dmpopidor / app / views / user_mailer / plan_visibility.html.erb
@briley briley on 22 Nov 2017 988 bytes Org Admin provide feedback
  tool_name = Rails.configuration.branding[:application][:name]
  username =
  plan_title = @plan.title
  plan_visibility = Plan.visibility_message(@plan.visibility.to_sym)
<% FastGettext.with_locale FastGettext.default_locale do %>
    <%= _('Hello %{username}') %{ :username => username } %>
    <%= _('The plan %{plan_title} had its visibility changed to %{plan_visibility}.') %{ :plan_title => plan_title, :plan_visibility => plan_visibility } %>
    <%= _('Visibility definitions:') %>
      <li><%= _('Private: restricted to me and my collaborators') %></li>
      <li><%= _('Organisation: anyone at my organisation can view') %></li>
      <li><%= _('Public: anyone can view on the web') %></li>
    <%= _('If you have questions pertaining to this action, please visit the My Dashboard page in %{tool_name}' %{ :tool_name => tool_name }) %>
  <%= render partial: 'email_signature' %>
<% end %>