ez-indexation / app / node_modules / is-my-json-valid /
@kieffer kieffer on 7 Mar 2017 4 KB v0.0.0
# is-my-json-valid

A [JSONSchema]( validator that uses code generation
to be extremely fast

npm install is-my-json-valid

It passes the entire JSONSchema v4 test suite except for `remoteRefs` and `maxLength`/`minLength` when using unicode surrogate pairs.

[![build status](](

## Usage

Simply pass a schema to compile it

``` js
var validator = require('is-my-json-valid')

var validate = validator({
  required: true,
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    hello: {
      required: true,
      type: 'string'

console.log('should be valid', validate({hello: 'world'}))
console.log('should not be valid', validate({}))

// get the last list of errors by checking validate.errors
// the following will print [{field: 'data.hello', message: 'is required'}]

You can also pass the schema as a string

``` js
var validate = validator('{"type": ... }')

Optionally you can use the require submodule to load a schema from `__dirname`

``` js
var validator = require('is-my-json-valid/require')
var validate = validator('my-schema.json')

## Custom formats

is-my-json-valid supports the formats specified in JSON schema v4 (such as date-time).
If you want to add your own custom formats pass them as the formats options to the validator

``` js
var validate = validator({
  type: 'string',
  required: true,
  format: 'only-a'
}, {
  formats: {
    'only-a': /^a+$/

console.log(validate('aa')) // true
console.log(validate('ab')) // false

## External schemas

You can pass in external schemas that you reference using the `$ref` attribute as the `schemas` option

``` js
var ext = {
  required: true,
  type: 'string'

var schema = {
  $ref: '#ext' // references another schema called ext

// pass the external schemas as an option
var validate = validator(schema, {schemas: {ext: ext}})

validate('hello') // returns true
validate(42) // return false

## Filtering away additional properties

is-my-json-valid supports filtering away properties not in the schema

``` js
var filter = validator.filter({
  required: true,
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    hello: {type: 'string', required: true}
  additionalProperties: false

var doc = {hello: 'world', notInSchema: true}
console.log(filter(doc)) // {hello: 'world'}

## Verbose mode outputs the value on errors

is-my-json-valid outputs the value causing an error when verbose is set to true

``` js
var validate = validator({
  required: true,
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    hello: {
      required: true,
      type: 'string'
}, {
  verbose: true

validate({hello: 100});
console.log(validate.errors) // {field: 'data.hello', message: 'is the wrong type', value: 100, type: 'string'}

## Greedy mode tries to validate as much as possible

By default is-my-json-valid bails on first validation error but when greedy is
set to true it tries to validate as much as possible:

``` js
var validate = validator({
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    x: {
      type: 'number'
  required: ['x', 'y']
}, {
  greedy: true

validate({x: 'string'});
console.log(validate.errors) // [{field: 'data.y', message: 'is required'},
                             //  {field: 'data.x', message: 'is the wrong type'}]

## Error messages

Here is a list of possible `message` values for errors:

* `is required`
* `is the wrong type`
* `has additional items`
* `must be FORMAT format` (FORMAT is the `format` property from the schema)
* `must be unique`
* `must be an enum value`
* `dependencies not set`
* `has additional properties`
* `referenced schema does not match`
* `negative schema matches`
* `pattern mismatch`
* `no schemas match`
* `no (or more than one) schemas match`
* `has a remainder`
* `has more properties than allowed`
* `has less properties than allowed`
* `has more items than allowed`
* `has less items than allowed`
* `has longer length than allowed`
* `has less length than allowed`
* `is less than minimum`
* `is more than maximum`

## Performance

is-my-json-valid uses code generation to turn your JSON schema into basic javascript code that is easily optimizeable by v8.

At the time of writing, is-my-json-valid is the __fastest validator__ when running

* [json-schema-benchmark](
* [ benchmark](
* [jsck benchmark](
* [themis benchmark](
* [z-schema benchmark](

If you know any other relevant benchmarks open a PR and I'll add them.

## License