dmpopidor / app / views / user_mailer / _email_signature.html.erb
@briley briley on 22 Nov 2017 1014 bytes Org Admin provide feedback
  tool_name = Rails.configuration.branding[:application][:name]
  helpdesk_email = Rails.configuration.branding[:organisation][:helpdesk_email]
  email_subject = email_subject || _('Query or feedback related to %{tool_name}') %{ :tool_name => tool_name }

  # Override the default Rails route helper for the contact_us page IF an alternate contact_us url was defined
  # in the branding config file
  contact_us = Rails.application.config.branding[:organisation][:contact_us_url] || contact_us_url
  <%= _('All the best') %>
  <br />
  <%= _('The %{tool_name} team') %{:tool_name => tool_name} %>
  <%= _('You may change your notification preferences on your profile page.') %>&nbsp;<%= _('Please do not reply to this email.') %>&nbsp;<%= raw(_('If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at %{helpdesk_email} or visit %{contact_us}') %{ :helpdesk_email => mail_to(helpdesk_email, helpdesk_email, subject: email_subject), :contact_us => link_to(contact_us, contact_us) }) %>