dmpopidor / app / views / answers / update.js.erb
@ray.carrick ray.carrick on 1 Mar 2017 820 bytes Optimistic Locking
console.log("Answer update called");

// after saving the answer (and possibly getting a conflict)
// set the message div about the answer.
// On success this will be "" on error it will be the 
// conflicting answer

//$("#answer_notice").html("<%= raw @message  %>");

<%if @message %>
      $("#answer_notice-<>").html(<%= @message %>) %>"); 
<% end %>

<% if @old_answer %>
  $("#answer_notice_<>").html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: '/phases/answer', locals: { question: @question, answer: @old_answer}) %>"); 
<% else %>
<% end %>

// have to update the lock_version on success or failure
// so that the next save can work. If you don't do
// this it will fail forever.

$("#answer_lock_version").val(<%= @lock_version %>);