dmpopidor / app / views / branded / madmp_fragments / _locking.html.erb
  This partial displays when a question was edit by two or more users. The local variables are: answer, question, readonly, locking
<div class="answer_notice">
    <p><%= _('The following answer cannot be saved') %></p>
    <%# We do not need to re-show example answers in this lock conflict section so leave template nil %>
    <%= render partial: '/madmp_fragments/edit', locals: { 
      template: question.template, 
      question: question, 
      answer: answer, 
      fragment: fragment, 
      research_output: research_output, 
      dmp_id: fragment.dmp_id,
      parent_id: fragment.parent_id,
      readonly: true, locking: true 
    } %>
    <p><%= _('since %{name} saved the answer below while you were editing. Please, combine your changes and then save the answer again.') % { name:} %></p>