dmpopidor / test / unit / plan_test.rb
require 'test_helper'

class PlanTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

  setup do
    @org = Org.first
    @template = Template.first

    @creator = User.last
    @administrator = User.create!(email: '', password: 'password123')
    @editor = User.create!(email: '', password: 'password123')
    @reader = User.create!(email: '', password: 'password123')

    @plan = Plan.create(title: 'Test Plan', template: @template, grant_number: 'Plan12345',
                        identifier: '000912', description: 'This is a test plan',
                        principal_investigator: 'John Doe', principal_investigator_identifier: 'ABC',
                        data_contact: '', visibility: :privately_visible)


  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "required fields are required" do
    # TODO: uncomment the validation on Plan and then retest this. The validations appear to be breaking the
    #       current plan save process in the controller, so determine why and fix.
    assert_not 'Testing').valid?, "expected the template field to be required"

    # Make sure that the Settings gem is defaulting the title for us
    assert @template).valid?, "expected the title field to have been set by default by the Settings gem"

    # Ensure the bare minimum and complete versions are valid
    a = 'Testing', template: @template)
    assert a.valid?, "expected the 'title', 'template' and at least one 'user' fields to be enough to create an Plan! - #{{|f, m| f.to_s + ' ' + m}.join(', ')}"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "dmptemplate returns the template" do
    assert_equal @plan.template, @plan.dmptemplate

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "correctly creates a new answer" do
    q = @template.phases.first.sections.last.questions.last
    q.answers = []!

    answer = @plan.answer(
    assert_equal nil,, "expected a new Answer"
    assert_equal q.default_value, answer.text, "expected the new Answer to use the Default Answer for the Question"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "correctly retrieves the answer for the question" do
    q = @template.phases.first.sections.last.questions.last
    answer = @plan.answer(
    answer.text = "testing"!

    answr = @plan.answer(
    assert_not, "expected the latest Answer"
    assert_equal "testing", answr.text, "expected the Answer returned to have the correct text"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "retrieves the selected guidance groups" do
    # Create a new theme and attach it to our template's question and a guidance group
    t = Theme.create!(title: 'Test A')
    q = @template.phases.first.sections.first.questions.first
    g = GuidanceGroup.first.guidances.first
    g.themes << t
    q.themes << t

    # Create a new guidance group and guidance that is attached to a theme but NOT used by our template
    t = Theme.create!(title: 'Test B')
    gg = GuidanceGroup.create!(name: 'Tester', org:
    g = Guidance.create!(text: 'Testing guidance', guidance_group: gg, themes: [t])

    pggs = @plan.get_guidance_group_options
    assert pggs.include?(GuidanceGroup.first)
    assert_not pggs.include?(gg)

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "retrieves the selected guidance for a specific question" do
    q = @template.phases.first.sections.first.questions.first

    ['By Template', 'By Org', 'Selected'].each do |txt|
      t = Theme.create!(title: "Theme test for - #{txt}")
      gg = GuidanceGroup.create!(name: "GuidanceGroup test for - #{txt}", org:
      g = Guidance.create!(text: "Guidance test for - #{txt}", guidance_group: gg, themes: [t])
      q = @template.phases.first.sections.first.questions.first
      q.themes << t
    end << GuidanceGroup.find_by(name: "GuidanceGroup test for - By Template") << GuidanceGroup.find_by(name: "GuidanceGroup test for - By Org")
    @plan.guidance_groups << GuidanceGroup.find_by(name: "GuidanceGroup test for - Selected")

    gs = @plan.guidance_for_question(q)

    # Template org's themed guidance
    hash ={|h| h[:guidance] == Guidance.find_by(text: "Guidance test for - By Template")}.first
    assert_not hash.nil?, "expected to find the guidance by template"
    assert hash[:theme].include?("Theme test for - By Template"), "expected to find the theme by template"

    # User org's themed guidance
    hash ={|h| h[:guidance] == Guidance.find_by(text: "Guidance test for - By Org")}.first
    assert_not hash.nil?, "expected to find the guidance by org"
    assert hash[:theme].include?("Theme test for - By Org"), "expected to find the theme by org"

    # Selected guidance group's guidance
    hash ={|h| h[:guidance] == Guidance.find_by(text: "Guidance test for - Selected")}.first
    assert_not hash.nil?, "expected to find the guidance by selected"
    assert hash[:theme].include?("Theme test for - Selected"), "expected to find the theme by selected"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "adds the guidance to a guidance array" do
    # TODO: Skipping because the add_guidance_to_array method doesn't seem to be called from  anywhere

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "checks whether the specified user can edit the plan" do

    # TODO: It seems like editable_by? should return true if the user is the creator or we've called assign_editor
    #       or assign_administrator. seems to be an issue with the assign_user private method on the Plan model
    #assert @plan.editable_by?(@creator), "expected the creator to NOT be able to edit the plan"
    #assert @plan.editable_by?(@editor), "expected the editor to be able to edit the plan"
    #assert @plan.editable_by?(@administrator), "expected the administrator to NOT be able to edit the plan"

    assert_not @plan.editable_by?(@reader), "expected the reader to NOT be able to edit the plan"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "checks whether the specified user can read the plan" do

    # TODO: It seems like readable_by? should return true if the user is the creator or we've called assign_editor
    #       or assign_administrator or assign_reader. seems to be an issue with the assign_user method on Plan
    #assert @plan.readable_by?(@creator), "expected the creator to NOT be able to read the plan"
    #assert @plan.readable_by?(@editor), "expected the editor to be able to read the plan"
    #assert @plan.readable_by?(@administrator), "expected the administrator to be able to read the plan"
    #assert @plan.readable_by?(@reader), "expected the reader to be able to read the plan"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "checks whether the specified user can administer the plan" do

    # TODO: It seems like creator should be able to administer their own plan or we have called assign_administrator
    #       seems to be an issue with the assign_user private method on the Plan model
    #assert @plan.administerable_by?(@creator), "expected the creator to NOT be able to administer the plan"
    #assert @plan.administerable_by?(@administrator), "expected the administrator to be able to administer the plan"

    assert_not @plan.administerable_by?(@editor), "expected the editor to NOT be able to administer the plan"
    assert_not @plan.administerable_by?(@reader), "expected the reader to NOT be able to administer the plan"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "checks that status returns the correct information" do
    q = 0{|s| q += s.questions.count }
    hash = @plan.status

    # Expecting the hash to look something like this:
    # -----------------------------------------------
    # "num_answers"=>0,
    # "sections"=>{
    #   1=>{"questions"=>[1, 2], "num_questions"=>2, "num_answers"=>0},
    #   2=>{"questions"=>[3], "num_questions"=>1, "num_answers"=>0}},
    # "questions"=>{
    #   1=>{"answer_id"=>nil, "answer_created_at"=>nil, "answer_text"=>nil,
    #       "answer_option_ids"=>nil, "answered_by"=>nil},
    #   2=>{"answer_id"=>nil, "answer_created_at"=>nil, "answer_text"=>nil,
    #       "answer_option_ids"=>nil, "answered_by"=>nil},
    #   3=>{"answer_id"=>nil, "answer_created_at"=>nil, "answer_text"=>nil,
    #       "answer_option_ids"=>nil, "answered_by"=>nil}},
    # "space_used"=>30}

    assert_equal q, hash["num_questions"], "expected the number of questions to match"

    @template.phases.first.sections.each do |s|
      assert_not hash["sections"][].nil?, "expected section #{} to be in sections portion"
      s.questions.each do |q|
        assert hash["sections"][]["questions"].include?(, "expected section #{}, question #{} to be in section portion"

        assert_not hash["questions"][].nil?, "expected question #{} to appear in the questions portion"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "checks that user is a properly assigned as a creator" do
    usr = User.first

    # TODO: It seems like the creator should be allowed to administer, red and edit their plan
    #assert @plan.administerable_by?(usr), "expected the creator to be able to administer"
    #assert @plan.editable_by?(usr), "expected the creator to be able to edit"
    #assert @plan.readable_by?(usr), "expected the creator to be able to read"
    assert @plan.owned_by?(usr), "expected the creator to be able to own a plan"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "checks that user is a properly assigned as a editor" do
    usr = User.first

    assert_not @plan.administerable_by?(usr), "expected the editor to NOT be able to administer"

    # TODO: It seems like an editor should be able to read and edit
    #assert @plan.editable_by?(usr), "expected the editor to be able to edit"
    #assert @plan.readable_by?(usr), "expected the editor to be able to read"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "checks that user is a properly assigned as a reader" do
    usr = User.first

    assert_not @plan.administerable_by?(usr), "expected the reader to NOT be able to administer"
    assert_not @plan.editable_by?(usr), "expected the reader to NOT be able to edit"

    # TODO: It seems like readable_by? should return true if we've called assign_reader
    #       seems to be an issue with the assign_user private method on the Plan model
    #assert @plan.readable_by?(usr), "expected the reader to be able to read"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "checks that user is a properly assigned as a adminstrator" do
    usr = User.first

    # TODO: It seems like assigning someone as an administrator should give them permission to also read and edit
    #assert @plan.administerable_by?(usr), "expected the adminstrator to be able to administer"
    #assert @plan.editable_by?(usr), "expected the adminstrator to be able to edit"
    #assert @plan.readable_by?(usr), "expected the adminstrator to be able to read"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "name returns the title" do
    assert_equal @plan.title,

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "owner returns the creator" do

    # TODO: Investigate whether or not this should pass. It seems logical that the creator should be the owner by
    #       default but perhaps there is a use-case for someone creating plans for another user
    #assert_equal @creator, @plan.owner, "expected the owner to match the creator"

    plan = Plan.create!(template: Template.last, title: 'Testing no creator', visibility: :is_test)
    assert plan.owner.nil?, "expected a new plan with no creator assigned to return nil"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "checks that last edited matches the latest_update" do
    now =
    @template.phases.last.updated_at = now
    assert_equal now.to_date, @plan.last_edited

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "can CRUD Plan" do
    obj = Plan.create(title: 'Testing CRUD', template: Template.where.not(id:, visibility: :is_test,
                      roles: [ User.last, creator: true)], description: "should change")
    assert_not, "was expecting to be able to create a new Plan! - #{{|f, m| f.to_s + ' ' + m}.join(', ')}"

    obj.description = 'changed'!
    assert_equal 'changed', obj.description, "Was expecting to be able to update the title of the Plan!"

    assert obj.destroy!, "Was unable to delete the Plan!"

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "can manage has_many relationship with Answers" do
    a = User.last, plan: @plan, question: @plan.questions.first, text: 'Test!')
    verify_has_many_relationship(@plan, a, @plan.answers.count)

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "can manage has_many relationship with Role" do
    role = User.first, editor: true)
    verify_has_many_relationship(@plan, role, @plan.roles.count)

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "can manage has_many relationship with ExportedPlan" do
    ep = ExportedPlan.create(format: ExportedPlan::VALID_FORMATS.last)
    verify_has_many_relationship(@plan, ep, @plan.exported_plans.count)

  # ---------------------------------------------------
  test "can manage belongs_to relationship with Template" do
    plan = 'Tester', visibility: :is_test)
    verify_belongs_to_relationship(plan, Template.first)
