libconsulte / etc / dtd_mashup / mathml / mmlextra.ent

     File mmlextra.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to David Carlisle
     via the public W3C list

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0.


<!ENTITY % plane1D  "&#38;#38;#x1D">

<!ENTITY af               "&#x02061;" ><!--character showing function application in presentation tagging -->
<!ENTITY aopf             "%plane1D;552;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY asympeq          "&#x0224D;" ><!--Old ISOAMSR asymp (for HTML compatibility) -->
<!ENTITY bopf             "%plane1D;553;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY copf             "%plane1D;554;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY Cross            "&#x02A2F;" ><!--cross or vector product -->
<!ENTITY DD               "&#x02145;" ><!--D for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals -->
<!ENTITY dd               "&#x02146;" ><!--d for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals -->
<!ENTITY dopf             "%plane1D;555;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY DownArrowBar     "&#x02913;" ><!--down arrow to bar -->
<!ENTITY DownBreve        "&#x00311;" ><!--breve, inverted (non-spacing) -->
<!ENTITY DownLeftRightVector "&#x02950;" ><!--left-down-right-down harpoon -->
<!ENTITY DownLeftTeeVector "&#x0295E;" ><!--left-down harpoon from bar -->
<!ENTITY DownLeftVectorBar "&#x02956;" ><!--left-down harpoon to bar -->
<!ENTITY DownRightTeeVector "&#x0295F;" ><!--right-down harpoon from bar -->
<!ENTITY DownRightVectorBar "&#x02957;" ><!--right-down harpoon to bar -->
<!ENTITY ee               "&#x02147;" ><!--e use for the exponential base of the natural logarithms -->
<!ENTITY EmptySmallSquare "&#x025FB;" ><!--empty small square -->
<!ENTITY EmptyVerySmallSquare "&#x025AB;" ><!--empty small square -->
<!ENTITY eopf             "%plane1D;556;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY Equal            "&#x02A75;" ><!--two consecutive equal signs -->
<!ENTITY FilledSmallSquare "&#x025FC;" ><!--filled small square -->
<!ENTITY FilledVerySmallSquare "&#x025AA;" ><!--filled very small square -->
<!ENTITY fopf             "%plane1D;557;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY gopf             "%plane1D;558;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY GreaterGreater   "&#x02AA2;" ><!--alias for GT -->
<!ENTITY Hat              "&#x0005E;" ><!--circumflex accent -->
<!ENTITY hopf             "%plane1D;559;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY HorizontalLine   "&#x02500;" ><!--short horizontal line  -->
<!ENTITY ic               "&#x02063;" ><!--short form of  &InvisibleComma; -->
<!ENTITY ii               "&#x02148;" ><!--i for use as a square root of -1 -->
<!ENTITY iopf             "%plane1D;55A;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY it               "&#x02062;" ><!--marks multiplication when it is understood without a mark -->
<!ENTITY jopf             "%plane1D;55B;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY kopf             "%plane1D;55C;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY larrb            "&#x021E4;" ><!--leftwards arrow to bar -->
<!ENTITY LeftDownTeeVector "&#x02961;" ><!--down-left harpoon from bar -->
<!ENTITY LeftDownVectorBar "&#x02959;" ><!--down-left harpoon to bar -->
<!ENTITY LeftRightVector  "&#x0294E;" ><!--left-up-right-up harpoon -->
<!ENTITY LeftTeeVector    "&#x0295A;" ><!--left-up harpoon from bar -->
<!ENTITY LeftTriangleBar  "&#x029CF;" ><!--left triangle, vertical bar -->
<!ENTITY LeftUpDownVector "&#x02951;" ><!--up-left-down-left harpoon -->
<!ENTITY LeftUpTeeVector  "&#x02960;" ><!--up-left harpoon from bar -->
<!ENTITY LeftUpVectorBar  "&#x02958;" ><!--up-left harpoon to bar -->
<!ENTITY LeftVectorBar    "&#x02952;" ><!--left-up harpoon to bar -->
<!ENTITY LessLess         "&#x02AA1;" ><!--alias for Lt -->
<!ENTITY lopf             "%plane1D;55D;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY mapstodown       "&#x021A7;" ><!--downwards arrow from bar -->
<!ENTITY mapstoleft       "&#x021A4;" ><!--leftwards arrow from bar -->
<!ENTITY mapstoup         "&#x021A5;" ><!--upwards arrow from bar -->
<!ENTITY MediumSpace      "&#x0205F;" ><!--space of width 4/18 em -->
<!ENTITY mopf             "%plane1D;55E;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY nbump            "&#x0224E;&#x00338;" ><!--not bumpy equals -->
<!ENTITY nbumpe           "&#x0224F;&#x00338;" ><!--not bumpy single equals -->
<!ENTITY nesim            "&#x02242;&#x00338;" ><!--not equal or similar -->
<!ENTITY NewLine          "&#x0000A;" ><!--force a line break; line feed -->
<!ENTITY NoBreak          "&#x02060;" ><!--never break line here -->
<!ENTITY nopf             "%plane1D;55F;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY NotCupCap        "&#x0226D;" ><!--alias for &nasymp; -->
<!ENTITY NotHumpEqual     "&#x0224F;&#x00338;" ><!--alias for &nbumpe; -->
<!ENTITY NotLeftTriangleBar "&#x029CF;&#x00338;" ><!--not left triangle, vertical bar -->
<!ENTITY NotNestedGreaterGreater "&#x02AA2;&#x00338;" ><!--not double greater-than sign -->
<!ENTITY NotNestedLessLess "&#x02AA1;&#x00338;" ><!--not double less-than sign -->
<!ENTITY NotRightTriangleBar "&#x029D0;&#x00338;" ><!--not vertical bar, right triangle -->
<!ENTITY NotSquareSubset  "&#x0228F;&#x00338;" ><!--square not subset -->
<!ENTITY NotSquareSuperset "&#x02290;&#x00338;" ><!--negated set-like partial order operator -->
<!ENTITY NotSucceedsTilde "&#x0227F;&#x00338;" ><!--not succeeds or similar -->
<!ENTITY oopf             "%plane1D;560;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY OverBar          "&#x000AF;" ><!--over bar -->
<!ENTITY OverBrace        "&#x0FE37;" ><!--over brace  -->
<!ENTITY OverBracket      "&#x023B4;" ><!--over bracket -->
<!ENTITY OverParenthesis  "&#x0FE35;" ><!--over parenthesis -->
<!ENTITY planckh          "&#x0210E;" ><!--the ring (skew field) of quaternions -->
<!ENTITY popf             "%plane1D;561;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY Product          "&#x0220F;" ><!--alias for &prod; -->
<!ENTITY qopf             "%plane1D;562;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY rarrb            "&#x021E5;" ><!--leftwards arrow to bar -->
<!ENTITY RightDownTeeVector "&#x0295D;" ><!--down-right harpoon from bar -->
<!ENTITY RightDownVectorBar "&#x02955;" ><!--down-right harpoon to bar -->
<!ENTITY RightTeeVector   "&#x0295B;" ><!--right-up harpoon from bar -->
<!ENTITY RightTriangleBar "&#x029D0;" ><!--vertical bar, right triangle -->
<!ENTITY RightUpDownVector "&#x0294F;" ><!--up-right-down-right harpoon -->
<!ENTITY RightUpTeeVector "&#x0295C;" ><!--up-right harpoon from bar -->
<!ENTITY RightUpVectorBar "&#x02954;" ><!--up-right harpoon to bar -->
<!ENTITY RightVectorBar   "&#x02953;" ><!--up-right harpoon to bar -->
<!ENTITY ropf             "%plane1D;563;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY RoundImplies     "&#x02970;" ><!--round implies -->
<!ENTITY RuleDelayed      "&#x029F4;" ><!--rule-delayed (colon right arrow) -->
<!ENTITY sopf             "%plane1D;564;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY Tab              "&#x00009;" ><!--tabulator stop; horizontal tabulation -->
<!ENTITY ThickSpace       "&#x02009;&#x0200A;&#x0200A;" ><!--space of width 5/18 em -->
<!ENTITY topf             "%plane1D;565;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY UnderBar         "&#x00332;" ><!--combining low line -->
<!ENTITY UnderBrace       "&#x0FE38;" ><!--under brace  -->
<!ENTITY UnderBracket     "&#x023B5;" ><!--under bracket -->
<!ENTITY UnderParenthesis "&#x0FE36;" ><!--under parenthesis -->
<!ENTITY uopf             "%plane1D;566;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY UpArrowBar       "&#x02912;" ><!--up arrow to bar -->
<!ENTITY Upsilon          "&#x003A5;" ><!--ISOGRK1 Ugr, HTML4 Upsilon -->
<!ENTITY VerticalLine     "&#x0007C;" ><!--alias ISONUM verbar -->
<!ENTITY VerticalSeparator "&#x02758;" ><!--vertical separating operator -->
<!ENTITY vopf             "%plane1D;567;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY wopf             "%plane1D;568;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY xopf             "%plane1D;569;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY yopf             "%plane1D;56A;" ><!-- -->
<!ENTITY ZeroWidthSpace   "&#x0200B;" ><!--zero width space -->
<!ENTITY zopf             "%plane1D;56B;" ><!-- -->