libconsulte / etc / Pub2TEI / Stylesheets / JournalComponents.xsl
@Romain Loth Romain Loth on 29 Oct 2015 14 KB Add 'etc/Pub2TEI/' from commit '5ff9187'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0"
    xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:ce=""
    xmlns:mml="" xmlns=""
    xmlns:els="" xmlns:tei=""

    <xsl:output encoding="UTF-8" method="xml"/>
    <xsl:variable name="journalList" select="document('JournalList.xml')"/>

    <!-- Article title -->
    <!-- NLM V2.0: ArticleTitle -->
    <!-- NLM V2.3 article: article-title, alt-title -->
    <!-- BMJ: article-title -->
    <!-- Elsevier: ce:title -->
    <!-- Sage: art_title -->
    <!-- Springer: ArticleTitle -->
    <!-- ScholarOne: article_title, article_sub_title -->
    <!-- EDP: ArticleTitle/Title -->

        match="article-title/title | ArticleTitle | article-title | ce:title | art_title | article_title | nihms-submit/title | ArticleTitle/Title | ChapterTitle | titlegrp/title | sb:title">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="a" type="main">
                <xsl:if test="@Language">
                    <xsl:attribute name="xml:lang">
                            <xsl:when test="@Language='--'">
                                <xsl:call-template name="Varia2ISO639">
                                    <xsl:with-param name="code" select="@Language"/>

    <!-- BMJ: short-title -->
    <xsl:template match="short-title">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="a" type="short">
                <xsl:if test="@Language">
                    <xsl:attribute name="xml:lang">
                        <xsl:call-template name="Varia2ISO639">
                            <xsl:with-param name="code" select="@Language"/>

    <xsl:template match="subtitle | article_sub_title">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="a" type="sub">

    <xsl:template match="vernacular_title">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="a" type="vernacular">

    <xsl:template match="alt-title">
        <title level="a" type="{@alt-title-type}">
                <xsl:when test="@alt-title-type">
                    <xsl:attribute name="type">
                        <xsl:value-of select="@alt-title-type"/>
                    <xsl:attribute name="type">

    <!-- Elements for general Journal components in ScholarOne (full_journal_title, journal_abbreviation) -->
    <!-- Elements for general Journal components in ArticleSetNLM 2.0 (JournalTitle, Issn) -->
    <!-- NLM 2.3 article: journal-title, journal-id, abbrev-journal-title -->
    <!-- Elements for general Journal components in SAGE (jrn_title, ISSN) -->
    <!-- Elements for general Journal components in Springer Stage2 (JournalTitle) -->
    <!-- Nature: journal-title -->
    <!-- Elsevier: els:jid, ce:issn -->

        match="j-title | JournalTitle | full_journal_title | jrn_title | journal-title | tei:cell[@role='Journal'] | journalcit/title">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="j" type="main">

    <!-- Additional journal namings -->

        match="journal_abbreviation | abbrev-journal-title | els:jid | JournalShortTitle | j-shorttitle">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="j" type="abbrev">
                <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space()"/>

    <xsl:template match="pubmed_abbreviation">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="j" type="pubmed">
                <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space()"/>

    <xsl:template match="journal-id">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="j" type="{@journal-id-type}">

    <xsl:template match="j-edpsname | JournalEDPSName">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="j" type="EDPSName">

    <!-- Issue titles -->
    <xsl:template match="issue_description | issue-title | IssueTitle">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <title level="j" type="issue">

    <!-- ISSN numbers -->
    <!-- Nature issn/@pub-type -->
    <!-- BMJ: issn/@issn_type -->
    <!-- NLM 2.3 article: issn -->
    <!-- Elsevier: ce:issn -->
    <!-- Rem.: @pub-typr not considered -->

    <xsl:template match="Issn | ISSN | issn | ce:issn">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <xsl:variable name="ISSNCode">
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>
            <xsl:variable name="journalEntry"
            <xsl:message>ISSN: <xsl:value-of select="$ISSNCode"/></xsl:message>
            <xsl:message>Journal: <xsl:value-of select="$journalEntry/tei:cell[@role='Journal']"
            <idno type="ISSN">
                <xsl:value-of select="$ISSNCode"/>

        match="JournalPrintISSN | issn[@issn_type='print'] | issn[@pub-type='ppub'] | PrintISSN | issn-paper | SeriesPrintISSN">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <xsl:variable name="ISSNCode">
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>
            <!-- Vieux morceau de code du projet PEER où l'on vérifiait dans une liste de journaux... -->
            <!--<xsl:variable name="journalEntry"
            <xsl:message>pISSN: <xsl:value-of select="$ISSNCode"/></xsl:message>
            <xsl:message>Journal: <xsl:value-of select="$journalEntry/tei:cell[@role='Journal']"
            <idno type="pISSN">
                <xsl:value-of select="$ISSNCode"/>

        match="JournalElectronicISSN | ElectronicISSN | issn[@issn_type='digital'] | issn[@pub-type='epub'] | issn-elec | SeriesElectronicISSN">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <xsl:variable name="ISSNCode">
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>
            <!-- Vieux morceau de code du projet PEER où l'on vérifiait dans une liste de journaux... -->
            <!--<xsl:variable name="journalEntry"
            <xsl:message>eISSN: <xsl:value-of select="$ISSNCode"/></xsl:message>
            <xsl:message>Journal: <xsl:value-of select="$journalEntry/tei:cell[@role='Journal']"
            <idno type="eISSN">
                <xsl:value-of select="$ISSNCode"/>

    <!-- DOI numbers -->
    <!-- BMJ: doi -->
    <!-- Elsevier: ce:doi -->
    <!-- NLM 2.3 article: article-id[@pub-id-type='doi'] -->

        match="article_id[@id_type='doi'] | article-id[@pub-id-type='doi'] | ArticleDOI | doi | ArticleId[@IdType='doi'] | ce:doi | @doi | DOI | ChapterDOI">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <xsl:variable name="DOIValue" select="string(.)"/>
            <idno type="DOI">
                    <xsl:when test=" starts-with($DOIValue,'DOI')">
                        <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space( substring-after($DOIValue,'DOI'))"/>
                        <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($DOIValue)"/>

    <!-- pii -->
    <!-- Elsevier: ce:pii -->
    <!-- Scholar one: article_id[@id_type='pii'] -->
    <!-- NLM 2.2:  article-id[@pub-id-type='pii'] -->

        match="ce:pii | article_id[@id_type='pii'] | article-id[@pub-id-type='pii'] | ArticleId[@IdType='pii']">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <idno type="PII">
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>
            <xsl:if test="//publisher-name = 'Cambridge University Press'">
                <idno type="publisherID">
                    <xsl:value-of select="."/>

    <!-- Manuscript number -->
    <!-- BMJ: manuscript-number; Springer: ArticleID -->

    <xsl:template match="manuscript-number | @ms_no | ArticleID ">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <idno type="manuscript">
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>

    <!-- Publisher IDs when different from above -->
    <!-- NLM 2.2: article-id[@pub-id-type='publisher-id'] -->

        match="article-id[@pub-id-type='publisher-id'] | els:aid  | EDPSRef | edps-ref | Article/@ID">
        <xsl:if test=".!='' and not(//publisher-name = 'Cambridge University Press')">
            <idno type="publisherID">
                <xsl:value-of select="."/>

    <!-- Elements for Imprint components in ScholarOne (volume, issue) -->
    <!-- Elements for Imprint components in ArticleSetNLM 2.0 (Volume, Issue, FirstPage, LastPage) -->
    <!-- NLM 2.3 article: volume, issue, fpage, lpage -->
    <!-- Elements for Imprint components in SAGE (vol, iss, spn, epn) -->
    <!-- Elements for Imprint components in Springer Stage 2 (VolumeID, IssueID, FirstPage, LastPage) -->
    <!-- Elements for Imprint components in Springer Stage 3 (ArticleFirstPage, ArticleLastPage) -->
    <!-- Elements for Imprint components in BMJ (issue-number, volume) -->
    <!-- Elements for Imprint components in Elsevier () -->

    <xsl:template match="vol | Volume | VolumeID | volume | volumeref | volumeno | sb:volume-nr">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <biblScope unit="vol">

    <!-- 2 special rules for Springer that provides, beginning and end volume number -->

    <xsl:template match="VolumeIDStart">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <biblScope unit="vol" from="{.}">

    <xsl:template match="VolumeIDEnd">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <biblScope unit="vol" to="{.}">

    <!-- Rule for RCS data -->
    <xsl:template match="volumeref/link">

    <xsl:template match="iss | Issue | issue | issue-number | IssueID | issueref">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <biblScope unit="issue">

    <!-- 2 special rules for Springer that provides, beginning and end volume number -->

    <xsl:template match="IssueIDStart">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <biblScope unit="issue" from="{.}">

    <xsl:template match="IssueIDEnd">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <biblScope unit="issue" to="{.}">

    <!-- Rule for RCS data -->
    <xsl:template match="issueref/link">

    <!-- we do not consider the number of issues in a volume (Springer <Publisher>) -->

    <xsl:template match="VolumeIssueCount"/>

    <!-- Pagination -->

    <xsl:template match="spn | FirstPage | ArticleFirstPage | fpage | first-page | sb:first-page | ChapterFirstPage">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <biblScope unit="page" from="{.}">

    <xsl:template match="epn | LastPage | ArticleLastPage | lpage | last-page | ChapterLastPage | sb:last-page">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
            <biblScope unit="page" to="{.}">

    <!-- Publishers -->
    <!-- NLM V2.0: PublisherName -->
    <!-- NLM V2.3 article: publisher-loc, publisher-name  -->
    <!-- BMJ: publisher_name ??????, publisher-loc -->
    <!-- ScholarOne: publisher_name -->
    <!-- Sage: pub_name, pub_location -->
    <!-- Springer: PublisherName, PublisherLocation -->

        match="PublisherName | publisher_name | pub_name | publisher-name | tei:cell[@role='Publisher']">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">

    <xsl:template match="publisher-loc | pub_location | PublisherLocation">
        <xsl:if test=".!=''">
