dmpopidor / app / views / organisation_users / admin_index.html.erb
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "admin" %>

    <%= t('org_admin.users_list') %>

<%= raw t('org_admin.user_text_html')%>
<% @user_roles = current_user.organisation.user_org_roles %>

<% @user_roles = @user_roles.uniq_by {|u| u.user_id } %>
    <table id="dmp_table" class="dmp_table tablesorter">
            <th class="dmp_th_big"><%= t('org_admin.user_full_name') %></th>
            <th class="dmp_th_medium"><%= t('org_admin.user_name') %></th>
            <th class="dmp_th_small"><%= t('org_admin.last_logged_in') %></th>
            <th class="dmp_th_small"><%= t('org_admin.how_many_plans') %></th>
            <% if current_user.organisation.token_permission_types.count > 0 %>
            <th class="dmp_th_small"><%= t('org_admin.api_privleges') %></th>
            <% end %>
      <% form_tag admin_index_organisation_users_path, method: :put do %>
        <% @user_roles.each do |user_id| %>
            <% if !user_id.user.nil? then%>
                <td class="dmp_td_big">
                    <% if ! then%>
                        <%= %>
                    <% end %>
                <td class="dmp_td_medium">
                    <%= %>
                <td class="dmp_td_small">
                    <% if !user_id.user.last_sign_in_at.nil? then%>
                    <%= l user_id.user.last_sign_in_at.to_date, :formats => :short %>
                    <% end %>
                <td class="dmp_td_small">
                    <% if !user_id.user.project_groups.nil? then%>
                    <%= user_id.user.project_groups.count %>
                    <% end %>
                <% if current_user.organisation.token_permission_types.count > 0 %>
                <td class="dmp_td_small">
                <%= check_box_tag "user_ids[]", user_id %>
                    #if the organisation has any api permissions
                    #show tickboxes which allow for users to have api_tokens
                    # if the user has an api_token, the tickbox is shown as ticked
                    # upon hitting save:
                        # any user which previously had an apitoken, but no longer has a check, looses their token
                        # any user which perviously had no apitoken, and now has a check, gains a token, and gets sent an email
                <% end %>
            <% end %>
        <% end %>
      <%= submit_tag "Update API Privleges" %>
      <% end %>