dmpopidor / config / initializers / formtastic.rb
# encoding: utf-8

# Set the default text field size when input is a string. Default is nil.
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.default_text_field_size = 50

# Set the default text area height when input is a text. Default is 20.
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.default_text_area_height = 5

# Set the default text area width when input is a text. Default is nil.
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.default_text_area_width = 50

# Should all fields be considered "required" by default?
# Defaults to true.
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.all_fields_required_by_default = true

# Should select fields have a blank option/prompt by default?
# Defaults to true.
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.include_blank_for_select_by_default = true

# Set the string that will be appended to the labels/fieldsets which are required
# It accepts string or procs and the default is a localized version of
# '<abbr title="required">*</abbr>'. In other words, if you configure formtastic.required
# in your locale, it will replace the abbr title properly. But if you don't want to use
# abbr tag, you can simply give a string as below
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.required_string = "(required)"

# Set the string that will be appended to the labels/fieldsets which are optional
# Defaults to an empty string ("") and also accepts procs (see required_string above)
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.optional_string = "(optional)"

# Set the way inline errors will be displayed.
# Defaults to :sentence, valid options are :sentence, :list, :first and :none
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.inline_errors = :sentence
# Formtastic uses the following classes as default for hints, inline_errors and error list

# If you override the class here, please ensure to override it in your stylesheets as well
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.default_hint_class = "inline-hints"
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.default_inline_error_class = "inline-errors"
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.default_error_list_class = "errors"

# Set the method to call on label text to transform or format it for human-friendly
# reading when formtastic is used without object. Defaults to :humanize.
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.label_str_method = :humanize

# Set the array of methods to try calling on parent objects in :select and :radio inputs
# for the text inside each @<option>@ tag or alongside each radio @<input>@. The first method
# that is found on the object will be used.
# Defaults to ["to_label", "display_name", "full_name", "name", "title", "username", "login", "value", "to_s"]
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.collection_label_methods = [
#   "to_label", "display_name", "full_name", "name", "title", "username", "login", "value", "to_s"]

# Specifies if labels/hints for input fields automatically be looked up using I18n.
# Default value: true. Overridden for specific fields by setting value to true,
# i.e. :label => true, or :hint => true (or opposite depending on initialized value)
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.i18n_lookups_by_default = false

# Specifies if I18n lookups of the default I18n Localizer should be cached to improve performance.
# Defaults to true.
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.i18n_cache_lookups = false

# Specifies the class to use for localization lookups. You can create your own
# class and use it instead by subclassing Formtastic::Localizer (which is the default).
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.i18n_localizer = MyOwnLocalizer

# You can add custom inputs or override parts of Formtastic by subclassing Formtastic::FormBuilder and
# specifying that class here.  Defaults to Formtastic::FormBuilder.
# Formtastic::Helpers::FormHelper.builder = MyCustomBuilder

# You can opt-in to Formtastic's use of the HTML5 `required` attribute on `<input>`, `<select>` 
# and `<textarea>` tags by setting this to false (defaults to true).
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.use_required_attribute = true

# You can opt-in to new HTML5 browser validations (for things like email and url inputs) by setting
# this to false. Doing so will add a `novalidate` attribute to the `<form>` tag.
# See for more info.
# Formtastic::FormBuilder.perform_browser_validations = true

Formtastic::FormBuilder.action_class_finder = Formtastic::ActionClassFinder
Formtastic::FormBuilder.input_class_finder = Formtastic::InputClassFinder