dmpopidor / app / views / plans / export.pdf.erb
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
            <% if @plan.project.dmptemplate.phases.count > 1 then %>
                <%= "#{@plan.project.title} - #{@plan.title}" %>
            <% else %>
                <%= @plan.project.title %>
            <% end %>
            html { font-family: <%= @formatting[:font_face].tr('"', '') -%>; font-size: <%= @formatting[:font_size] -%>pt; }
            h1 { font-size: <%= @formatting[:font_size] + 2 -%>pt; font-face:bold; padding: 0;}
            h2 { font-size: <%= @formatting[:font_size] + 1 -%>pt; font-face:bold; padding: 0; margin: 1em 0 0 0;}
            h3 { font-size: <%= @formatting[:font_size] + 0 -%>pt; font-face:bold; padding: 0; margin: 1em 0 0 0;}
            h2 + div.question > h3 { margin: 0; }
            table, tr, td, th, tbody, thead, tfoot { page-break-inside: avoid !important; }
            table { border-collapse: collapse; }
            th, td { border: 1px solid black !important; padding: 2px; }
            p { margin: 0.25em 0; }
        <h1><%= @plan.title %></h1>
        <% @exported_plan.admin_details.each do |field|
             value = @exported_plan.send(field)
             if value.present?
          <p><strong><%= t("helpers.plan.export.#{field}") -%></strong> <%= value -%></p>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>

        <% @exported_plan.sections.each do |section| %>
            <h2><%= section.title %></h2>
            <% questions = @exported_plan.questions_for_section( %>
            <% questions.each_with_index do |question, idx| %>
                <div class="question">
                    <% unless idx == 0 && question.text == section.title %>
                        <h3><%= question.text %></h3>
                    <% end %>
                    <% answer = @plan.answer(, false) %>
                        <% if answer.nil? then %>
                            <p><%= t('helpers.plan.export.pdf.question_not_answered') -%></p>
                        <% else %>
                            <% q_format = question.question_format%>
                            <!-- display an answer for questions type 'checkbox','radio_buttons', 'multi_select_box' and 'dropdown'-->
                            <% if q_format.title == t("helpers.checkbox") || q_format.title == t("helpers.multi_select_box") ||
                                        q_format.title == t("helpers.radio_buttons") || q_format.title == t("helpers.dropdown") then%>
                                    <% answer.options.each do |option| %>
                                        <li><%= option.text %></li>
                                    <% end %>
                                <!-- Validates if this question has comments-->
                                <% if question.option_comment_display == true then%>
                                    <% if !answer.text.nil? then %>
                                        <%= raw answer.text.gsub(/<tr>(\s|<td>|<\/td>|&nbsp;)*(<\/tr>|<tr>)/,"") %>
                                <!-- display an answer for questions type 'text area' and 'text field'-->
                                <% if !answer.text.nil? then %>
                                    <%= raw answer.text.gsub(/<tr>(\s|<td>|<\/td>|&nbsp;)*(<\/tr>|<tr>)/,"") %>
                            <% end %>
                    <% end %>
            <% end %>
        <% end %>