dmpopidor / app / views / org_admin / templates / _show.html.erb
@briley briley on 23 May 2018 2 KB Template Versioning
<!-- show template details A template is passed as an argument-->
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
  <dt><%= _('Title') %></dt>
  <dd><%= template.title %></dd>
  <dt><%= _('Description') %></dt>
    <%= (!template.description.nil? && template.description != "" ? raw(template.description) : '-') %>
  <dt><%= _('Status') %></dt>
    <% if template.upgrade_customization? %>
      <%= _('Original funder template has changed!') %>
    <% else %>
      <% if template.published? %>
        <%= template.customization_of.present? ? _('Customizations are published') : _('Published') %>
      <% elsif template.draft? %>
        <% tooltip = _('You have unpublished changes! Select "Publish changes" in the Actions menu when you are ready to make them available to users.') %> 
        <%= template.customization_of.present? ? _('Customizations are published') :_('Published')%>
        <em class="sr-only"><%= tooltip %></em>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o red" aria-hidden="true" data-toggle="tooltip" title="<%= tooltip %>"></i>
      <% else %>
        <%= template.customization_of.present? ? _('Customizations are unpublished') :_('Unpublished') %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% if && ! %>
    <!-- If the Org is a funder and another org type then allow then to set the visibility -->
    <dt><%= _('Visibility') %></dt>
      <% if template.visibility == 'organisationally_visible' %> 
        <%= _('for internal %{org_name} use only') % {org_name:} %>
      <% else %>
        <%=  _('available to the public') + (template.published? ? '' : ' (once published)') %>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>
  <dt><%= _('Created at') %></dt>
  <dd><%= l template.created_at.to_date, formats: :short %></dd>
  <dt><%= _('Last updated') %></dt>
  <dd><%= l template.updated_at.to_date, formats: :short %></dd>

<%# passing phases separately here because we're only pulling down the necessary attributes %>
<%= render partial: 'org_admin/phases/overview', locals: { template: template, phases: phases, modifiable: modifiable } %>