libconsulte / etc / Pub2TEI / Samples / DTDs / IOP / ent / iso-amsb.ent
@Romain Loth Romain Loth on 29 Oct 2015 2 KB Add 'etc/Pub2TEI/' from commit '5ff9187'
<!-- ISO AMS B: Binary Operators -->
<!-- $Id$ -->
<!-- Derived from the corresponding ISO 8879 standard entity set -->
<!-- Checked against MathML 2.0 2nd Ed -->

<!ENTITY amalg	"&#x2A3F;"> <!-- amalgamation or coproduct -->
<!ENTITY Barwed	"&#x2306;"> <!-- logical and, dbl bar above -->
<!ENTITY barwed	"&#x22BC;"> <!-- logical and, bar above -->
<!ENTITY Cap	"&#x22D2;"> <!-- double intersection -->
<!ENTITY coprod	"&#x2210;"> <!-- coproduct operator -->
<!ENTITY Cup	"&#x22D3;"> <!-- double union -->
<!ENTITY cuvee	"&#x22CE;"> <!-- curly logical or -->
<!ENTITY cuwed	"&#x22CF;"> <!-- curly logical and -->
<!ENTITY diam	"&#x22C4;"> <!-- open diamond -->
<!ENTITY divonx	"&#x22C7;"> <!-- division on times -->
<!ENTITY intcal	"&#x22BA;"> <!-- intercal -->
<!ENTITY lthree	"&#x22CB;"> <!-- lefthreetimes -->
<!ENTITY ltimes	"&#x22C9;"> <!-- times sign, left closed -->
<!ENTITY minusb	"&#x229F;"> <!-- minus sign in box -->
<!ENTITY oast	"&#x229B;"> <!-- asterisk in circle -->
<!ENTITY ocir	"&#x229A;"> <!-- small circle in circle -->
<!ENTITY odash	"&#x229D;"> <!-- hyphen in circle -->
<!ENTITY odot	"&#x2299;"> <!-- middle dot in circle -->
<!ENTITY ominus	"&#x2296;"> <!-- minus sign in circle -->
<!ENTITY oplus	"&#x2295;"> <!-- plus sign in circle -->
<!ENTITY osol	"&#x2298;"> <!-- solidus in circle -->
<!ENTITY otimes	"&#x2297;"> <!-- multiply sign in circle -->
<!ENTITY plusb	"&#x229E;"> <!-- plus sign in box -->
<!ENTITY plusdo	"&#x2214;"> <!-- plus sign, dot above -->
<!ENTITY prod	"&#x220F;"> <!-- product operator -->
<!ENTITY rthree	"&#x22CC;"> <!-- rightthreetimes -->
<!ENTITY rtimes	"&#x22CA;"> <!-- times sign, right closed -->
<!ENTITY sdot	"&#x22C5;"> <!-- small middle dot -->
<!ENTITY sdotb	"&#x22A1;"> <!-- small dot in box -->
<!ENTITY setmn	"&#x2216;"> <!-- reverse solidus -->
<!ENTITY sqcap	"&#x2293;"> <!-- square intersection -->
<!ENTITY sqcup	"&#x2294;"> <!-- square union -->
<!ENTITY ssetmn	"&#x2216;"> <!-- sm reverse solidus -->
<!ENTITY sstarf	"&#x22C6;"> <!-- small star, filled -->
<!ENTITY sum	"&#x2211;"> <!-- summation operator -->
<!ENTITY timesb	"&#x22A0;"> <!-- multiply sign in box -->
<!ENTITY uplus	"&#x228E;"> <!-- plus sign in union -->
<!ENTITY veebar "&#x22BB;"> <!-- logical or, bar below -->
<!ENTITY wreath	"&#x2240;"> <!-- wreath product -->
<!ENTITY xcirc	"&#x25CB;"> <!-- large circle. MathML: x25EF -->
<!ENTITY xdtri	"&#x25BD;"> <!-- big dn tri, open -->
<!ENTITY xutri	"&#x25B3;"> <!-- big up tri, open -->