libconsulte / Samples / DTDs / NPG_XML_Article / npgcateg.mod
@kermitt2 kermitt2 on 29 Oct 2015 12 KB First commit
<!-- Special Nature Publishing Group Article Categories 
22/11/04 newcateg 'advice' added for vital by LP
01/03/05 new subcateg 'film review' (fr) added for NBT by SC
10/03/05 new subcategs 'product profile' (ppro) and "in this issue" (iniss) added for LabAn by SC
29/03/05 new categ 'research note' (rnote) added for LabAn by SC
05/05/05 new categ 'from the editors' (fromed) added for NRG by MJ
05/05/05 new subcategs 'recruitment' (rec), 'special report' (spec), 'postdocs and students' (post), 'prospect' (pros), 'region' (reg), 'career view' (carv), 'spotlight' (spot), 'career fair' (carf)  added for NJ by MJ
12/05/05 new categ 'business' (bn) added for Nature by MJ
12/05/05 moved subsubcat param entity from article.dtd and npg_xml_article.dtd here by HR
	 added new subsubcat ids 'grad' 'mov' 'nuts' 'soc' 'sal' for njobs
16/05/05 new categ 'video review' (vr) added for NG by SC
25/05/05 new subcategs 'career expert' (carexp), 'highlights' (highlts) and 'recruiters' (recr) added for NJ by MJ
14/06/05 new categ 'report' (rep) added for MSB by MJ
28/07/05 new categ 'guideline' (gu) added for NCP by MJ
30/08/05 new categ 'authors' (au) added for Nature by MJ
30/08/05 new categ 'endgame' (egame) added for NPHYS by MJ
30/08/05 new categ 'thesis' (thes) added for NPHYS by MJ
27/10/05 new categ 'product profile' (ppro) added for LabAn by SC
08/11/05 new subcateg 'ethics watch' (ethicsw) added for Reviews by MJ
10/11/05 new subcateg innew, tmln, ww, ss, couch, innov, pipe, cotm, pw, gw, patp, out, caseh, ess, guid, dw, lmk, miles, view, cf added for Reviews by AT
15/11/05 new subcateg 'editorial overview' (edov), 'fresh from the pipeline' (fpln) and 'career path' (carpath) added for Reviews by MJ
17/11/05 new subcateg 'trial watch' (trialw) added for Reviews by MJ
28/11/05 new categ 'reply' (reply) added for Reviews and 'podcast' (pod) added for Nature by MJ
01/12/05 new categ 'structw' (structure watch) and 'techw' (technology watch) added for Reviews by MJ
25/01/06 new categ 'clintechnq' (clinical techniques) added for Lab Animal by SC
27/01/06 new subcateg 'clintechnq' (clinical techniques) added for Lab Animal by SC
20/02/06 new subcateg 'blunt' (To be Blunt) added for News@Nature columns by HR
07/03/06 new categs 'ngal', 'japfn' and 'japau' added for Nature Kanji by AT 
21/03/06 new categs 'neuro', 'fa' and 'rl' added for ABA by SC
21/03/06 new categ 'el' added for NChembio by SC
06/04/06 new subsubcags 'bri' 'recru' 'ment' added  by AT
12/04/06 new categs 'syn' and 'ht' added for GIMO by SC
24/04/06 new categ 'intvw' added for NMAT by HR
25/04/06 new categ 'eng' added for NDigest by HR
09/05/06 new categ 'bca' and 'fut' added for Nature by AT
12/05/06 new categ 'prog' added for Nphys by AT
16/05/06 new categ 'japsi', 'japsn', 'japnw', 'japmuse' and 'japlnf' added for Ndigest by AT
30/06/06 new categ 'essaycon' 'sprep' added for Ndigest by AT
08/08/06 new subcateg 'ms' added for Lab Animal by SC
16/08/06 new categ ''boo", 'outlab', and 'mktana' added for Nature Photonics by AT
16/08/06 new categ ''prac", 'su', 'rlet' 'tn' and 'pl' added for BDJ by AT
16/08/06 new subcateg 'ld', 'abs', 'rsum' 'ob' and 'sf' added for BDJ by AT
23/08/06 new categ 'indp', 'prf' added for Nature Photonics by AT
15/09/06 new categ 'tmat' added for NCP NEURO by AT
10/10/06 new categ 'bnf' added for NATURE by AT
13/11/06 new categ 'primer' added for PID by MJ
24/11/06 new categ 'prhl', 'bsn' added for NATURE PHOTONICS by AT
24/11/06 new subcateg 'prhl', 'bsn' added for NATURE PHOTONICS by AT
24/11/06 new categ 'cna' added for NATURE by AT
28/11/06 new categ 'talkp' added for EMBOJ by AT
20/12/06 new categ 'gus' added for NCP NEPH by AT
04/01/07 new subcateg 'party' added for NATURE by AT
15/02/07 new categ 'faq' added for NATURE REPORTS AVIAN FLU by AT
23/02/07 new categ 'vpt' added for BDJ by AT
23/02/07 new subcateg 'wn' and 'tnf' added for BDJ by AT
20/03/07 new categ 'nvqa' added for Nature by AT
11/04/07 new categ 'phot' added for Nature Photonics by BW
26/04/07 new subsubcateg 'recr' and 'postdocj' added for Nature Photonics by BW
03/05/07 new categ 'polw', 'marw', 'snaps', 'mtp', 'fno', 'insit', 'bru' and 'advert' added for NATURE REPORTS CLIMATE CHANGE by BW
22/05/07 new categ 'rsrc' added for RJs by SC
08/06/07 new categ 'itp' added for NATURE REPORTS STEM CELLS by BW
18/06/07 new subcateg 'vaccw' and 'intvwth' added for REVIEW JOURNALS by BW
18/06/07 new categ 'fep' added for RJs by SK
12/07/07 new categ 'clinimg' for NCP by BW
12/07/07 new subsubcat 'netsup' for NATURE by BW
14/08/07 new subcategs 'polfe', 'polnw', 'scife', and 'scinw' for NATURE INDIA by BW
23/08/07 new categ 'jcb' (Journal Club) for NATURE by AT
24/08/07 new subcateg 'sf' (Special Feature) for BDJ by BW
31/08/07 new categ 'bkstory' added for Nature Geoscinece by PD
05/09/07 new categ 'talk' (Talking point) for Nature by BW
24/09/07 new categ 'hor' (Horizons) for Nature by AT
27/09/07 new categ 'nbri' (News in Briefs) for Nature by BW
04/10/07 new categ 'clnimg' 'clnres' 'clncon' (clinical images, clinical research and clincial context) for NCP by BW
10/12/07 new categ 'misc' (miscellany) for NATURE by BW
18/12/07 new subcateg 'exhib' (exhibition) for NATURE GEOSCIENCE by BW
19/12/07 new subcateg 'norev' (no review) for NATURE GEOSCIENCE by BW
04/01/08 new subcateg 'bn', 'br', 'side', 'snaps', 'gr', 'muse' and 'scinw' (News: Business, News: Briefing, News in Brief: Sidelines, News in Brief: Snapshot, News in Brief: Graphic Detail, Column: Muse and Science news) for NATURENEWS by BW
15/01/08 new categ 'pn', 'fqc' (Product News, Focus Quality Control) for BDJ and EMBOJ by BW
21/01/08 new categ 'edin' (Editor's introduction) for EMBOJ by BW
29/01/08 new categ 'clinadv', 'clinres' and 'clincon' (Clinical Advance, Clinical Research and Clinical Context) for NCP by BW
16/04/08 JM: Added new categs 'conf' and 'edu' (Conference and Education) for BDJ - XB-1609. 
20/05/08 new categs of 'spot' and 'getact' for VITAL by BW
28/05/08 new categs of 'eds' and 'diary' for VITAL by BW
29/05/08 new categ of 'upfrnt' for VITAL by BW
29/05/08 new categs of 'focus', 'meetteam', 'puzzle', 'crssword' for VITAL by BW
29/05/08 new subcategs of 'eds', 'diary', 'meeteam' for VITAL by BW
13/06/08 new categs of 'ate', 'brf', 'ftf' and 'upd' for Nature Reports Climate Change
30/07/08 new categ of 'th' for PSISGKB
05/08/08 new categ of "cc" for Nature Medicine
22/08/08 new categ of 'gen' for BDJ and new subcateg of 'biobrief' for Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
28/08/08 new categ of 'rcom' for BDJ by BW
19/09/08 new categ of 'bb' for Nature Medicine, 'sf' and 'ag' for BDJ
25/09/08 new categs of 'cstory', 'dplat', 'dtech', 'dther', 'mark', 'ppi', 'tmech', 'tools' for SciBX
19/09/08 new categs of 'confa', 'thk' for BDJ
30/10/08 new categs of 'iye' and 'nobellr' for Nature Chemistry
04/11/08 new categ of 'hyst' for The EMBO Journal
28/11/08 new subcateg of 'jclub' for Reviews
16/02/09 new categs of tnotes for SciBX, careersqa for Naturejobs, turnp for Nature Cell Biology
03/03/09 new categs of casefv, cme, edfv, nvfv, pefv, rvfv for NCP Nephrology
04/03/09 new subcateg of 'careersqa' for Naturejobs
03/06/09 new categs of 50ya, antig, askb, aske, beingg, buyg, cal, conred, ecot, fof, faf, forum, frontl, futsol, headg, headl, illus, insp, livg, nscan, revrec, rolem, skep, susdev, techn, view, woh, wk for Scientific American
05/06/09 new subcateg of 'fundw' for Reviews
11/06/09 new categ of 'reflect' for EMBOJ
21/07/09 new categ of 'focusrev' for EMBOJ
05/08/09 new categ of 'thinkb' for Scientific American
28/08/09 new categs of 'critmass', 'recom' and 'sciampe' for Scientific American
08/10/09 new subcateg of 'tmat' for Nature Reviews
16/11/09 new subcategs of 'clar' for Nature Jobs, 'hot' and 'meetp' for EMBO Reports, and 'com' for Nature Reviews Life Sciences
14/12/09 new subcateg of 'talkpss' for EMBO Reports
16/12/09 new subcateg of 'esum' for British Dental Journal
05/01/10 new subcateg of 'world' for nature news
08/02/10 new categs of 'proscstory', 'prosdplat', 'prosmark', 'prosppi', 'prostmech', 'prostnotes' and 'prostools' for SciBX
08/03/10 new categ of 'vitupd' for Vital
15/03/10 new categ of 'insight' and subcategs of 'intro' and 'ov' for Nature
12/05/10 new categ of 'out' for Nature
02/07/10 new categ of 'article' for SciAm
05/07/10 new categ of 'sevendays' and subcategs of 'bksbrief', 'brf', 'bynum', 'col', 'com', 'commchoice', 'explain', 'forum', 'retro', 'specbks', 'selcom' and 'tablesup' for Nature
<!ENTITY  % categ       "(20q | 50ya | ac | add | adfeat | adv | advert | advice | af | ag | an | antig | apn | ar | ars | article | as | askb | aske | ate | au | aub | ba | bb | bc | bca | beingg | bio | biov | bkstory | blog | bn | bnf | bo | boo | br | brf | brn | bru | bks | bsn | buyg | cal | car | careersqa | case | casefv | categtxt | cc | cg | cm | cn | cna | clin | clinadv | clincon | clinimg | clintechnq | clnimg | clinres | clncon | cme | col | com | compbio | conc | conf | confa | conred | couch | cprot | cr | critmass | crsswrd | cs | cstory | cy | db | dept | diary | digest | dplat | dtech | dther | dw | ecot | ecr | ed | edfv | edin | eds | edu | egame | el | emr | eng | er | erp | essaycon | ethicsw | essay | ewr | fa | faf | faq | fd | fe | fep | fn | fno | focus | focusrev | fof | forum | fpln | fqc | fr | fromed | frontl | ftf | ftw | fut | futsol | gen | getact | gu | gus | gw | hc | headg | headl | hh | hn | hor | hp | hrn | hs | highlts | ht | hyp | hyst | ib | illus | in | indp | insight | insit | iniss | insp | intvw | is | itp | iye | japnf | japau | japlnf | japmuse | japnw | japsi | japsn | jcb | jr | le | lfln | livg | lstwrd | lt | ma | mark | marw | medrv | meetteam | memrv | mgt | minirv | misc | mp | mr | mt | mtp | multr | na | naturejobs | natview | nb | nbr | nbri | nemr | neuro | ngal | nj | nvqa | mktana | nm | nmr | nobellr | np | nscan | nt | nv | nvb | nvf | nvfv | nw | nf | ob | onbr | onyrft | op | opcom | out | outlab | ov | pa | pe | pefv | phot |  pi | pl | pn | pod | polw | ppi | ppro | ppt | prac | pr | prf | prhl | primer | pro | prog | proscstory | prosdplat | prosmark | prosppi | prostmech | prostnotes | prostools | prot | prv | puzzle | pw | qa | ra | rcom | rd | re | recom | reflect | rep | reply | ret | revrec | rhighlts | rl | rlet | rn | rnote | rolem | rr | rs | rsrc | rv | rvfv | ru | sb | sc | sciampe | scn | sevendays | sf | si | sim | skep | snaps | sp | spfwd | spot | sprep | strle | stw | ss | sr | su | susdev | swr | syn | talk | tech | techn | tenv | tf | thes | th | thinkb | thismo | thk | thtr | timeln | tmat | tmech | tn | tnotes | tools | tr | trialw | tt | turnp | tvr | upd | upfrnt | view | vitupd | vp | vpt | vr | wk | woh)">

<!ENTITY  % subcat      "(abs | add | af | an | audw | bc | biobrief | bks | bksbrief | blunt | bn | bo | br | brf | brn | bsn | bynum | ca | car | careersqa | carexp | carf | carpath | cf | caseh | carv | cg | clar | clintechnq | commchoice | col | com | con | conv | corr | cotm | couch | course | cr | crg | crsswrd | cy | diary | dpg | dw | ed | edov | er | ess | esum | ethicsw | exhib | explain | fc | fe | fmt | forum | fpln | fr | fundw | gr | gw | guid | highlts | hot | ib  | iniss | inl | innew | int | intvw | intvwth | invlab | innov | intro | its | jclub | ld | lmk | le | lr | lstwrd | lt | matwit | meetp | miles | mp | mr | ms | mt | muse | mvs | nbr | nf | nfnt | nm | norev | nps | nv | nvf | nw | ob | op | out | ov | pat | party | patp | pe | pipe | pln | polfe | polnw | post | pp | ppl | ppro | prhl | primer | pro | prof | prorv | pros | prog | pw | qa | qf | qz | rec | recr | reg | ret | retro | rn | rnv | rnts | rs | rsum | rv | rvs | rw | scife | scinw | scinwsf | selcom | sf | side | snaps | spec | specbks | spot | ss | ssrd99 | structw | subcatxt | sw | tablesup | talkp | talkpss | technq | techw | tmat | tmbt | tmln | tr | tnf | tp | trialw | vaccw | view | vp | web | wdiag | wn | world | ww)">                         
<!ENTITY % subsubcat "(subsubcatxt | bri | case | diag | gen | grad | ment | mov | netsup | nuts | op | postdocj | prof | recr | recru | rsa | soc | sal | technq)">