Library to complement libxmljs and especially make namespaces easier to deal with.

@dreptin dreptin authored on 25 Jun 2021
docs docs: added a markdown file for the object exported when you require libxmljs-extra 2 years ago
src feat: added default parser options to parsing methods to remove the blanks by default + changed the eslint config 2 years ago
test feat: added default parser options to parsing methods to remove the blanks by default + changed the eslint config 2 years ago
.babelrc chore: switched to babel parser to make eslint support ES6 classes better 2 years ago
.editorconfig Initial commit 3 years ago
.eslintrc.json feat: added default parser options to parsing methods to remove the blanks by default + changed the eslint config 2 years ago
.gitignore Initial commit 3 years ago
LICENSE Initial commit 3 years ago docs: added a disclaimer about the segmentation fault signals in 2 years ago
index.js docs: fixed typo in the Document class description 2 years ago
package-lock.json feat: added default parser options to parsing methods to remove the blanks by default + changed the eslint config 2 years ago
package.json feat: added default parser options to parsing methods to remove the blanks by default + changed the eslint config 2 years ago


Library to complement libxmljs and especially make namespaces easier to deal with.

Basic example

const { Document } = require('libxmljs-extra');

const xml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <root xmlns="">

const xmlDoc = new Document(xml);

// Sets the global namespace of the document
xmlDoc.setNamespace('namespace', '');

const grandchildren = xmlDoc.find('//grandchild');

grandchildren.forEach((grandchild) => console.log(grandchild.text())); // Prints "Hello\nWorld"

console.log(xmlDoc.count('//grandchild')); // Prints "2"


We (the ISTEX team) noticed some critical bugs related to libxmljs. Some of our documents (we were not able to identify them precisely) generate segmentation fault signals. This happens very rarely but we thought it was worth mentioning.


Check the docs directory.