dmpopidor / app / views / dmptemplates / admin_addphase.html.erb
<%- model_class = Phase -%>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "admin" %>
<% javascript "admin.js" %>

	<%= @dmptemplate.title %>
	<!-- link button to add new guidance -->
	<div class="move_2_right">
		<%= link_to t("org_admin.templates.view_all_templates"),
		            :class => "btn btn-primary" %>

<div class="div_clear"></div>

<!-- render navigation tabs for the template-->
<%= render :partial => "admin_nav_tabs", locals: {dmptemplate: @dmptemplate, active: "add_plan"} %>

<!-- phase main container -->
<div class="project-tabs-body">
    <div class="accordion" id="sections-accordion">
    	<!--phase details -->
    	<div class="phase_details">
    		<div class="phase_details_body">
    			<!-- add phase details -->
    			<%= form_for :phase, :url => { :action => "admin_createphase"} do |f| %>
						<%= t("org_admin.templates.phase_details_label")%>
					<%= raw t("org_admin.templates.phase_new_text_html")%>
					<div class="div_clear"></div>
					<%= f.hidden_field :dmptemplate_id, :value =>>
					<table class="dmp_details_table phase">
							<td class="first_template"><%= t("org_admin.templates.title_label") %></td>
							<td><%= f.text_field :title, 
									:as => :string,
									:class => "text_field has-tooltip", "data-toggle" => "tooltip", "title" => t("org_admin.templates.phase_title_help_text") %></td>
							<td class="first_template"><%= t("org_admin.templates.phase_order_label") %></td>
							<td><%= f.number_field :number, :in => 1..5, :class => "number_field has-tooltip", "data-toggle" => "tooltip", "title" => t("org_admin.templates.phase_number_help_text") %></td>
							<td class="first_template"><%= t("org_admin.templates.desc_label") %></td>
							<td class="phase_table_last_column">
								<div class="div_left_icon">
									<%= text_area_tag("phase-desc","" , class: "tinymce") %>
								<div class="div_right_icon">
									<%= link_to( image_tag("help_button.png"), "#", :class => "phase_desc_popover", :rel => "popover", "data-html" => "true", "data-content" => t("org_admin.templates.phase_desc_help_text_html"))%>
								<div class="clearfix"></div>
					<div class="div_clear"></div>	
					<!-- submit buttons -->
					<div class="move_2_right">
						<%= f.submit t(""), :class => "btn btn-primary" %>
						<%= link_to t("helpers.submit.cancel"), admin_dmptemplate_path(@dmptemplate), :class => "btn cancel" %>
<%= tinymce :content_css => asset_path("application.css") %>