGENSEN, 1966; OWEN, 1966; BERNARO, 1974)</ref> stated<lb/> that
			this process of rejection of material through the<lb/> pseudofaeces was not just an
			overflow mechanism,<lb/> with rejection of the surplus material when the<lb/> filtration
			by the animal exceeds the maximum inges-<lb/>tion rate. They suggested that large and
			heavy<lb/> particles were sorted by the gills or the labial palps<lb/> and egested
			through the pseudofaeces. First ex-<lb/>perimental results were obtained by <ref
				type="biblio">FOSTER-SMi TH<lb/> (1975b)</ref>, who used mixtures of algae and
			alumina.<lb/> This author did not observe selection between<lb/> organic and inorganic
			particles. However, experi-<lb/>ments with a number or bivalve species fed with<lb/>
			mixtures of silt and phytoplankton have shown a<lb/> reduction in the amount of
			chlorophyll or fluorescent<lb/> particles present in the pseudofaeces, compared
			with<lb/> the food <ref type="biblio">(KIEIRBOE et al., 1980; KIs<lb/> and
				M~HLEN-<lb/>BERG, 1981; NEWELL and JORDAN, 1983; BRICELJ and<lb/> MALOUF,
				1984)</ref>. The selective ingestion of food<lb/> particles may help the animals to
			maintain the food<lb/> uptake at high level, in spite of dilution of the food<lb/> items
			with indigestible material.<lb/></p>

		<p>The mechanism of selective feeding is still<lb/> unclear. It is unlikely that the density
			of the particles<lb/> plays a role in the selection <ref type="biblio">(KIORBOE and
				MOHLENBERG,<lb/> 1981)</ref>. Cell shape, electrical charge or chemical<lb/>
			characteristics may be important factors <ref type="biblio">(TEN WlNKEL<lb/> and OAVeDS,
				1982; NEWELL et aL, 1989)</ref>. <ref type="biblio">Kl i ~RGOE and<lb/> MOHLENBERG
				(1981)</ref> have shown a positive correlation<lb/> between the size of the labial
			palps and the efficiency<lb/> of selective ingestion, suggesting the labial palps
			to<lb/> be the site of selection. Myti/us edulis from the<lb/> Wadden Sea, a site with
			high suspended matter<lb/> concentrations, had larger palps and a higher selec-<lb/>tion
			efficiency than mussels from the Oresund, where<lb/> particle concentrations are lower.
				<ref type="biblio">ESSINK eta/. (1989)</ref><lb/> have shown mussels to be able to
			adapt the relative<lb/> size of their gills and palps, after transplantation to<lb/>
			sites with high particulate matter concentrations. The<lb/> morphological adaptations
			may help to adapt the<lb/> selective feeding ability to the in situ concentrations.<lb/>
			In conclusion it is hypothesized that the efficiency of<lb/> selective ingestion may
			show adaptation to the<lb/> environmental seston concentrations (cf. <ref type="biblio"
				>KIeRBOE<lb/> and MOHLENBERG, 1981</ref>).<lb/></p>

		<p>In the Oosterschelde estuary (SW Netherlands)<lb/> suspended particulate matter
			concentrations are<lb/> generally between 2-70 mg.1-1 <ref type="biblio">(WETSTEYN et
				aL,<lb/> 1990)</ref>. The seston is mainly composed of inorganic<lb/> particles and
			refractory organic matter and phyto-<lb/>plankton forms only a minor fraction of the
			seston<lb/> (ca. 2%) <ref type="biblio">(SMAAL et al., 1986)</ref>. Earlier
			experimental<lb/> results <ref type="biblio">(PRJNS and SMAAL, 1989)</ref> suggest that
			selec-<lb/>tion efficiencies of mussels from the Oosterschelde<lb/> are comparable to
			the efficiencies observed by<lb/>
			<ref type="biblio">KIEIRBOE et al. (1981)</ref>. In this paper, experimental<lb/>
			results on the selective ingestion of algae by Mytilus<lb/> edulis and Cerastoderma
			edule from the Ooster-<lb/>schelde estuary are reported. Experiments were<lb/> carried
			out to establish the relation between the<lb/> concentration of suspended particulate
			matter and<lb/> the selection efficiency. The impact of the selective<lb/> ingestion on
			the food budget of the bivalves was<lb/> quantified.<lb/></p>

		<head>MATERIALS AND METHODS<lb/></head>

		<p>Experiments with the blue mussel Mytilus<lb/> edulis were carried out from January to
			March 1988.<lb/> Experiments with the cockle Cerastoderma edule<lb/> were carried out
			from March to April 1988. The<lb/> animals were collected in the western part of
			the<lb/> Oosterschelde, from sites near the low water tidal<lb/> level. They were
			transported to the field station of the<lb/> Tidal Waters Division, and stored in
			flowing sea<lb/> water. The mussels were cleaned of epizoa and<lb/> allowed to attach to
			individual trays. On this trays a<lb/> small partition was fixed wich separated the
			mantle<lb/> edge from the ouffiow siphon. This simplified the<lb/> separate collection
			of faeces and pseudofaeces. The<lb/> cockles were allowed to burrow in small cups
			filled<lb/> with sand.<lb/></p>

		<p>Mussels with a shell length of 57-64 mm were<lb/> selected. The ash free dry weight of
			mussels was<lb/> 1.133 + 0.069 g (n=15; mean + S.E.). The shell length<lb/> of the
			cockles ranged from 31-36 ram, and the ash<lb/> free dry weight of the cockles was 0.304
			+ 0.014 g<lb/> (n=20).<lb/></p>

		<p>The alga Phaeodactylum tricomutum was cultu-<lb/>red in large outdoor ponds. The
			carbon:chlorophyll<lb/> ratio of the algae was 131 _+ 3.9, and the C:N ratio<lb/>

		<p>Silt was collected by scraping off the upper<lb/> 0.5 cm of the sediment of a creek in
			the eastern<lb/> part of the Oosterschelde. The sediment was passed<lb/> through a 125
			I.Lm sieve, and kept in stock suspen-<lb/>sions of 10-20 g j-1 The carbon content of the
			silt<lb/> was 2.7 + 1.7%, the C:N ratio was 19.6.<lb/></p>

		<head>Selection experiments<lb/></head>

		<p>The animals were kept in raceways, and fed with<lb/> a mixture of the diatom
			Phaeodactylum tricomutum<lb/> (20.103 cells.m1-1) and silt. The algae and silt were<lb/>
			continuouly added to a flow of filtered natural sea<lb/> water. The concentrations of
			suspended particulate<lb/> matter (SPM) were set at a range from 5 to 90 mg.I -t<lb/> in
			the mussel experiments, and from 20 to 120<lb/> mg.1-1 in the cockle experiments. The
			experiments<lb/> were carried out at in situ water temperatures, wich<lb/> varied
			between 5.1 and 7.9~ The current velocity in<lb/> the raceways was low (&lt;1 cm.s -1)
			to prevent<lb/> resuspension of faeces and pseudofaeces.<lb/></p>

		<p>Before the start of the experiment animals were<lb/> stored in filtered sea water for 24
			hours. In each<lb/> experiment 5 animals were fed with an experimental<lb/> diet for a
			period of 20-24 hours. At the end of that<lb/> period faeces and pseudofaeces of each
			individual<lb/> were collected separately. If necessary, faeces (and<lb/> sand in the
			experiments with cockles) were sorted<lb/> out of the pseudofaeces using the differences
			in<lb/> density. Faeces and pseudofaeces were subsampled<lb/> for various chemical

		<p>The suspended particulate matter in the diets,<lb/> and pseudofaeces and faeces were
			analyzed for total<lb/> dry weight, inorganic matter content, chlorophyll-a<lb/> and
			phaeophytin-a. Dry weight was analyzed after<lb/> drying at 70~ for 48 hours. Inorganic
			matter content<lb/> was measured by determining ash content after<lb/> ignition at 520~
			for 4 hours. Chlorophyll-a and<lb/> phaeophytin-a were measured by HPLC

		<head>Calculation of chlorophyll budget<lb/></head>

		<p>Rates of faeces and pseudofaeces production<lb/> were recalculated to rates per hour. As
			the animals do<lb/> not absorb inorganic matter, it was assumed that the<lb/> total
			weight of inorganic matter (PIM) in the biode-<lb/>posits (faeces + pseudofaeces)
			equalled the amount<lb/> of PIM filtered by the animals. From the rate of<lb/>
			biodeposition of PIM (rag.h-I), and the PIM concen-<lb/>tration (mg.l-1) in the diets
			the clearance rate<lb/> (volume of water swept clear by the animals per time<lb/> unit)
			was calculated:<lb/></p>

		<formula>CLR = PIM biodeposition in I.h -1<lb/> [PIM]diet<lb/></formula>

		<p>Chlorophyll-a filtration (FIl_chl) was calculated as the<lb/> product of clearance rate
			and chlorophyll-a concen-<lb/>tration 9 (l~g.l-1) in the diets:<lb/></p>

		<formula>FILchl = CLR. [chl]diet in p.g.h -f<lb/></formula>

		<p>The rate of ingestion of chlorophyll-a (INGchJ) was<lb/> estimated from the difference
			between filtration and<lb/> rejection trough the pseudofaeces:<lb/></p>

		<formula>INGchl = FILchl-PSFchl in I~g.h -1<lb/></formula>

		<p> The amount of chlorophyll-a digested (DIGchl) was<lb/> estimated from the difference
			between the ingestion<lb/> and the amount of chlorophyll-a in the faeces:<lb/></p>

		<formula>DIGchi = INGchi-Fchl in i~g.h -1<lb/></formula>

		<p> The dry weight of the ingestion was estimated<lb/> from the dry weight of the faeces
			(mg.h-1), and the<lb/> ash content ( -1) of the food and faeces <ref type="biblio"
				>(CRtSP,<lb/> 1984)</ref>:<lb/></p>

		<formula>INGdrywt = Fdrywt [PIM/dry wt]faeces in mg.h -1<lb/> [PIM/dry

		<p>If no selection would occur, the composition of the<lb/> ingested material should be the
			same as the compo-<lb/>sition of the diet. The theoretical ingestion of
			chlo-<lb/>rophyll-a without selection could be estimated from<lb/> the dry weight of the
			ingestion (mg.h -1) and the<lb/> amount of chlorophyll-a in the diet (<lb/></p>

		<formula>INGno sel. = INGdry wt. [chl/dry Wt]diet in p.g.h -1<lb/></formula>

		<p>The rate of filtration of chlorophyll-a in the<lb/> experiments is dependent on both the
			concentration<lb/> in the diets and the clearance rate of the animals. In<lb/> order to
			get an estimate of the chlorophyll-a inges-<lb/>tion without the variance added by
			differences in<lb/> chlorophyll-a concentrations between experiments,<lb/> the
			percentage of the chlorophyll-a filtration that was<lb/> ingested was

		<p>The observed chlorophyll-a ingestion was com-<lb/>pared to the (theoretical) ingestion
			without selection<lb/> in order to calculate a selection coefficient:<lb/></p>

		<formula>INGchJ<lb/> selection coefficient-<lb/>INGno sel.<lb/></formula>

		<p>This selection coefficient is equivalent to the factor of<lb/> increase of the
			chlorophyll-a ingestion, due to<lb/> selection. In case of non-selective ingestion
			the<lb/> coefficient is 1, if preferential ingestion occurs the<lb/> coefficient is
			higher than 1.<lb/></p>

		<p>The digestive efficiency was calculated from the<lb/> difference between the amount of
			chlorophyll-a<lb/> ingested, and the amount of chlorophyl-a in the<lb/> faeces <ref
				type="biblio">(ROBINSON et aL, 1984)</ref>:<lb/></p>

		<formula>digestive efficiency = (1 -Fchl/INGchl). 100%<lb/></formula>

		<figure type="table">Table 1. Chlorophyll budgets of Mytilus edu/is and Cerastoderma edul~,
			rates per animal (mean • S.E.).<lb/> SPM<lb/> ChLa<lb/> Clearance<lb/>
			Pseudo-<lb/>Chl.a<lb/> Chl.a<lb/> Cbl.a in<lb/> rate<lb/> faeces<lb/> filtration<lb/>
			ingestion<lb/> faeces<lb/> (mg.1-1 )<lb/> (p.g.1-1 )<lb/> (l.h -1 )<lb/> (mg.h -1 )<lb/>
			(p.g.h -1 )<lb/> (Hg.h -1 )<lb/> (iJg.h -1)<lb/> mussel<lb/> 4.8<lb/> 7.26<lb/> 0.64
			-s<lb/> 1.8 •<lb/> 4.65 10.15<lb/> 3.10 _+0.30<lb/> 8.8<lb/> 7.46<lb/> 0.38 •<lb/> 2.1
			!-0.3<lb/> 2.48 _+0.26<lb/> 1.86 10.15<lb/> 18.9<lb/> 5.91<lb/> 0.47 10.04<lb/> 6.7
			10.7<lb/> 2.79 10.22<lb/> 1.28 •<lb/> 23.4<lb/> 6.28<lb/> 0.68 10.06<lb/> 13.2 •<lb/>
			4.25 10.40<lb/> 2.71 •<lb/> 74.9<lb/> 5.11<lb/> 0.28 •<lb/> 19.8 •<lb/> 1.44 _+0.16<lb/>
			0.23 10.08<lb/> 86.1<lb/> 5.14<lb/> 0.30 !-0.04<lb/> 24.3 •<lb/> 1.53 10.20<lb/> 0.06
			10.06<lb/> cockle<lb/> 23.7<lb/> 4.20<lb/> 0.63 •<lb/> 12.0 •<lb/> 2.66 t0.26<lb/> 1.73
			10.21<lb/> 24.99<lb/> 0.76<lb/> 0.55 •<lb/> 9.4 +1.3<lb/> 0.42 •<lb/> 0.36 !0.04<lb/>
			28.51<lb/> 3.68<lb/> 0.75 _-+0.06<lb/> 12.4 •<lb/> 2.10 10.22<lb/> 1.19 •<lb/>
			29.27<lb/> 1.18<lb/> 0.39 t-0.08<lb/> 8.1 •<lb/> 0.46 10.09<lb/> 0.40 10.11<lb/>
			31.97<lb/> 2.78<lb/> 0.26 •<lb/> 3.7 •<lb/> 0.73 10.09<lb/> 0.61 10.08<lb/> 35.66<lb/>
			3.08<lb/> 0.23 •<lb/> 3.2 •<lb/> 0.71 •<lb/> 0.58 10.11<lb/> 60.88<lb/> 5.03<lb/> 0.18
			•<lb/> 9.2 •<lb/> 0.89 +0.15<lb/> 0.45 •<lb/> 92<lb/> 6.27<lb/> 0.23 10.03<lb/> 19.3
			•<lb/> 1.46 10.20<lb/> 0.89 •<lb/> 114<lb/> 4.47<lb/> 0.34 _-_+0.05<lb/> 34.1 •<lb/>
			1.51 10.24<lb/> 0.41 t-0.15<lb/> 121<lb/> 4.66<lb/> 0.36 •<lb/> 38.4 •<lb/> 1.66
			---4-0.15<lb/> 0.40 10.09<lb/> 0.43 •<lb/> 0.15 •<lb/> 0.24 !-0.05<lb/> 0.30 !0.22<lb/>
			0.06 _+0.00<lb/> 0.06 10.00<lb/> 0.24 •<lb/> 0.05 10.01<lb/> 0.31 •<lb/> 0.10 •<lb/>
			0.23 10.04<lb/> 0.24 •<lb/> 0.19 10.04<lb/> 0.18 10.04<lb/> 0.16 10.02<lb/> 0.19
			10.03<lb/> Ing.<lb/> .100%<lb/> Fil.<lb/> 66+4.9<lb/> 66 + 2.4<lb/> 45 • 3.9<lb/> 63 +
			4.5<lb/> 18+5.9<lb/> 4+4.2<lb/> 65 • 5.3<lb/> 81 + 3.6<lb/> 56 -+ 4.7<lb/> 83 -+
			2.7<lb/> 83 + 3.6<lb/> 82 • 3.0<lb/> 48 +13.3<lb/> 59 + 6.8<lb/> 26 + 7.6<lb/> 26 •


		<head>Clearance rate and pseudofaeces production<lb/></head> 
		<p>The calculated clearance rates are shown in<lb/>
			<ref type="table">Table 1</ref>. The clearance rates showed a negative<lb/> correlation
			with SPM concentrations (mussel:<lb/> r=-0.64, n=28, p&lt;0.001; cockle: r=-0.34,
			n=46,<lb/> p&lt;0.05). The amount of pseudofaeces produced<lb/> showed a strong increase
			with increasing SPM<lb/> concentrations in the diets (mussel: r=0.89, n=28,<lb/>
			p&lt;0.001; cockle: r=0.84, n=46, p&lt;O.100).<lb/></p>

		<head>Composition of pseudofaeces<lb/></head>

		<p>The chlorophyll-a content of the pseudofaeces<lb/> was compared to the composition of the
			diets <ref type="figure">(Fig.<lb/> 1)</ref>. The chlorophyll-a content of both mussel
			and<lb/> cockle pseudofaeces was significantly reduced com-<lb/>pared to the food.
			(Wilcoxon-test, p&lt;O.O01).<lb/></p>

		<p>Phaeophytin-a concentrations in the pseudo-<lb/>faeces were often below the detection
			limit. If<lb/> phaeophytin-a was detected in the pseudofaeces, the<lb/> relative
			concentrations were not significantly diffe-<lb/>rent from the concentrations in the
			food (p&gt;0.100).<lb/></p>

		<figure>~.<lb/> 0.3<lb/> ..............<lb/> .........<lb/> : $<lb/> o.1<lb/> ~&apos;i&apos;
			........... * 4<lb/> ~D. 0.03<lb/> =~ o.oi<lb/> +<lb/> 0.003<lb/> .<lb/> . , ....<lb/>
			,<lb/> ,<lb/> 9<lb/> 9 , ....<lb/> o.o3<lb/> 0.06 o.1 o.=<lb/> 0.5<lb/> ;<lb/> chl In
			food (pg/mg dry wt.)<lb/> Fig. 1. Clorophyll-a content of pseudofaeces compared to
			the<lb/> compositJon of the diets. Symbols are means • S.E. Squares:<lb/> Myti/us
			edulis, triangles: Cerastoderma edule.<lb/></figure>

		<head>Chlorophyll budget<lb/></head>

		<p>In <ref type="table">Table 1</ref> the components of the chlorophyll-a<lb/> budget are
			shown. The filtration of chlorophyll-a<lb/> showed some variation between diets due to
			dif-<lb/>ferences in chlorophyll-a concentrations between<lb/> diets, and decreased at
			high SPM concentrations<lb/> as a consequence of lower clearance rates. Multiple<lb/>
			regression showed that the ingestion of chlorop-<lb/>hyll-a was positively correlated
			with chlorophyll-a<lb/> filtration, but decreased with increasing SPM
			con-<lb/>centrations <ref type="table">(Table 2)</ref>.<lb/></p>

		<p>Due the negative effect of SPM on the chlo-<lb/>rophyll-a ingestion, the proportion of
			filtered chlo-<lb/>rophyll-a that was ingested decreased with increa-<lb/>sing SPM
			concentrations. In <ref type="figure">Fig.2</ref> the chlorophytl-a<lb/> ingestion as a
			percentage of the filtration is shown.<lb/> The curves represent the estimated
			chlorophyll-a<lb/> ingestion if no selection had occured, wich is an<lb/> inverse
			function of SPM.<lb/></p>

		<figure type="table">Table 2. Regression statistics of chlorophyll-a ingestion
			(INGchl&apos;<lb/> pg.h -1 ) versus suspended particulate matter concentrations
			(SPM,<lb/> mg.1-1) and ehlorophyll-a filtration rate (FILchl&quot; pg.h -1)<lb/>
			mussel<lb/> INGchl = 0.661+O.024*FILchl -0.011+0.001 *SPM<lb/> n328, F3415.3,
			p&lt;O.O01, r2=0.97<lb/> cockle<lb/> INGchl = O.672_+O.040*FILchl -0.004+0.001 *SPM<lb/>
			n=44, F=214.5, p&lt;O.O01, r230.91<lb/></figure>

		<p>On average, the selection coefficient of the<lb/> mussel was 2.0 + 0.3 (n=28; mean +
			st.error). The<lb/> selection coefficient of the cockle was 2.8 + 0.3<lb/> (n=44). The
			selection coefficients were not correlated<lb/> with SPM concentration. The difference
			between<lb/> mussel and cockle was not significant (p&gt;0.05).<lb/></p>

		<figure>(A)<lb/> loo<lb/> 80<lb/> so<lb/> ~ zo<lb/> 100<lb/> 8O<lb/> eo<lb/> ==<lb/> c<lb/>
			~ 4o<lb/> ~ ~ 20<lb/> &apos;.. 1<lb/> &apos;: ....... : ........ : ....... : ........
			:.+: ........ :<lb/> Z &apos;O<lb/> 40<lb/> $0<lb/> 80<lb/> 100<lb/> SPM In mg/I<lb/>
			(s)<lb/> \;++ t<lb/> 20<lb/> 40<lb/> 60<lb/> 80<lb/> 100<lb/> 120<lb/> 140<lb/> SPM in
			mg/I<lb/> Fig. 2. Chlorophyll-a ingestion in % of chlorophyll-a filtration for<lb/>
			Mytilus edulis (A) and Cerastoderma edule (B). Symbols are means<lb/> • S.E. The curves
			represent the estimated chlorophyll-a ingestion (in<lb/> % of filtration) without

		<head>Composition of faeces<lb/></head>

		<p>Due to the selective ingestion of chlorophyll-a<lb/> the ingested material contained
			relatively more chto-<lb/>rophyll-a than the diets. Compared to the com-<lb/>position of
			the diets however, mussel and cockle<lb/> ]=<lb/> faeces contained less chlorophyll-a
			(Wilcoxon-test,<lb/> ~.<lb/> p&lt;O.O01), whereas phaeophytin-a concentrations<lb/> had
			increased both in mussel faeces (p&lt;O.010) and in<lb/> $<lb/> cockle faeces
			(p&lt;O.O01) <ref type="figure">(Rg.3)</ref>.<lb/> .=.<lb/></p>

		<p>The digestive efficiencies <ref type="table">(Table 3)</ref> varied be-<lb/>,
			=-<lb/>tween 60-90% in most diets, and decreased with<lb/> _ -=<lb/> increasing SPM
			concentrations (mussel: r=-0.45,<lb/> p&lt;O.05; cockle: r=-0.41, p&lt;O.01).<lb/></p>

		<figure type="table">Table 3. Digestive efficiencies of Mytilusedu/isand Cerastoderma<lb/>
			edule (mean :!: S.E.).<lb/> SPM<lb/> Chlorophyll<lb/> Oigestive<lb/> efficiency<lb/>
			(mg.1-1 )<lb/> (l~g.1-1 )<lb/> (%)<lb/> mussel<lb/> 4.8<lb/> 7.26<lb/> 85 + 2.9<lb/>
			8.8<lb/> 7.46<lb/> 92 • 0,5<lb/> 18.9<lb/> 5.91<lb/> 80 + 4;5<lb/> 23.4<lb/> 6.28<lb/>
			90 + 6.2<lb/> 74.9<lb/> 5.11<lb/> 73 + 8.3<lb/> 86.1<lb/> 5.14<lb/> 79 +15.8<lb/>
			cockle<lb/> 23.7<lb/> 4.20<lb/> 85 + 2.6<lb/> 24.99<lb/> 0.76<lb/> 84 • 0.9<lb/>
			28.51<lb/> 3.68<lb/> 71 • 7.1<lb/> 29.27<lb/> 1.18<lb/> 75 + 7.7<lb/> 31.97<lb/>
			2.78<lb/> 61 • 6.8<lb/> 35.66<lb/> 3.08<lb/> 59 + 3.9<lb/> 60.88<lb/> 5.03<lb/> 36
			•<lb/> 92<lb/> 6.27<lb/> 77 • 5.8<lb/> 114<lb/> 4.47<lb/> 50 •<lb/> 121<lb/> 4.66<lb/>
			45 +10.5<lb/></figure>


		<p>The experiments were carried out with concen-<lb/>trations of algae and silt that are
			reprensentative of<lb/> the natural situation <ref type="biblio">(SMAAL et aL,
				1986)</ref>. The<lb/> concentrations used were all higher than the thres-<lb/>hold
			for pseudofaeces formation (between 1-6.5<lb/> rag.l-l; <ref type="biblio">BAYNE and
				NEWELL, 1983</ref>).<lb/></p>

		<p>The clearence rates of mussel and cockle<lb/> showed a decrease at high SPM
			concentrations. In<lb/> experiments wih pure algal cultures several bivalve<lb/> species
			have been observed to regulate their clearan-<lb/>ce rate in response to food
			concentrations. When the<lb/> ingestion rate has reached its maximum, clearance<lb/>
			rates are reduced in reponse to increasing food<lb/> concentrations, thus maintaining
			ingestion rates at a<lb/> constant level without producing pseudofaeces <ref
				type="biblio">(WIN-<lb/>TER, 1973; GERDES, 1983; WINTER etaL, 1984;

		<figure> 0.3<lb/> 0.1<lb/> 0.03<lb/> 0.01<lb/> 0.003<lb/> o.o= &quot; o.;~<lb/> o:1<lb/>
			0:=<lb/> (A)<lb/> ............. ~ *$<lb/> ~<lb/> f ~<lb/> t&apos;<lb/> 0:6 ;<lb/> I<lb/>
			ohl In food (pg/mg dry wt.)<lb/> 0.2<lb/> 0.1&apos;<lb/> 0.05<lb/> 0.01<lb/> 0.005
			&apos;<lb/> 0.001<lb/> 0.001<lb/> (s)<lb/> §<lb/> ....<lb/> 9<lb/> II<lb/> i<lb/>
			0.005<lb/> 0.01<lb/> 0.05<lb/> 0.1<lb/> phaeophytln In food (pg/mg dry wt.)<lb/>o:=<lb/>
			Fig. 3. Chlorophyll-a (A) and phaeophytin-a (R) content of faeces<lb/> compared to the
			composition otthe diets. Symbols are means • S.E.<lb/> Squares: Myti/us edu/is,
			triangles: Cerastoderma edu/e.<lb/></figure>

		<p><ref type="biblio">and ROSE, 1988)</ref>. Experiments with pure algal cultu-<lb/>res
			should be interpreted with care, however <ref type="biblio">(BAYNE<lb/> and NEWELL,
				1983; JBRGENSEN, 1990)</ref>. In experiments<lb/> with diets more closely resembling
			the natural<lb/> situation, the reduction in clearance rates as a<lb/> consequence of
			high particle concentrations is much<lb/> less pronounced <ref type="biblio">(WINTER,
				1978; W~ODOWS etaL, 1979;<lb/> KIORBOE et aL, 1981)</ref>. Increasing particle
			concentra-<lb/>tions cause a slight reduction of the clearance rate,<lb/> according to
				<ref type="biblio">BAYNE and NEWELL (1983)</ref>. The amount of<lb/> material
			filtered and the production of pseudofaeces<lb/> increase, and ingestion is maintained
			at a constant<lb/> level. Our results, showing a reduction in clearance<lb/> rate and a
			strong increase in pseudofaeces produc-<lb/>tion at high SPM concentrations, agree with
			this<lb/> pattern.<lb/></p>

		<p>The results show that chlorophyll-a concentra-<lb/>tions in the pseudofaeces are reduced,
			compared to<lb/> the food. As the pseudofaeces were collected over a<lb/> period of
			20-24 hours the loss of chlorophyll-a from<lb/> the pseudofaeces might have been caused
			by degra-<lb/>dation of the pigment. The reduced chlorophyll-a<lb/> concentrations did
			not coincide with an increase in<lb/> the amount of phaeophytin-a, indicating that
			no<lb/> substantial breakdown of the chlorophyll-a molecule<lb/> within the period of 24
			hours occured. <ref type="biblio">ROBINSON etaL<lb/> (1984)</ref> observed no changes in
			chlorophyll-a con-<lb/>centrations in faeces from Spisu/a so/idissima, kept<lb/> in
			seawater at 12~ during a period of 52 hours. It is<lb/> therefore concluded that the
			chlorophyll-a in the<lb/> pseudofaeces remained undegraded during the 24-<lb/>hour
			period. The relatively low chlorophyll-a concen-<lb/>trations in the pseudofaeces are
			explained by selecti-<lb/>ve ingestion of phytoplankton. The ability of Myti/us<lb/>
			edulis and Cerastoderma edule to selectively ingest<lb/> algae agrees with observations
			from other authors<lb/>
			<ref type="biblio">(KIORBOE etaL, 1980; KIORBOE and MOHLENBERG, 1981;<lb/> CUCCl et al.,
				1981 )</ref>.<lb/></p>

		<p> The calculated chlorophyll-a budgets show the<lb/> effective selection by the bivalves.
			The clearance<lb/> rates of the bivalves in our experiments were low<lb/> compared to
			other observations <ref type="biblio">(SMAAL et aL, 1986)</ref>.<lb/> The rates of
			ingestion were comparable to values<lb/> reported by <ref type="biblio">BAYNE et al.
				(1989)</ref>. As a consequence,<lb/> pseudofaeces formation may have been depressed
			in<lb/> our experiments, wich means that our estimates of<lb/> the selection
			coefficients may have been too low. In<lb/> most of the diets the animals were able to
			ingest<lb/> 40-90% of the filtered chlorophyll. The proportion of<lb/> filtered algae
			that was ingested decreased when SPM<lb/> concentrations increased. Similar estimates
			made by<lb/>
			<ref type="biblio">BRICELJ and MALOUF (1984)</ref> for Mercenaria mercenaria<lb/> showed
			that this species ingested at least 82% of the<lb/> filtered algae. The lowest
			percentage was observed at<lb/> the highest SPM concentrations. <ref type="biblio"
				>KtORBOE and M~H-<lb/>LENBERG (1981)</ref> used the ratio between chlorophyll-a<lb/>
			content of food and pseudofaeces as a measure of<lb/> selection efficiency. This measure
			has several disad-<lb/>vantages. It will decrease at high seston concentra-<lb/>tions,
			and does not give information on the quantita-<lb/>tive effect of the selective
			ingestion on the food<lb/> budget of the animals. Nevertheless, if we use our<lb/>
			results obtained under similar experimental condi-<lb/>tions (SPM&lt;50 rag.l-l), to
			calculate selection effi-<lb/>ciencies as defined by <ref type="biblio">KIORBOE and
				MOHLENBERG<lb/> (1981)</ref>, average values of 2.5 for the mussel and 3.0<lb/> for
			the cockle are derived. These values are slightly<lb/> lower than the selection
			efficiencies reported by them<lb/> (2.9 for mussels from the Oresund, 4.3 for

		<p>If no selection had occured the proportion of<lb/> filtered chlorophyll-a that was
			ingested would have<lb/> shown a sharp decrease at high SPM concentrations.<lb/> The
			observed ingestion of chlorophyll-a by mussel<lb/> and cockle was 2.0 and 2.8 times
			higher, respective-<lb/>ly. These results show both bivalve species to be able<lb/> to
			increase the ingestion of chlorophyll at SPM<lb/> concentrations above the pseudofaeces
			threshold.<lb/> The selection coefficients were not affected by SPM<lb/> concentration.
			Still, a negative effect of the SPM<lb/> concentration on the rate of chlorophyll-a
			ingestion<lb/> was observed. This observation shows that the<lb/> animals can partly
			counteract the diluting effect of<lb/> high SPM concentrations, by a 2-3 times increase
			of<lb/> the ingestion of food particles. At the highest SPM<lb/> concentrations Mytilus
			edulis seemed not to be able<lb/> to effectively select phytoplankton anymore,
			possibly<lb/> as a consequence of the increased dilution of the<lb/> algae with silt. On
			the other hand, this result may<lb/> have been an artefact since differences in the
			very<lb/> tow relative concentrations of chlorophyll-a in food<lb/> and pseudofaeces at
			the highest SPM concentrations<lb/> were hard to detect. The cockle had a slightly
			higher<lb/> selection coefficient than the mussel, and there was<lb/> no comparable
			decrease of the ingestion rate at high<lb/> SPM concentrations. This result agrees with
			the<lb/> results of <ref type="biblio">KIORBOE and MOHLENBERG (1981)</ref>, and may<lb/>
			indicate a better adaption of the cockle to high SPM<lb/> concentrations.<lb/></p>

		<p>Due to the preferential ingestion of algae the<lb/> relative amount of chlorophyll-a in
			the ingested<lb/> material is higher than in the food. This phenomenon<lb/> may lead to
			higher concentrations in the faeces than<lb/> in the food, even if the material is
			digested <ref type="biblio">(NEWELL<lb/> and JORDAN, 1983)</ref>. Still, in the faeces
			the chlorophyll-<lb/>a content was lower than the concentrations in the<lb/> diets. This
			fact, combined with the simultaneous<lb/> strong increase in the amount of phaeophytin-a
			in the<lb/> faeces, indicate that a large part of ingested chloro-<lb/>phyll-a was
			digested in the alimentary tract of the<lb/> bivalves. The digestive efficiencies
			calculated for<lb/> chlorophyll-a were high in most diets, and in the<lb/> same range as
			reported by other authors <ref type="biblio">(ROBINSON et<lb/> aL, 1984; HAWKINS eta/.,
				1986; BAYNE et aL, 1987)</ref>.<lb/> In diets with a high SPM concentration the
			chloro-<lb/>phyll-a digestion decreased. A decrease in digestive<lb/> efficiencies at
			high SPM concentrations was also<lb/> observed by <ref type="biblio">ROBINSON et aL
				(1984)</ref>. <ref type="biblio">BAYNE et aL<lb/> (1987)</ref> observed the lowest
			digestive efficiencies in<lb/> diets with a high food quality (high amount of
			algae),<lb/> wich is in contrast to the decrease at high SPM<lb/> concentrations in our
			study. In their experiments<lb/> BAYNE eta/. (1987) used particle concentrations<lb/>
			below the pseudofaeces threshold, wich influenced<lb/> the maximum ingestion rate and
			may have affected<lb/> physiological mechanisms like gut passage time and<lb/> digestion
			in a way different from our experiments.<lb/></p>

		<head>Concluding remarks<lb/></head>

		<p> In our experiments Mytilus edu/is and Cerasto-<lb/>derma edu/e from the Oosterschelde
			were offered<lb/> diets with concentrations of algae and SPM that are<lb/>
			representative of the conditions in this estuary. Both<lb/> species showed an ability to
			selectively ingest<lb/> phytoplankton, and were able to increase the inges-<lb/>tion
			rate of chlorophyll-a 2 to 3 times compared to<lb/> the estimated ingestion without

		<p>Selective ingestion is most efficient when filtra-<lb/>tion rates are not reduced at high
			SPM concentra-<lb/>tions, and pseudofaeces production is high <ref type="biblio"
				>(BRICELJ<lb/> and MALOUF, 1984)</ref>. Animals which control ingestion<lb/>
			primarily by reducing clearance rates are probably<lb/> less succesful at exploiting a
			turbid environment than<lb/> animals which combine high filtration rates which<lb/>
			pseudofaeces production and pre-ingestive selection<lb/>
			<ref type="biblio">(BRICELJ and MALOUF, 1984)</ref>. The increasing metabolic<lb/> costs
			of filtration, pseudofaeces formation (e.g.<lb/> mucus excretion) and digestion, at high
			silt concen-<lb/>trations <ref type="biblio">(BAYNE eta/., 1987; 1989)</ref>, however,
			set an<lb/> upper limit to the SPM concentrations at which the<lb/> animals are able to
			maintain a positive net energy<lb/> budget.<lb/></p>

		<p>In addition to selective ingestion bivalves may<lb/> compensate for unfavourable food
			conditions by<lb/> other physiological processes, like adaption of the<lb/> clearance
			rate and modification of the digestion<lb/> process <ref type="biblio">(BAYNE and
				NEWELL, 1983; BRICELJ and MA-<lb/>LOUF, 1984; CUCC~ et al., 1985; SHUMWAY et aL,
				1985;<lb/> NEWELL et al., 1989)</ref>, and by morphological adaptions<lb/> of the
			feeding apparatus <ref type="biblio">(ESSINK eta/., 1989)</ref>. The<lb/> various
			physiological and morphological compensa-<lb/>tory mechanisms increase the range of SPM
			concen-<lb/>trations to which the bivalves can adapt.</p>
