dmpopidor / test / functional / templates_controller_test.rb
require 'test_helper'

class TemplatesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest

  include Devise::Test::IntegrationHelpers

  setup do

    # Get the first Org Admin

# TODO: The following methods SHOULD replace the old 'admin_' prefixed methods. The routes file already has
#       these defined. We should remove the old routes to the 'admin_' prefixed methods as well. We should just
#       have:
# --------------------------------------------------
#   templates               GET    /templates           templates#index
#                           POST   /templates           templates#create
#   template                GET    /template/[:id]      templates#show
#                           PATCH  /template/[:id]      templates#update
#                           PUT    /template/[:id]      templates#update
#                           DELETE /template/[:id]      templates#destroy
#   edit_template           GET    /template/[:id]/edit templates#edit
#   new_template            GET    /templates/new       templates#new
# CURRENT RESULTS OF `rake routes`
# --------------------------------------------------
#   admin_index_template    GET    /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_index(.:format)          templates#admin_index
#   admin_template_template GET    /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_template(.:format)       templates#admin_template
#   admin_new_template      GET    /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_new(.:format)            templates#admin_new
#   admin_template_history_template GET /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_template_history(.:format) templates#admin_template_history
#   admin_destroy_template  DELETE /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_destroy(.:format)        templates#admin_destroy
#   admin_create_template   POST   /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_create(.:format)         templates#admin_create
#   admin_update_template   PUT    /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_update(.:format)         templates#admin_update

  # GET /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_index (admin_index_template_path) the :id here makes no sense!
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "get the list of admin templates" do
    # Should redirect user to the root path if they are not logged in!
    get admin_index_template_path(

    sign_in @user

    get admin_index_template_path(
    assert_response :success

    assert assigns(:funder_templates)
    assert assigns(:org_templates)

  # GET /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_template (admin_template_template_path)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "get the admin template" do
    # Should redirect user to the root path if they are not logged in!
    get admin_template_template_path(@template)

    sign_in @user

    get admin_template_template_path(@template)
    assert_response :success

    assert assigns(:template)
    assert assigns(:hash)
    assert assigns(:current)

#  TODO: Why are we passing an :id here!? Its a new record but we seem to need the last template's id
  # GET /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_new (admin_new_template_path)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "get the new admin template page" do
    # Should redirect user to the root path if they are not logged in!
    get admin_new_template_path(

    sign_in @user

    get admin_new_template_path(
    assert_response :success

  # GET /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_template_history (admin_template_history_template_path)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "get the admin template history page" do
    # Should redirect user to the root path if they are not logged in!
    get admin_template_history_template_path(@template)

    sign_in @user

    get admin_template_history_template_path(@template)
    assert_response :success

    assert assigns(:template)
    assert assigns(:templates)
    assert assigns(:current)

  # DELETE /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_destroy (admin_destroy_template_path)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "delete the admin template" do
    id =
    # Should redirect user to the root path if they are not logged in!
    delete admin_destroy_template_path(@template)

    sign_in @user

    family = @template.dmptemplate_id
    prior = Template.current(family)


    current = Template.current(family)

    # Try to delete a historical version should fail
    delete admin_destroy_template_path(prior)
    assert_equal _('You cannot delete historical versions of this template.'), flash[:notice]
    assert_response :redirect
    assert_redirected_to admin_index_template_path
    assert_not Template.find(

    # Try to delete the current version should work
    delete admin_destroy_template_path(current)
    assert_response :redirect
    assert_redirected_to admin_index_template_path
    assert_raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do
    assert_equal prior, Template.current(family), "expected the old version to now be the current version"

#  TODO: Why are we passing an :id here!? Its a new record but we seem to need the last template's id
  # POST /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_create (admin_create_template_path)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "create a template" do
    params = {title: 'Testing create route'}

    # Should redirect user to the root path if they are not logged in!
    post admin_create_template_path(, {template: params}

    sign_in @user

    post admin_create_template_path(, {template: params}
    assert flash[:notice].start_with?('Successfully') && flash[:notice].include?('created')
    assert_response :redirect
    assert_redirected_to admin_template_template_url(
    assert assigns(:template)
    assert_equal 'Testing create route', Template.last.title, "expected the record to have been created!"

    # Invalid object
    post admin_create_template_path(, {template: {title: nil, org_id:}}
    assert flash[:notice].starts_with?(_('Could not create your'))
    assert_response :success
    assert assigns(:template)
    assert assigns(:hash)

  # GET /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_update (admin_update_template_path)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "update the admin template" do
    params = {title: 'ABCD'}

    # Should redirect user to the root path if they are not logged in!
    #get admin_template_template_path(@template)            # Click on 'edit'
    #@template = Template.current(@template.dmptemplate_id) # Edit working copy
    put admin_update_template_path(@template), {template: params}

    sign_in @user

    family = @template.dmptemplate_id
    prior = Template.current(family)


    current = Template.current(family)

    # We shouldn't be able to edit a historical version
    put admin_update_template_path(prior), {template: params}
    assert_equal _('You can not edit a historical version of this template.'), flash[:notice]
    assert_response :redirect
    assert_redirected_to admin_template_template_url(prior)
    assert assigns(:template)

    # Make sure we get the right response when editing an unpublished template
    put admin_update_template_path(current), {template: params}
    assert flash[:notice].start_with?('Successfully') && flash[:notice].include?('saved')
    assert_response :success
    assert assigns(:template)
    assert assigns(:hash)
    assert_equal 'ABCD', current.reload.title, "expected the record to have been updated"
    assert current.reload.dirty?

    # Make sure we get the right response when providing an invalid template
    put admin_update_template_path(current), {template: {title: nil}}
    assert flash[:notice].starts_with?(_('Could not update your'))
    assert_response :success
    assert assigns(:template)
    assert assigns(:hash)

  # GET /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_customize (admin_customize_template_path)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "customize a funder template" do
    # Make sure we are redirected if we're not logged in
    get admin_customize_template_path(@template)

    funder_template = Template.create(org: Org.funders.first, title: 'Testing integration')

    # Sign in as the funder so that we cna publish the template
    sign_in User.find_by(org:

    put admin_publish_template_path(funder_template)
    assert_response :redirect
    assert_redirected_to admin_index_template_path(

    # Sign in as the regular user so we can customize the funder template
    sign_in @user

    template =

    get admin_customize_template_path(template)

    customization = Template.where(customization_of: template.dmptemplate_id).last

    assert_response :redirect
    assert_redirected_to admin_template_template_url(Template.last)
    assert assigns(:template)

    assert_equal 0, customization.version
    assert_not customization.published?
    assert_not customization.dirty?

    # Make sure the funder templates data is not modifiable!
    customization.phases.each do |p|
      assert_not p.modifiable
      p.sections.each do |s|
        assert_not s.modifiable
        s.questions.each do |q|
          assert_not q.modifiable

  # GET /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_publish (admin_publish_template_path)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "publish a template" do
    # Should redirect user to the root path if they are not logged in!
    put admin_publish_template_path(@template)

    sign_in @user

    family = @template.dmptemplate_id
    prior = Template.current(family)


    current = Template.current(family)

    # We shouldn't be able to edit a historical version
    put admin_publish_template_path(prior)
    assert_equal _('You can not publish a historical version of this template.'), flash[:notice]
    assert_response :redirect
    assert_redirected_to admin_template_template_url(prior)
    assert assigns(:template)

    # Publish the current template
    put admin_publish_template_path(current)
    assert_equal _('Your template has been published and is now available to users.'), flash[:notice]
    assert_response :redirect
    assert_redirected_to admin_index_template_path(
    current = Template.current(family)

    # Update the description so that the template gets versioned
    get admin_template_template_path(current) # Click on 'edit'
    new_version = Template.current(family)    # Edit working copy
    put admin_update_template_path(new_version), {template: {description: "this is an update"}}

    # Make sure it versioned properly
    new_version = Template.current(family)
    assert_not_equal =, "expected it to create a new version"
    assert_equal (current.version + 1), new_version.version, "expected the version to have incremented"
    assert current.published?, "expected the old version to be published"
    assert_not new_version.published?, "expected the new version to NOT be published"
    assert_not current.dirty?, "expected the old dirty flag to be false"
    assert new_version.dirty?, "expected the new dirty flag to be true"
    assert_equal current.dmptemplate_id, new_version.dmptemplate_id, "expected the old and new versions to share the same dmptemplate_id"

  # GET /org/admin/templates/:id/admin_unpublish (admin_unpublish_template_path)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  test "unpublish a template" do
    # Should redirect user to the root path if they are not logged in!
    put admin_unpublish_template_path(@template)

    sign_in @user

    family = @template.dmptemplate_id
    prior = Template.current(family)


    current = Template.current(family)

    # Publish it so we can unpublish
    put admin_publish_template_path(current)

    put admin_unpublish_template_path(current)
    assert_equal _('Your template is no longer published. Users will not be able to create new DMPs for this template until you re-publish it'), flash[:notice]
    assert_response :redirect
    assert_redirected_to admin_index_template_path(

    # Make sure there are no published versions