sisyphe-go /

## Sisyphe-GO

Sisyphe is a generic Golang recursive folder analyser terminal application


### Requirements

Tested with Golang 1.17

Works on Linux/OSX/Windows

Mount a corpus folder and :

docker-compose up -d
docker exec sisyphe_go_go_1 -it go run . -n corpusname -c corpuspath -o outputpath

### Install it on local

1. Download the latest Sisyphe-go version
2. Just do : `go build .` 
3. ... that's it.

### Help

`go run . --help` Will output help

### Options

    --help  Output usage
    -c      Configuration folder path
    -n      Corpus name (default "test")
    -o      Output directory where results are written
    -p      Corpus path
    -w      Counting word on pdf

### How it works ?

Just start Sisyphe on a folder with any files in it.

`go run . ~/Documents/customfolder/corpus -n corpusname -o outputpath`

`go run . ~/Documents/customfolder/corpus -n corpusname -c ~/Documents/customfolder/corpusResources -o outputpath`

Sisyphe is now working in background with all your computer thread.
Just take a coffee and wait , it will prevent you when it's done :)

The results of sisyphe are present @ `sisyphe/out/{timestamp}-corpusname/` (errors,info,duration..)


### Modules

There is a list of default modules (focused on xml & pdf).

Those URL NEED to be updated when merge branch will be ok.

-   [FILETYPE]( Will detect mimetype,extension, corrupted files..
-   [PDF]( Will get info from PDF (version, author, meta...)
-   [XML]( Will check if it's wellformed, valid-dtd's, get elements from balises ...
-   [XPATH]( Will generate a complete list of xpaths from submitted folder
-   [OUT]( Will export data to json file & ElasticSearch database