libconsulte / etc / dtd_mashup / ent / iso-amsn.ent
<!-- ISO AMS N: Negated Relations -->
<!-- $Id$ -->
<!-- Derived from the corresponding ISO 8879 standard entity set -->
<!-- Checked against MathML 2.0 2nd Ed -->

<!ENTITY gnap	"&#x2A8A;"> <!-- greater, not approximate -->
<!ENTITY gnE	"&#x2269;"> <!-- greater, not dbl equals -->
<!ENTITY gne	"&#x2A88;"> <!-- greater, not equals -->
<!ENTITY gnsim	"&#x22E7;"> <!-- greater, not similar -->
<!ENTITY gvnE	"&#x2269;"> <!-- gt, vert, not dbl eq. MathML: x2269xfe00 -->
<!ENTITY lnap	"&#x2A89;"> <!-- less, not approximate -->
<!ENTITY lnE	"&#x2268;"> <!-- less, not double equals -->
<!ENTITY lne	"&#x2A87;"> <!-- less, not equals -->
<!ENTITY lnsim	"&#x22E6;"> <!-- less, not similar -->
<!ENTITY lvnE	"&#x2268;"> <!-- less, ver, not dbl eq. MathML: x2268xfe00 -->
<!ENTITY nap	"&#x2249;"> <!-- not approximate -->
<!ENTITY ncong	"&#x2247;"> <!-- not congruent with -->
<!ENTITY nequiv	"&#x2262;"> <!-- not identical with -->
<!ENTITY ngE	"&#x2271;"> <!-- not greater, dbl equals. MathML: x2267x0338 -->
<!ENTITY nge	"&#x2271;"> <!-- not greater-than-or-equal -->
<!ENTITY nges	"&#x2271;"> <!-- not gt-or-eq, slanted. MathML: x2A7Ex0338 -->
<!ENTITY ngt	"&#x226F;"> <!-- not greater-than -->
<!ENTITY nlE	"&#x2270;"> <!-- not less, dbl equals. MathML: x2266x0338 -->
<!ENTITY nle	"&#x2270;"> <!-- not less-than-or-equal -->
<!ENTITY nles	"&#x2270;"> <!-- not less-or-eq, slant. MathML: x27ADx0338 -->
<!ENTITY nlt	"&#x226E;"> <!-- not less-than -->
<!ENTITY nltri	"&#x22EA;"> <!-- not left triangle -->
<!ENTITY nltrie	"&#x22EC;"> <!-- not l tri, eq -->
<!ENTITY nmid	"&#x2224;"> <!-- DOES NOT DIVIDE -->
<!ENTITY npar	"&#x2226;"> <!-- not parallel -->
<!ENTITY npr	"&#x2280;"> <!-- not precedes -->
<!ENTITY npre	"&#x22E0;"> <!-- not precedes, equals. MathML: x2AAFx0338 -->
<!ENTITY nrtri	"&#x22EB;"> <!-- not rt triangle -->
<!ENTITY nrtrie	"&#x22ED;"> <!-- not rt tri, eq -->
<!ENTITY nsc	"&#x2281;"> <!-- not succeeds -->
<!ENTITY nsce	"&#x22E1;"> <!-- not succeeds, curly eq -->
<!ENTITY nsim	"&#x2241;"> <!-- not similar -->
<!ENTITY nsime	"&#x2244;"> <!-- not similar, equals -->
<!ENTITY nsmid	"&#x2224;"> <!-- DOES NOT DIVIDE -->
<!ENTITY nspar	"&#x2226;"> <!-- not short parallel -->
<!ENTITY nsub	"&#x2284;"> <!-- not subset -->
<!ENTITY nsubE	"&#x2288;"> <!-- not subset, dbl eq. MathML: x2AC5x0338 -->
<!ENTITY nsube	"&#x2288;"> <!-- not subset, equals -->
<!ENTITY nsup	"&#x2285;"> <!-- not superset -->
<!ENTITY nsupE	"&#x2289;"> <!-- not superset, dbl eq. MathML: x2AC6x0338 -->
<!ENTITY nsupe	"&#x2289;"> <!-- not superset, equals -->
<!ENTITY nVDash	"&#x22AF;"> <!-- not dbl vert, dbl dash -->
<!ENTITY nVdash	"&#x22AE;"> <!-- not dbl vertical, dash -->
<!ENTITY nvDash	"&#x22AD;"> <!-- not vertical, dbl dash -->
<!ENTITY nvdash	"&#x22AC;"> <!-- not vertical, dash -->
<!ENTITY prnap	"&#x2AB9;"> <!-- precedes, not approx -->
<!ENTITY prnE	"&#x2AB5;"> <!-- precedes, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY prnsim	"&#x22E8;"> <!-- precedes, not similar -->
<!ENTITY scnap	"&#x2ABA;"> <!-- succeeds, not approx -->
<!ENTITY scnE	"&#x2AB6;"> <!-- succeeds, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY scnsim	"&#x22E9;"> <!-- succeeds, not similar -->
<!ENTITY subnE	"&#x2ACB;"> <!-- subset, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY subne	"&#x228A;"> <!-- subset, not equals -->
<!ENTITY supnE	"&#x2ACC;"> <!-- superset, not dbl eq -->
<!ENTITY supne	"&#x228B;"> <!-- superset, not equals -->
<!ENTITY vsubnE	"&#x2ACB;"> <!-- subset not dbl eq, var. MathML: x2ACBxFE00 -->
<!ENTITY vsubne	"&#x228A;"> <!-- subset, not eq, var. Math: x228AxFE00 -->
<!ENTITY vsupnE	"&#x2ACC;"> <!-- super, not dbl eq, var. MathML: x2ACCxFE00 -->
<!ENTITY vsupne	"&#x228B;"> <!-- super, not eq, var. MathML: x228BxFE00 -->