dmpopidor / app / views / projects / _project_details.html.erb
<!-- Project title = default title is the template title plus date of creation -->
<div class="dmp_details_body">
	<div class="view-project <%= if @show_form && @project.administerable_by( then "project-hide" end %>">
		<div class="div_left">
				<%= t('helpers.project.project_details_text_html')%>

		<!-- edit project button -->
		<div class="div_right">
			<% if @project.administerable_by( then %>
				<a href='#' class='btn btn-primary show-edit-toggle'><%= t("helpers.project.edit") %></a>
			<% end %>
		<!-- display project details -->
		<div class="dmp_details">
			<table class="dmp_details_table">
					<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.project_name') %></td>
					<td><%= @project.title %></td>
					<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.project_identifier') %></td>
						<% if !@project.identifier.nil? && @project.identifier != "" then %>
							<%= @project.identifier %>
					<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.grant_title') %></td>
						<% if !@project.grant_number.nil? && @project.grant_number!= "" then %>
							<%= @project.grant_number %>
					<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.principal_investigator') %></td>
					<td><% if !@project.principal_investigator.nil? && @project.principal_investigator != "" then %>
							<%= @project.principal_investigator %>
				<% if !@project.principal_investigator_identifier.nil? && @project.principal_investigator_identifier != "" then %>
						<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.principal_investigator_id') %></td>
							<%= @project.principal_investigator_identifier %>
					<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.project_data_contact') %></td>
					<td><% if !@project.data_contact.nil? && @project.data_contact != "" then%>
							<%= @project.data_contact %>
					<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.desc') %></td>
					<td><% if !@project.description.nil? && @project.description != "" then%>
							<%= @project.description %>
	<% if @project.administerable_by( then %>
		<div class="edit-project <%= unless @show_form then "project-hide" end %>">
			<!-- edit project button -->
			<div class="div_left">
					<%= raw t('helpers.project.project_details_editing_text_html')%>
			<div class="div_right">
				<a href='#' class='btn btn-primary show-edit-toggle'><%= t("helpers.links.cancel") %></a>
			<div class="div_clear"> </div>
			<%= semantic_form_for @project, :url => {:controller => :projects, :action => :update }, :html=>{:method=>:put} do |f| %>
			<%= f.inputs do %>
				<div class="dmp_details">

					<!-- If not first time login in or editing project details -->
					<table class="dmp_details_table">
							<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.project_name') %></td>
								<%= f.text_field :title, :class => 'text_field has-tooltip', 'data-toggle' => "tooltip", 'title' => t('helpers.project.project_name_help_text') %>
							<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.project_identifier') %></td>
								<%= f.text_field :identifier, :class => 'text_field has-tooltip', 'data-toggle' => "tooltip", 'title' => t('helpers.project.project_identifier_help_text') %>
							<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.grant_title') %></td>
								<%= f.text_field :grant_number, :class => 'text_field has-tooltip', 'data-toggle' => "tooltip", 'title' => t('helpers.project.grant_help_text') %>
							<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.principal_investigator') %></td>
								<%= f.text_field :principal_investigator, :class => 'text_field has-tooltip', 'data-toggle' => "tooltip", 'title' => t('helpers.project.principal_investigator_help_text') %>
							<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.principal_investigator_id') %></td>
								<%= f.text_field :principal_investigator_identifier, :class => 'text_field has-tooltip', 'data-toggle' => "tooltip", 'title' => t('helpers.project.principal_investigator_id_help_text') %>
							<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.project.project_data_contact') %></td>
								<%= f.text_field :data_contact, :class => 'text_field has-tooltip', 'data-toggle' => "tooltip", 'title' => t('helpers.project.project_data_contact_help_text') %>
							<td class="first"><%= t('helpers.desc') %></td>
								<%= f.text_area :description, { :rows => 7, :class => 'text_area has-tooltip', 'data-toggle' => "tooltip", 'data-html' => "true", 'title'=> t('helpers.project.project_desc_help_text_html')} %>
				<% end %>
				<!-- submit buttons -->
				<%= f.actions do %>
					<div class="move_2_right">
						<%= f.submit t(""), :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>
						<a href='#' class='btn btn-primary show-edit-toggle'><%= t("helpers.links.cancel") %></a>
	<% end %>
	<h3><%= t('helpers.project.project_static_info')%></h3>
	<table class="dmp_details_table">
		<!-- get the funder name if there is one -->
		<%if == constant("organisation_types.funder")%>
				<td class="first"><%= constant("organisation_types.funder") %></td>
				<td><%= %></td>
		<%if !@project.organisation_id.nil?	%>
				<td class="first"><%= constant("organisation_types.institution") %></td>
				<td><%= %></td>

	<!-- If project has plans-->
	<% if @project.plans.any? %>
		<% if @project.plans.count == 1 then %>
			<% @project.plans.each do |plan| %>

				<div class="move_2_right">
					<%= link_to t('helpers.answer_questions'), [:edit, @project, plan], :class => 'btn btn-primary'  %>
					<a href="#<%= %>-export-dialog" data-toggle="modal" class='btn btn-primary'><%= t('helpers.export') %></a>
				<%= render :partial => "plans/export", locals: {plan: plan} %>
				<div class="div_clear"></div>
				<p><%= raw plan.version.phase.description %></p>
				<% if !plan.sections.nil? %>
					<table class="dmp_table">
						      	<th class="dmp_th_medium"><%= t('helpers.sections_label')%></th>
						      	<th class="dmp_th_big"><%= t('helpers.questions_label')%></th>
	   						<% plan.sections.each do |section| %>
								<tr >
									<th class="dmp_th_border" >
										<p><%= section.title %></p>
	        						<td class="dmp_td_border" >
										<% if section.questions.any? %>
											<% questions = section.questions.sort_by(&:number) %>
											<ul class="question_ul">
												<% questions.each do |ques|%>
														- <%= ques.text %>
			<div class="project_description">
				<%= raw @project.dmptemplate.description %>
			<% @project.plans.each do |plan| %>
				<div class="accordion" id="project-accordion">
					<div class="accordion-group">
						<div class="accordion-heading">
							<a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#project-accordion" href="#<%= %>">
								<h3><%= plan.version.phase.title %><span class="plus-laranja"> </span>
						<div id="<%= %>" class="accordion-project collapse">
							<div class="accordion-inner">
								<div class="div_right">
									<%= link_to t('helpers.answer_questions'), [:edit, @project, plan], :class => 'btn btn-primary'  %>
									<a href="#<%= %>-export-dialog" data-toggle="modal" class='btn btn-primary'><%= t('helpers.export') %></a>
								<%= render :partial => "plans/export", locals: {plan: plan} %>
								<div class="div_clear"></div>
									<p><%= raw plan.version.phase.description %>

								<% if !plan.sections.nil? %>
									<table class="dmp_table">
										      	<th class="dmp_th_medium"><%= t('helpers.sections_label')%></th>
										      	<th class="dmp_th_big"><%= t('helpers.questions_label')%></th>
					   						<% plan.sections.each do |section| %>
												<tr >
													<th class="dmp_th_border" >
														<p><%= section.title %></p>
					        						<td class="dmp_td_border" >
														<% if section.questions.any? %>
															<% questions = section.questions.sort_by(&:number) %>
															<ul class="question_ul">
																<% questions.each do |ques|%>
																		- <%= ques.text %>