dmpopidor / app / views / paginable / templates / _organisational.html.erb
@briley briley on 23 May 2018 3 KB Template Versioning
<% # locals: templates %>
<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table table-hover table-bordered">
        <th><%= _('Template Name') %>&nbsp;<%= paginable_sort_link('templates.title') %></th>
        <% if action == 'organisational' %>
          <th><%= _('Description') %>&nbsp;<%= paginable_sort_link('templates.description') %></th>
        <% else %>
          <th><%= (action == 'customizable' ? _('Funder') : _('Organisation')) %>&nbsp;<%= paginable_sort_link('') %></th>
        <% end %>
        <th><%= _('Status') %></th>
        <th><%= _('Edited Date') %>&nbsp;<%= paginable_sort_link('templates.updated_at') %></th>
        <% if action != 'index' %>
        <% end %>
    <% scope.each do |template| %>
          <%= template.title %>
            <%= action == 'organisational' ? raw(template.description) : %>
            <%# Leaving this line here as a placeholder for determining how to notify user of changes now that dirty flag is removed %>
            <%# if template.dirty? %>
              <%# _('Unpublished changes') %>

            <% if template.published? %>
              <%= _('Published') %>
            <% elsif template.draft? %>
              <% tooltip = _('You have unpublished changes! Select "Publish changes" in the Actions menu when you are ready to make them available to users.') %>
              <%= _('Published') %> <em class="sr-only"><%= tooltip %></em>
              &nbsp;&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o red" aria-hidden="true" data-toggle="tooltip" title="<%= tooltip %>"></i>
            <% else %>
              <%= _('Unpublished') %>
            <% end %>
            <% last_temp_updated = template.updated_at %>
            <%= l last_temp_updated.to_date, formats: :short %>
          <% if action != 'index' %>
              <div class="dropdown">
                <button class="btn btn-link dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true">
                  <%= _('Actions') %><span class="caret"></span>
                <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                  <li><%= link_to _('Edit'), edit_org_admin_template_path( %></li>
                  <li><%= link_to _('History'), history_org_admin_template_path( %></li>
                  <% if template.draft? || template.published? %>
                    <li><%= link_to _('Unpublish'), unpublish_org_admin_template_path(, 'data-method': 'patch' %></li>
                  <% end %>
                  <% if template.draft? %>
                    <li><%= link_to _('Publish changes'), publish_org_admin_template_path(template), 'data-method': 'patch' %></li>
                  <% elsif !template.published? %>
                    <li><%= link_to _('Publish'), publish_org_admin_template_path(, 'data-method': 'patch' %></li>
                  <% end %>
                  <li><%= link_to _('Copy'), copy_org_admin_template_path(, 'data-method': 'post' %></li>
                  <% if template.removable? %>
                      <%= link_to _('Remove'), org_admin_template_path(id:, 
                                  'data-method': 'delete', rel: 'nofollow',
                                  'data-confirm': _('Are you sure you want to remove "%{template_title}"? Any published versions will become unavailable to users.') % { template_title: template.title} %>
                  <% end %>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>