libconsulte / etc / dtd_mashup / XML_entities / ISOpub.ent

     File isopub.ent produced by the dsssl script ent.dsl
     from input data in unicode.xml.

     Please report any errors to 
     David Carlisle <>.

     The numeric character values assigned to each entity
     (should) match either official Unicode assignments
     or assignments in the STIX proposal for characters
     for Mathematics.

     The STIX assignments are temporary and will change if
     the proposal or some variant of it is adopted by the
     Unicode Consortium.

     Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
     following notice:

     (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
     Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
     conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
     ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.

<!ENTITY blank      "&#9251;"  ><!--U2423 =significant blank symbol -->
<!ENTITY blk12      "&#9618;"  ><!--U2592 =50% shaded block -->
<!ENTITY blk14      "&#9617;"  ><!--U2591 =25% shaded block -->
<!ENTITY blk34      "&#9619;"  ><!--U2593 =75% shaded block -->
<!ENTITY block      "&#9608;"  ><!--U2588 =full block -->
<!ENTITY bull       "&#8226;"  ><!--U2022 /bullet B: =round bullet, filled -->
<!ENTITY caret      "&#8257;"  ><!--U2041 =caret (insertion mark) -->
<!ENTITY check      "&#10003;" ><!--U2713 /checkmark =tick, check mark -->
<!ENTITY cir        "&#9675;"  ><!--U25CB /circ B: =circle, open -->
<!ENTITY clubs      "&#9827;"  ><!--U2663 /clubsuit =club suit symbol  -->
<!ENTITY copysr     "&#8471;"  ><!--U2117 =sound recording copyright sign -->
<!ENTITY cross      "&#10007;" ><!--U2717 =ballot cross -->
<!ENTITY dagger     "&#8224;"  ><!--U2020 /dagger B: =dagger -->
<!ENTITY dash       "&#8208;"  ><!--U2010 =hyphen (true graphic) -->
<!ENTITY diams      "&#9830;"  ><!--U2666 /diamondsuit =diamond suit symbol  -->
<!ENTITY dlcrop     "&#8973;"  ><!--U230D downward left crop mark  -->
<!ENTITY drcrop     "&#8972;"  ><!--U230C downward right crop mark  -->
<!ENTITY dtri       "&#9663;"  ><!--U25BF /triangledown =down triangle, open -->
<!ENTITY dtrif      "&#9662;"  ><!--U25BE /blacktriangledown =dn tri, filled -->
<!ENTITY Dagger     "&#8225;"  ><!--U2021 /ddagger B: =double dagger -->
<!ENTITY emsp       "&#8195;"  ><!--U2003 =em space -->
<!ENTITY emsp14     "&#8197;"  ><!--U2005 =1/4-em space -->
<!ENTITY emsp13     "&#8196;"  ><!--U2004 =1/3-em space -->
<!ENTITY ensp       "&#8194;"  ><!--U2002 =en space (1/2-em) -->
<!ENTITY female     "&#9792;"  ><!--U2640 =female symbol -->
<!ENTITY ffilig     "&#64259;" ><!--UFB03 small ffi ligature -->
<!ENTITY fflig      "&#64256;" ><!--UFB00 small ff ligature -->
<!ENTITY ffllig     "&#64260;" ><!--UFB04 small ffl ligature -->
<!ENTITY filig      "&#64257;" ><!--UFB01 small fi ligature -->
<!ENTITY fjlig      "&#58290;" ><!--UE3B2 small fj ligature -->
<!ENTITY flat       "&#9837;"  ><!--U266D /flat =musical flat -->
<!ENTITY fllig      "&#64258;" ><!--UFB02 small fl ligature -->
<!ENTITY frac13     "&#8531;"  ><!--U2153 =fraction one-third -->
<!ENTITY frac15     "&#8533;"  ><!--U2155 =fraction one-fifth -->
<!ENTITY frac16     "&#8537;"  ><!--U2159 =fraction one-sixth -->
<!ENTITY frac23     "&#8532;"  ><!--U2154 =fraction two-thirds -->
<!ENTITY frac25     "&#8534;"  ><!--U2156 =fraction two-fifths -->
<!ENTITY frac45     "&#8536;"  ><!--U2158 =fraction four-fifths -->
<!ENTITY frac35     "&#8535;"  ><!--U2157 =fraction three-fifths -->
<!ENTITY frac56     "&#8538;"  ><!--U215A =fraction five-sixths -->
<!ENTITY hairsp     "&#8202;"  ><!--U200A =hair space -->
<!ENTITY hearts     "&#9825;"  ><!--U2661 /heartsuit =heart suit symbol  -->
<!ENTITY hellip     "&#8230;"  ><!--U2026 =ellipsis (horizontal) -->
<!ENTITY hybull     "&#8259;"  ><!--U2043 rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet) -->
<!ENTITY incare     "&#8453;"  ><!--U2105 =in-care-of symbol -->
<!ENTITY ldquor     "&#8222;"  ><!--U201E =rising dbl quote, left (low) -->
<!ENTITY lhblk      "&#9604;"  ><!--U2584 =lower half block -->
<!ENTITY loz        "&#9674;"  ><!--U25CA /lozenge - lozenge or total mark -->
<!ENTITY lozf       "&#59403;" ><!--UE80B /blacklozenge - lozenge, filled -->
<!ENTITY lsquor     "&#8218;"  ><!--U201A =rising single quote, left (low) -->
<!ENTITY ltri       "&#9667;"  ><!--U25C3 /triangleleft B: l triangle, open -->
<!ENTITY ltrif      "&#9666;"  ><!--U25C2 /blacktriangleleft R: =l tri, filled -->
<!ENTITY male       "&#9794;"  ><!--U2642 =male symbol -->
<!ENTITY malt       "&#10016;" ><!--U2720 /maltese =maltese cross -->
<!ENTITY marker     "&#9646;"  ><!--U25AE =histogram marker -->
<!ENTITY mdash      "&#8212;"  ><!--U2014 =em dash  -->
<!ENTITY mldr       "&#8230;"  ><!--U2026 em leader -->
<!ENTITY natur      "&#9838;"  ><!--U266E /natural - music natural -->
<!ENTITY ndash      "&#8211;"  ><!--U2013 =en dash -->
<!ENTITY nldr       "&#8229;"  ><!--U2025 =double baseline dot (en leader) -->
<!ENTITY numsp      "&#8199;"  ><!--U2007 =digit space (width of a number) -->
<!ENTITY phone      "&#9742;"  ><!--U260E =telephone symbol  -->
<!ENTITY puncsp     "&#8200;"  ><!--U2008 =punctuation space (width of comma) -->
<!ENTITY rdquor     "&#8221;"  ><!--U201D rising dbl quote, right (high) -->
<!ENTITY rect       "&#9645;"  ><!--U25AD =rectangle, open -->
<!ENTITY rsquor     "&#8217;"  ><!--U2019 rising single quote, right (high) -->
<!ENTITY rtri       "&#9657;"  ><!--U25B9 /triangleright B: r triangle, open -->
<!ENTITY rtrif      "&#9656;"  ><!--U25B8 /blacktriangleright R: =r tri, filled -->
<!ENTITY rx         "&#8478;"  ><!--U211E pharmaceutical prescription (Rx) -->
<!ENTITY sext       "&#10038;" ><!--U2736 sextile (6-pointed star) -->
<!ENTITY sharp      "&#9839;"  ><!--U266F /sharp =musical sharp -->
<!ENTITY spades     "&#9824;"  ><!--U2660 /spadesuit =spades suit symbol  -->
<!ENTITY squ        "&#9633;"  ><!--U25A1 =square, open -->
<!ENTITY squf       "&#9642;"  ><!--U25AA /blacksquare =sq bullet, filled -->
<!ENTITY star       "&#8902;"  ><!--U22C6 =star, open -->
<!ENTITY starf      "&#9733;"  ><!--U2605 /bigstar - star, filled  -->
<!ENTITY target     "&#8982;"  ><!--U2316 register mark or target -->
<!ENTITY telrec     "&#8981;"  ><!--U2315 =telephone recorder symbol -->
<!ENTITY thinsp     "&#8201;"  ><!--U2009 =thin space (1/6-em) -->
<!ENTITY uhblk      "&#9600;"  ><!--U2580 =upper half block -->
<!ENTITY ulcrop     "&#8975;"  ><!--U230F upward left crop mark  -->
<!ENTITY urcrop     "&#8974;"  ><!--U230E upward right crop mark  -->
<!ENTITY utri       "&#9653;"  ><!--U25B5 /triangle =up triangle, open -->
<!ENTITY utrif      "&#9652;"  ><!--U25B4 /blacktriangle =up tri, filled -->
<!ENTITY vellip     "&#8942;"  ><!--U22EE vertical ellipsis -->