libconsulte / etc / dtd_mashup / A++V2.4JobSheetV2.4.dtd
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- Project team:    Ken Dreyhaupt      (Springer-Verlag New York)          -->
<!--                  Michael Eihoff     (Springer-Verlag Heidelberg)        -->
<!--                  Alison Hepper      (Springer-Verlag Heidelberg)        -->
<!--                  Dr. Ramon Khanna   (Springer-Verlag Heidelberg)        -->
<!--                  Dr. Patrick Thibor (Springer-Verlag Heidelberg)        -->
<!--                  Dr. Michael Wilson (Springer-Verlag Heidelberg)        -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- Responsible:     Dr. Patrick Thibor                                     -->
<!--                                             -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- Release history: 2001-11-19: V 0.9 - released for testing               -->
<!--                  2002-02-05: V 1.0 - integration of test results        -->
<!--                  2002-02-19: V 1.1 - results of second test run         -->
<!--                  2002-04-18: V 1.2 - Book and FAZ requirements          -->
<!--                  2002-05-15: V 1.3 - CE-XML and Book requirements       -->
<!--                  2002-07-05: V 2.0 - See Change Request Document        -->
<!--                  2002-07-30: V 2.1 - Final version for converter test   -->
<!--                  2002-09-24: V 2.2 - First productive version           -->
<!--                  2003-03-03: V 2.3 - See Release Notes                  -->
<!--                  2004-03-15: V 2.4 - See Release Notes                  -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- Inclusion of the MathML DTD                                             -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->

<![ %WithMathML; [
	<!ENTITY % MathMLModel           " | math">
	<!ENTITY % mathml-charent.module "IGNORE">
        <!ENTITY % MATHML.prefixed       "IGNORE">
	<!ENTITY % MathMLstrict          "INCLUDE">
	<!ENTITY % MathMLModule SYSTEM   "mathml2.dtd">

<!ENTITY % MathMLModel " ">

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- Inclusion of DTD components that are relevant for all products          -->
<!-- The definition of "CommonModule" disables the repeated loading          -->
<!-- of the common module from within the book and journal modules           -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!ENTITY % CommonModule " ">

<!ENTITY % CommonModuleLocal SYSTEM "Common.dtd">

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- Inclusion of DTD components that are specific for journals              -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!ENTITY % JournalModule SYSTEM "Journal.dtd">

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- Inclusion of DTD components that are specific for books                 -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!ENTITY % BookModule SYSTEM "Book.dtd">

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- Inclusion of DTD components that are relevant for the JobSheet          -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!ENTITY % JobSheetModule SYSTEM "JobSheetV2.4.dtd">

<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!-- Inclusion of the CALS table model                                       -->
<!-- ....................................................................... -->
<!ENTITY % "Table">

<!ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "Caption*,">

<!ENTITY % tbl.table-main.mdl "((MediaObject+ | tgroup+), tfooter?)">

<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl "colspec* , thead? , tbody+">

<!ENTITY % TableEntryModel "SimplePara*">

<!ELEMENT tfooter (%TableEntryModel;)*>

<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl "(%TableEntryModel;)*">

<!ENTITY % tbl.table.att " ID           ID                     #REQUIRED
                           Width        CDATA                  #IMPLIED
                           Style        %TableStyleAttrValues; #IMPLIED             
                           Orientation  (Landscape | Portrait) #IMPLIED
                           Float        %BooleanAttrValues;    #REQUIRED">

<!ENTITY % CALSModule SYSTEM "calstblx.dtd">