libconsulte / etc / Pub2TEI / Samples / DTDs / calstab1.dtd
@Romain Loth Romain Loth on 29 Oct 2015 10 KB Add 'etc/Pub2TEI/' from commit '5ff9187'
<!-- This set of declarations defines the Exchange Table Model as of the
date shown in the Formal Public Identifier (FPI) for this entity.
This set of declarations may be referred to using a public external
entity declaration and reference as shown in the following two lines:

<!ENTITY % calstbls PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Exchange Table Model 19960430//EN">

If various parameter entities used within this set of declarations
are to be given non-default values, the appropriate declarations
should be given before calling in this package (i.e., before the
"%calstbls;" reference).

NOTE:  This set of declarations assumes a NAMELEN of 32 as is used in
the standard CALS defined SGML declaration.-->

<!-- This entity includes a set of element and attribute declarations
that partially defines the Exchange table model.  However, the model
is not well-defined without the accompanying natural language
description of the semantics (meanings) of these various elements,
attributes, and attribute values.  The semantic writeup, also available
from OASIS, should be used in conjunction with this entity.-->

<!-- In order to use the Exchange table model, various parameter entity
declarations are required.
A brief description is as follows:

%bodyatt         In ATTLIST of:          attributes on the overall
                 Additional (non-table   (wrapper) table element(s)
                 related) table
%yesorno         In ATTLIST of:          An attribute declared value
                 almost all elements     for a "boolean" attribute
%titles          In content model of:    The "title" part of the model
                 table element(s)        group for the table element(s)
%paracon         In content model of:    The "text" (logical content)
                 <entry>                 of the model group for <entry>  In declaration of:      The name(s) of the "table"
                 table element(s)        element(s)
                 In content model of:    The model group for the title
                 table elements(s)       part of the content model for table element(s)
                 In content model of:    The model group for the main part
                 table elements(s)       (not including titles) of the
                                         content model for table element(s)
%tbl.table.mdl   In content model of:    The model group for the content
                 table elements(s)       model for table element(s),often (and by default) defined
                                         in terms of %tbl.table-titles.mdl
                                         and %tbl.table-main.mdl
%tbl.table.excep In content model of:    The exceptions for the content
                 table element(s)        model for table element(s)
%tbl.table.att   In ATTLIST of:          Additional attributes on the
                 table element(s)        table element(s)
%tbl.tgroup.mdl  In content model of:    The model group for the content
                 <tgroup>                model for <tgroup>
%tbl.tgroup.att  In ATTLIST of:          Additional attributes on the
                 <tgroup>                <tgroup> element
%tbl.tbody.att   In ATTLIST of:          Additional attributes on the
                 <tbody>                 <tbody> element
%tbl.colspec.att In ATTLIST of:          Additional attributes on the
                 <colspec>               <colspec> element   In declaration of:      The name(s) of the table
                 head/foot element(s)    head and foot element(s)
%tbl.hdft.mdl    In content model of:    The model group for the content
                 head/foot element(s)    model for head/foot element(s)
%tbl.hdft.excep  In content model of:    The exceptions for the content
                 head/foot element(s)    model for head/foot element(s)
%tbl.hdft.att    In ATTLIST of:          Additional attributes on the
                 head/foot element(s)    head/foot element(s)
%tbl.row.mdl     In content model of:    The model group for the content
                 <row>                   model for <row>
%tbl.row.excep   In content model of:    The exceptions for the content
                 <row>                   model for <row>
%tbl.row.att     In ATTLIST of:          Additional attributes on the
                 <row>                   <row> element
%tbl.entry.mdl   In content model of:    The model group for the content
                 <entry>                 model for <entry>
%tbl.entry.excep In content model of:    The exceptions for the content
                 <entry>                 model for <entry>
%tbl.entry.att   In ATTLIST of:          Additional attributes on the
                 <entry>                 <entry> element

This set of declarations will use the default definitions shown below
for any of these parameter entities that are not declared before this set
of declarations is referenced.-->

<!--  These definitions are not directly related to the table model, but are
      used in the default CALS table model and may be defined elsewhere (and
      prior to the inclusion of this table module) in the referencing DTD.

<!ENTITY % bodyatt "">
<!-- no if zero(s),yes if any other digits value -->
<!ENTITY % yesorno 'CDATA'  >
<!ENTITY % titles  'title?'>
<!ENTITY % paracon '#PCDATA' >
<!-- default for use in entry content -->

<!-- The parameter entities as defined below change and simplify the CALS
     table model as published (as part of the Example DTD) in MIL-HDBK-28001.
     The resulting simplified DTD has support from the OASIS vendors and is
     therefore more interoperable among different systems.

     These following declarations provide the Exchange default definitions
     for these entities.  However, these entities can be redefined (by giving
     the appropriate parameter entity declaration(s) prior to the reference to
     this Table Model declaration set entity) to fit the needs of the current

     Note, however, that changes may have significant effect on the ability to
     interchange table information.  These changes may manifest themselves
     in useability, presentation, and possible structure information

<!ENTITY %       "table">
<!ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,">
<!ENTITY % tbl.table-main.mdl   "tgroup+">
<!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl        "%tbl.table-titles.mdl; %tbl.table-main.mdl;">
<!ENTITY % tbl.table.excep      "-(;)">
<!ENTITY % tbl.table.att        "pgwide      %yesorno;       #IMPLIED ">
<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl       "colspec*,thead?,tbody">
<!ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att       "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att        "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att      "">
<!ENTITY %        "thead">
<!ENTITY % tbl.hdft.mdl         "row+">
<!ENTITY % tbl.hdft.excep       "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.hdft.att         "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl          "entry+">
<!ENTITY % tbl.row.excep        "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.row.att          "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl        "(%paracon;)*">
<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.excep      "">
<!ENTITY % tbl.entry.att        "">

<!-- =====  Element and attribute declarations follow. =====  -->

<!--Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY %       "table"
ENTITY % tbl.table-titles.mdl "%titles;,"
ENTITY % tbl.table-main.mdl   "tgroup+"
ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl        "%tbl.table-titles; %tbl.table-main.mdl;"
ENTITY % tbl.table.excep      "-("
ENTITY % tbl.table.att        "pgwide          %yesorno;       #IMPLIED "-->

<!ELEMENT; %no-omission; (%tbl.table.mdl;) %tbl.table.excep; >
          frame (top|bottom|topbot|all|sides|none) #IMPLIED
          colsep       %yesorno;     #IMPLIED
          rowsep       %yesorno;     #IMPLIED

<!--Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
            referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.mdl    "colspec*,thead?,tbody"
ENTITY % tbl.tgroup.att    ""-->

<!ELEMENT tgroup  %omit-end-tag; (%tbl.tgroup.mdl;) >
<!ATTLIST tgroup
          cols         CDATA        #REQUIRED
          colsep       %yesorno;     #IMPLIED
          rowsep       %yesorno;     #IMPLIED
          align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED

<!--Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.colspec.att   ""-->

<!ELEMENT colspec  %omit-end-tag; EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST colspec
          colnum       CDATA        #IMPLIED
          colname      NMTOKEN       #IMPLIED
          colwidth     CDATA         #IMPLIED
          colsep       %yesorno;     #IMPLIED
          rowsep       %yesorno;     #IMPLIED
          align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
          char         CDATA         #IMPLIED
          charoff      NMTOKEN       #IMPLIED

<!--Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY %     "thead"
ENTITY % tbl.hdft.mdl      "row+"
ENTITY % tbl.hdft.excep    ""
ENTITY % tbl.hdft.att      ""-->

<!ELEMENT; %omit-end-tag; (%tbl.hdft.mdl;)  %tbl.hdft.excep;>
<!ATTLIST; valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED

<!--Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.tbody.att     ""-->

<!ELEMENT tbody %omit-end-tag; (row+)>
<!ATTLIST tbody
          valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED

<!--Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % tbl.row.mdl       "entry+"
ENTITY % tbl.row.excep     ""
ENTITY % tbl.row.att       ""-->

<!ELEMENT row %omit-end-tag; (%tbl.row.mdl;) %tbl.row.excep;>
          rowsep       %yesorno;     #IMPLIED
          valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED

<!--Default declarations previously defined in this entity and
referenced below include:
ENTITY % paracon           "#PCDATA"
ENTITY % tbl.entry.mdl     "(%paracon;)*"
ENTITY % tbl.entry.excep   ""
ENTITY % tbl.entry.att     ""-->

<!ELEMENT entry %omit-end-tag; %tbl.entry.mdl; %tbl.entry.excep; >
<!ATTLIST entry
          colname      NMTOKEN       #IMPLIED
          namest       NMTOKEN       #IMPLIED
          nameend      NMTOKEN       #IMPLIED
          morerows     CDATA        #IMPLIED
          colsep       %yesorno;     #IMPLIED
          rowsep       %yesorno;     #IMPLIED
          align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED
          char         CDATA         #IMPLIED
          charoff      NMTOKEN       #IMPLIED
          valign (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED